
[ˈvɛriɪˌɡet, ˈvɛrɪˌɡet, ˈvær-]['veərɪgeɪt]


  • Variegate with different colors shades or patterns .

    用不同的颜色阴影或图案 使 多样化

  • His life in Xinjiang has changed his sentimentality and turned his life from idealism to realism turned his idea on literature from monochrome to variegate .

    新疆的生活荡涤了他的多愁善感,使他的人生观由理想主义转变为现实主义, 同时他的文学观 单纯 杂色。最后为 结语

  • D.Operation : Broadband operators and digital content operators closely correlating with each other in value chains vary in core competence which may innovate and variegate business models .

    经营面:宽频网路与数位内容经营者的核心能力不同,彼此价值链的关连紧密,并可以提供创新和 多元的经营模式。

  • A systematic study of the clinical and biochemical expression of variegate porphyria in a large South African family

    一个南非大家族中 多样卟啉病的临床和生化表达的系统研究

  • A Chilean boy with severe photosensitivity and finger shortening : The first case of homozygous variegate porphyria in South America

    1例智利男孩发生严重的光过敏和手指缩短:南美洲 首例纯合子 杂色 斑驳卟啉症

  • Produce variety or variegate .

    产生多样性或 多样化

  • Genetic studies in variegate porphyria in Spain . Identification of gene mutations and family study for carrier detection

    西班牙 变异卟啉病的基因研究:确定突变及家系携带者的检测