


  • Study on Electrical Transport Properties of ZnO Based Varistor and Design of the Varistor with High Peak Current

    氧化锌 压敏 电阻电输运特性及大通流器件设计研究

  • The influence of sintering temperature on the electric property of TiO_2 varistor ceramics is mainly analysed in this article .

    主要研究了烧结温度对TiO2 压敏陶瓷电性能的影响。

  • Study on microstructure and electric properties of Y ~ ( 3 + ) - doped ZnO varistor ceramics

    Y~(3+)掺杂ZnO 压敏陶瓷的微结构和电性能研究

  • Effect of MnO on the Properties and Microstructure of the SrTiO_3 Pressure Sensitive Varistor

    MnO对SrTiO3 压敏 电阻组织性能的影响

  • Junction type zinc oxide varistor

    结型氧化锌 压敏 电阻器

  • Influence of Er_2O_3 Doping on Performance of ZnO Varistor

    Er2O3掺杂对ZnO 压敏 电阻性能的影响

  • Effects of CaCO_3 doping content on microstructure and electric properties of ZnO varistor ceramics

    掺杂CaCO3对氧化锌 压敏陶瓷的微结构和压敏特性的影响

  • Effect of Li ~ + dopant on the electrical properties and energy band structure of ZnO varistor ceramics

    Li~+对ZnO 压敏陶瓷电性能和能带结构的影响

  • Microstructure and Electrical Properties of Y_2O_3-doped ZnO-Bi_2O_3-based Varistor Ceramics

    Y2O3掺杂ZnO-Bi2O3 压敏瓷的显微组织和电性能

  • Effect of Ta_2O_5 on titania varistor ceramics

    掺钽对二氧化钛 压敏 电阻性能的影响

  • Non-symmetric varistor voltage stabilization characteristic

    非对称型 压敏 电阻器稳压特性-对NTC热敏 电阻器

  • Single grain layer varistor

    单颗粒层 压敏 电阻器

  • Study of intrinsic defects in ZnO varistor ceramics by dielectric spectroscopy

    ZnO 压敏陶瓷中缺陷的介电谱研究

  • Dielectric loss of ZnO varistor ceramics by variable temperature spectroscopy

    ZnO 压敏陶瓷介电损耗的温度谱研究

  • Some Influence Factors Leading to Microstructrue of Varistor

    影响多层片式 压敏 电阻微观结构形成的几个因素

  • Application of Liquid Varistor Soft Starter in HV Squirrel-Cage Motor

    液态 软起动器在高压鼠笼型电动机上的应用

  • Densification and Surge Current Performance of SnO_2-Sb_2O_3 Based Varistor Ceramics

    SnO2-Sb2O3基 压敏陶瓷致密化及脉冲电流耐受特性

  • A surge protector or simple capacitor or varistor can protect against most overvoltage conditions while a lightning arrestor protects against severe spikes .

    电涌保护器或简单的电容或 压敏 电阻可以防止大多数过压情况的出现,而避雷器则保护严重尖峰的尖峰电流。

  • The Effect of Heating Rate on Microstructure and Electrical Properties of Varistor Ceramics

    升温速度对 压敏瓷显微组织和电性能的影响

  • Effect of SiO_2 Doping Content on Varistor Properties of ZnO

    SiO2掺杂量对氧化锌 压敏 电阻性能的影响

  • Numerical simulation method and different initiation modes for prefabricated multilayer fragment warhead Some Influence Factors Leading to Microstructrue of Varistor

    多层预制破片战斗部数值仿真方法及起爆方式影响影响多层片式 压敏 电阻微观结构形成的几个因素

  • Influence of Mn on Electronic Performance of SnO_2 ~ - Sb_2O_3 Based Varistor

    锰离子掺杂对SnO2~-Sb2O3 压敏 材料电性能的影响

  • ZnO-Bi_2O_3 ( Er ) Series Sub-micron Columnar Crystals and the Varistor Performance

    Er掺杂ZnO-Bi2O3系亚微米柱状晶体及其 压敏 电阻性能

  • The Preparation of ZnO Varistor Composite Additive By Means of Chemical Coprecipitation Food addition & Immobilized glucose isomerase preparatio

    共沉淀法制备ZnO 压敏 电阻复合添加剂GB8274-1987食品添加剂固定化葡萄糖异构酶制剂

  • Asymmetrical chromatid exchange non-symmetric varistor


  • As the current through the varistor all the resistance wire so A B are any two points between the electrical potential difference .

    由于电流通过 变阻器的全部电阻丝,故A、B之间任意两点都有电势差。

  • Analysis on Voltage Gradient Limitation of ZnO Varistor in Ultra High Voltage Arrester

    特高压避雷器用ZnO 压敏 电阻电压梯度限值的探讨

  • Effect of Nb_2O_5 on microdefects and electrical properties of ZnO varistor ceramics

    Nb2O5对ZnO 压敏 电阻器微观缺陷和电学性能的影响