


  • The respective scales of Japanese Orthopedics Association ( JOA ) and sciatica View analog scales ( VAS ) before and at final follow-up were recorded and compared .

    分别记录术前和最后随访时的日本骨科学会评分(JOA评分及下肢根性痛的视觉模拟评分( VAS),并比较;

  • Objective : To investigate the clinical characteristics diagnosis and therapeutic strategies of congenital absence of the vas deferens ( CAVD ) .

    目的:探讨先天性 输精管缺如(CAVD)的临床特点,提高其诊断和治疗水平。

  • Please excuse me for arriving late-the bus vas delayed .

    请原谅我来晚了&公共汽车 耽搁了。

  • Results Minor operation had lower VAS score ;

    结果术后24h时小手术的 VAS评分低;

  • Results : With the decrease of income rates of problems in any dimension of EQ5D five dimensions increased whereas the VAS scores decreased .

    结果:五维度任一维度存在问题的比例随着收入的降低而增高,而 VAS评分也随之降低。

  • A morphological study on the musculature and innervation of the vas deferens in rat and man

    人和大鼠 输精管平滑肌和神经的形态学研究

  • Researchers in China are also having success with a new vas deferens device though theirs is not being billed as reversible .

    中国的研究人员也正在成功研制一种新的 输精管装置,目前还没有可逆性的有关报道。

  • These are often described vas a crawling sensation .

    这类 瘙痒常被描述为 爬感。

  • Effect of Gossypol on the Contraction of Vas Deferens and the Free Amino Acid Content in Fluid of Seminal Vesicle in Rats

    棉酚对大鼠 输精管收缩及精囊液中游离氨基酸含量的影响

  • Foster the Realization of Value-added Service Based on Middleware Technology

    基于中间件技术的 VAS业务快速实现

  • No difference with regard to the inpatient stay complication reoperation rate postoperative VAS of leg pain and JOA score were noted .

    在住院时间、并发症发生率、二次手术率、术后腿痛 VAS评分及术后JOA评分,两者差异无统计学意义。

  • Methods A randomized single blind placebo controlled study in 38 patients . Visual analogue scale ( VAS ) was assessed during the insert . Blindness : Inability to see with one or Both eyes .

    方法对38位病人随机,单盲比较了利多卡因乳膏与对照剂的直观横拟量表( VAS)值。盲:单眼或双眼无视觉。

  • Woven into the fabric of each myth are the keys of the creational process . These myths would be regarded Vas the Great Mysteries of the Creation of Humanity .

    进入每一个神话的振动是创造过程的钥匙。这些神话据 认为是人类创造的伟大神秘事物。

  • There were no statistically significant differences in the frequency of PCA demands and delivered boluses or among perioperative VAS scores .

    结果显示,在PCA需要次数、PCA给药量及围术期 VAS评分方面没有显著的统计学差异。

  • The degree of joint pain was judged by a visual analogue scale ( VAS ) and were divided into mild moderate and severe pain group according to their VAS score .

    利用 VAS进行疼痛程度的判定,将疼痛分为轻、中、重度疼痛3组,评价双板区信号强度与疼痛及疼痛程度的关系。

  • Of the general cause of the campaign little was said partly because nothing certain was known partly because there was a vague feeling that the war vas not going well .

    人们都很少谈论战事的 进程,部分地因为不熟悉确实的情况,部分地因为人们模糊地意识到,整个 战事进展得 不利

  • The individual changes in pain on a visual analog scale assessed before treatment and at follow-up and patient satisfaction were the measures of outcome .

    病人治疗前后疼痛的改变给与 vas评分,病人的满意作为结果的量度标准。

  • Visual analogy score ( VAS ) and the sleep quality were used for the evaluation of pain releasing .

    使用疼痛缓解视觉模拟评分法( VAS)和睡眠质量评估疼痛缓解程度。

  • After the treatment appraised the patient clinical curative effect and treats the before and after ache situation to the patient knee joint to carry on the VAS appraisal .

    于治疗后评估患者临床疗效,并对患者膝关节治疗前、后疼痛情况进行 VAS评估。

  • Monitored hemodynamics and anesthesia complication and made postoperative VAS pain score and OAAS consciousness score .

    监测血流动力学、麻醉并发症,进行术后 VAS疼痛评分及OAAS意识评分。

  • Design and implementation of OVAL-compatible VAS on multi-platform

    兼容OVAL的多平台 VAS设计与实现

  • Tufts are the simplest and most often used . Silk carpets made of high quality natural silk are produced in a complicated traditional work . A lot of pre-work was involved before weaving . Surgical ligation of the vas deferens as a means of sterilization .

    真丝地毯用天然丝线为原料,以传统的复杂的 打结方法编织而成,在编织前需要大量的准备工作。

  • The news about the IVD comes on the heels of the announcement that RISUG a vas deferens-based male contraceptive developed in India will resume trials in men .

    关于IVD的新闻首先出自于可逆抑精剂(RISUG)的发表,RISUG是在印度开发出来的一种 输精管男性避孕药,将在男性身上继续做临床试验。

  • Many vas do fractional work specialist tasks for different clients each of which takes a few hours a day or week .

    许多 虚拟 助理做的都是“计件式工作”,即,为不同客户提供的一些专业服务,每项服务每天或每周耗时几个小时。

  • The sly Turkish fox vas going to show his bushy tail Luca thought .

    路加心里想:看来这只 狡狯的土耳其狐狸快要露出毛茸茸的尾巴了。

  • The VAS was knocked down to Smith for $ 25 .


  • The pain was assessed with visual analogue scale ( VAS ) .

    对疼痛采用目测类比评分法( VAS)评定。

  • Surgical removal of all or part of the vas deferens usually as a means of sterilization . Conclusion This method is quite effective for infertility due to tubal obstruction .


  • Results : Comparison of the two groups'pain VAS assessment before treatment and after the differences were statistically significant ( P0.01 );

    结果:两组治疗前后自身疼痛 VAS评分比较,差异有统计学意义(均P〈0.01);

  • Determination of semen biochemical indicators in infertile males with congenital bilateral absence of vas deferens Changes and significance of reproductive hormones in serum and biochemistry index in seminal plasma in patients with azoospermia
