value-added server

[ˈvæljuˈædɪd ˈsɚvɚ][ˈvælju:ˈædɪd ˈsə:və]

[计] 增值服务器

  • NVOD is an important part of DVB-C value-added services which is constitutive of video server and other front equipments of the DVB such as Multiplexing transmission system CA system and program-making system .

    NVOD是有线数字电视 增值业务的一个重要组成部分,它主要由视频 服务器和DVB(DigtalVideoBroadcasting)前端的其他设备如复用传输系统、条件接收系统、节目制作系统等构成。

  • Provide the concrete instance of the message value-added service back-stage management system of using JSP technology Browser / Server mode finally .

    最后给出了应用JSP技术实现 Browser/Server模式的短信 增值业务后台管理系统的具体实例。

  • Value-added service based on WAP will have wide development space . This paper discusses the WAP value-added service system model based on deep research of WAP and analysis the function module in three aspects such as mobile terminal gateway and source server .

    本文在简要介绍了WAP协议各层规范的基础上,研究了基于WAP的 增值业务工作模型,对此模型从移动终端,网关与源 服务器 三个方面进行了功能分析。