valve diagram

[vælv ˈdaɪəˌɡræm][vælv ˈdaiəɡræm]


  • Automatic removal of the high pressure in the internal cavity when the valve is about to close ( see the working principle diagram ) for the details ) so as to ensure safety .

    阀门关闭时能自动卸掉内腔高压(详见工作原理 ),保证使用安全。

  • To protect and isolate your pump and accumulator tank from potentially damaging high pressure install a one-way check valve as shown in the diagram .

    泵和压力鼓都存在来自城市水高压的潜在危险,为了保护和隔离必须安装一个单向 ,如 图示

  • The actual valve closing phases have been calculated analyzed and determined in accordance with the interference signals caused by valve seating impulse in the low pressure indicator diagram .

    计算分析了进排气门实际关闭相位,并根据低压示功 气门落座冲击引起的干扰信号间接确定发动机运转时的实际关闭相位。

  • When the relief valve opens as in the accompanying air-in / water-out diagram the right-hand channel admits air to the top of the reduced pressure zone relieving the zone vacuum .

    当安全 开启时,伴随着气进/水出 隔膜,右侧渠道使得空气进入减压区顶部,消除减压区的真空。