variance analysis

[ˈvɛriəns əˈnælɪsɪs][ˈveəri:əns əˈnæləsis]


  • And the five group of the sausages were carried out to general sensory evaluation and variance analysis .

    并对这五组香肠进行感官综合评价和 方差 分析

  • Application of Variance Analysis in Quality Control of Filter Rod

    方差 分析 在卷烟滤棒质量控制中的应用

  • The geographical variance analysis of seed quality of Pistacia chinensis Bunge from different provenances

    不同种源黄连木种子品质的地理 变异 分析

  • Variance Analysis of Two Factors on the Hydraulic Asphaltic Concrete Strength

    水工沥青混凝土强度双因素 方差 分析

  • A new manifold learning algorithm based on distinguishing variance analysis

    一种新的基于有区别 方差 分析的流形学习算法

  • Orthogonal Experiment and Variance Analysis of the Natural Gas Reburn Technology

    天然气再燃技术的正交实验与 方差 分析

  • Variance analysis is a systematic process of comparing actual costs and standard costs identifying variances and interpreting the source of each variance .

    成本 差异 分析是比较实际成本和标准成本、确认差异及解释差异的根源。

  • Check calculate and update item cost of inventory responsible also for inventory valuation and variance analysis .

    负责库存成本的审核、计算和更新,执行库存的估价和 差异 分析

  • Variance analysis was used to examine the difference of SBP and DBP .

    以简、复相关 分析估计胰岛素对数值与收缩压、舒张压之间的相关系数;

  • In local chemical exploration the variance analysis of three-stage-model must be applied to estimate analytical uncertainly and sample-collecting error .

    在区域化探中必须应用三层套合 方差 分析对样品的采样误差和分析误差进行统计分析。

  • Develop a keen expertise in analogous and parametric estimating project selection project scheduling variance analysis and cost management .

    发展敏锐的专业知识用于类比、参数估计、项目选择、项目进度计划、 方差 分析和成本管理。

  • On the whole the combustion efficiency of the coal powder with additives increases by20 % ; meanwhile the range analysis and variance analysis are used with the experimental data .

    总体上,混有添加剂煤粉的燃烧率相对于未添加任何物质的基准试样煤粉提高了20%左右,并对试验结果进行了极差和 方差 分析

  • Based on Z-Score variance analysis principle comparison tests in13 laboratories for metal content measuring in lubrication oil by atomic emission spectrometer were performed .

    基于Z-记分 偏差 分析原理,对13个实验室的原子发射光谱仪进行了润滑油金属含量检测比对试验。

  • Feature Selection Method of Insulator Infrared Thermal Image Based on Variance Analysis

    基于 方差 分析的绝缘子红外热像特征选择方法

  • Finally variance analysis is used to verify the validity of the crytic model .

    最后,利用 方差 分析周期检验方法作了印证性讨论。

  • Interaction based variance analysis and design with double factors for non-repetition experiments

    基于交互作用的双因素无重复试验的 方差 分析与设计

  • The Multi-factor Variance Analysis of the Influence of Overseas Visitors ' Characteristics on the Residence Time in China

    海外游客特征对在华停留时间影响的多因素 方差 分析

  • The budget variance analysis column can be set up on how you review the budget variances .

    预算 差异 分析这一列可以根据您查看预算差异的方式来设置。

  • The optional polynomial order is selected through the test of the partial fitting square sum on the basis of the variance analysis of the fitting equation .

    对拟合方程进行 方差 分析并在此基础上利用偏拟合平方和的检验确定拟合多项式的最佳阶数。

  • Please submit your Physical Variance Analysis Report to us no later than this Friday .

    请递交您对我们身体 差异 分析报告至迟于本星期五。

  • The results of variance analysis indicated that litter size had extremely significant difference between populations which showed that various populations had different genetic structure .

    方差 分析结果显示,窝产仔数(总产仔数和活产仔数)具有极显著的群体间差异,表明不同群体的遗传结构不同。

  • Variance Analysis of the Talent Selection Indices for Jumping Events of Athletics

    田径跳跃类项目选材指标的 差异分析

  • The statistical method of repeated data of variance analysis was used to compare the difference of oxygen partial pressure and calcium ion concentration between the acupoints and non-acupoints .

    方差 分析方法对穴位和非穴位钙离子浓度和氧分压的差异和变化趋势进行统计分析。

  • Once you have pulled in the account and period / actuality information into excel sheet then you can do a budget variance analysis .

    一旦把账户和期间/现状信息拖入Excel表格,您就可以做一个预算 差异 分析

  • Building Reports that show variance analysis

    创建显示 差异 分析的报告

  • Based on the principle of variance analysis the procedure for statistical analysis of efficacy trials of pesticide was established with EXCEL .

    根据 方差 分析原理,利用EXCEL编制了农药田间药效试验统计分析程序。

  • By using variance analysis method we give expert score corresponding weight which makes the teaching evaluation model more scientific .

    采用 方差 分析法,对专家评分赋予相应的权重,使得评价模型更加科学。

  • Variance analysis shows that the type of catalysts is the major factor influencing the yield of target product .

    方差 分析结果表明,催化剂类型是影响六氯环三磷腈产率的主要因素。

  • The progress variance analysis model distinguishing the critical and non-critical path

    区分关键路径与非关键路径的项目进度 偏差 分析模型