valve cap


  • The analysis and control of the casting crackle of valve cap


  • The self-locking type thread of the valve cap can ensure that an adjusting bolt can be automatically locked after the pressure is regulated each time .


  • Repeat steps 2-5 until proper sag is achieved then replace the air valve cap .

    重复2-5步骤以达到最佳预压行程后, 气阀

  • It has a better reliability with the design improvement of signal tube site and structure one way valve base piston surface air chamber and tube connection cap .

    采用改进的信号管位置结构、单向 阀座、活塞端面气室与接管 等后,更有力地提高了产品的可靠性。

  • When returning cylinders to the supplier properly close the cylinder valve replace and secure any valve outlet seals and properly install the cylinder cap .

    钢瓶返还给供应商时,正确关闭钢瓶阀门,替换并固定 阀门排气口密封,正确安装钢瓶

  • Oil valve stem protective cap and valve-stem seal .

    用机油润滑 气门杆、保护 和气门杆密封件。

  • Doing so may damage the valve causing it to leak . Use a special cap wrench or adjustable strap-wrench to remove overly tight or rusted caps .

    这样做可能损伤 阀门,导致泄漏。使用专门的阀门 扳手或活动扳手来卸开过紧或生锈的帽子。

  • Accumulator air-charging manifold Locate the Schrader air valve on the shock and remove the air valve cap .

    蓄压器充气阀箱压缩空气瓶充气阀箱找到避震上的美嘴气阀,取下 气阀

  • The valve protection cap should be left in place until the cylinder has been secured against a wall a bench or placed in a cylinder stand and is ready to be used .

    在钢瓶靠着墙壁、工作台固定或放置在钢瓶座准备使用之前, 阀门保护 要一直留在原位。

  • All parts inside adopt the stainless steel and are installed on the valve cap maintenance is convenient .

    内部零件全部采用不锈钢制造,并且安装在 上,维修保养极为方便。

  • Leave the valve protection cap in place until the cylinder has been secured in place and is ready to be used .

    阀门保护 一直留在原位,直到钢瓶已经固定好,并准备使用。

  • Check valve tags are typically mounted on the rim of the cap .

    标签通常安置在 的边缘上。

  • Because of their efficiency wide operating range ease of maintenance and cost factors sieve and valve trays have replaced the once highly thought of bubble cap trays in many applications .

    由于效率高、操作范围广、易于维护且成本低,筛板塔盘和浮 塔板已经取代曾经广受欢迎的泡 塔板,并且被应用在诸多行业中。

  • Do not confuse with a commercially available valve cap !

    不要与市场上买到的 气门 混淆!

  • NEVER insert an object ( e.g. wrench screwdriver pry bar etc. ) into valve cap openings . Doing so may damage the valve causing it to leak .

    禁止把物体(如扳手、螺丝起子、撬杆等)插入 阀门 的开口处。这样做可能损伤阀门,导致泄漏。

  • Bronze Valve Options and Accessories-Drain Cap Oxygen Service Stem Extensions .

    青铜 阀门选配件和附件- 排泄塞,氧气应用,阀杆加长件。

  • Replace the cylinder outlet seal and valve cap .

    替换钢瓶排气口密封和 阀门

  • Only use the original valve cap !

    只能使用原装 气门