valuation form

[ˌvæljuˈeʃən fɔrm][ˌvælju:ˈeɪʃən fɔ:m]


  • This paper analyzes the inconvenience it causes in the assets valuation because of the unclear form and the blurry definition to the right to the use of the land when regard it as a usufruct .

    文章认为作为用益物权的土地使用权,因其 资产 形态不清、界定不明给资产 评估造成了困惑和不便。

  • Research on the Standardization of the Valuation Report Form

    评估报告书 格式标准化问题探讨

  • Existing company law for debt-funded without clear wording of provisions but under the existing provisions of the company law : for non-monetary funds as long as the money can be used for the valuation and transfer of property as a form of investment .

    我国现行公司法对于债权出资没有以明确的表述加以规定,但是我们根据现行公司法的规定可知:对于非货币出资只要是能用货币进行 估价并且能够依法转让的财产都可以用作 出资

  • It shows that customers with higher valuation will choose threshold strategies to make decision once arriving at websites when the delay cost function of them continuous strict increases with the auction remaining time no matter the delay cost function is in linear or exponential form .

    研究表明:无论延期成本为线性 形式还是指数 形式,只要高 估价顾客的延期成本函数为拍卖剩余时间的连续的严格增函数,那么高 估价顾客到达网站时都会根据阈值战略进行决策。

  • As generalizing the theory of option pricing contingent claims analysis can handel debt valuation and sometime give closed form expressions .

    未定权益分析作为期权定价理论的推广,广泛运用于债务 估值,并能给出解析 表达式

  • Financial performance valuation combined with non-financial performance valuation form a comprehensive performance valuation .

    非财务绩效评价可以 作为财务绩效 评价的有效补充,这两个部分相结合,共同 组成了综合性的绩效评价。

  • The land development and consolidation budget quota valuation method is an effective form of management for the land development and consolidation of national new investment funds in recent years .

    土地开发整理预算定额 计价方式是近几年国家新投资土地开发整理资金的一种有效管理 形式

  • Method : We have undergone inquisitive investigation apon 90 case cerebral accident patients through Zung depression self valuation form .

    方法:采用Zung抑郁自 对90例脑血管意外患者进行问卷调查。

  • Starting from the fundamental research this paper first briefly elaborates relates concepts and connotations analyses the valuation environmental feature and form trait of historical areas expound the relation between historical area and urban development .

    本文从基础研究入手,首先明确研究对象及界定相关概念,分析城市历史地段的 价值 评析、环境特征和 形态特征,阐述历史地段与城市发展的关系。