value cell

[ˈvælju sɛl][ˈvælju sel]

[计] 值单元

  • OBJECTIVE : To explor the value of cell block and smear to liver cancer by fine needle aspiration ( FNA ) .

    目的:探讨经皮细针穿刺(fineneedleaspiration,FNA) 细胞块与涂片细胞学检查对肝细胞癌的诊断 价值

  • TG12M centrifuge for capillary vessel blood can be used to determine the specific product value of blood cell and separate the micro-blood from micro-solution .

    主要用于测控血液中血 细胞比积 ,微量血液和微量溶液的分离等。

  • When Prompt User is set to User Entered Value then the report manager can type a value for the prompt into the Value cell .

    在将PromptUser设置为UserEnteredValue时,报表管理器可以输入一个提示值到 Value 单元格中。

  • Results The value of cell count by Oil red O stain coloration and optical density declined as the passages increased .

    结果:随着传代次数增加,油红O染色 细胞数值与光密度 均下降。

  • To add a value to a cell using a resource file .

    使用资源文件向 单元格添加

  • You need to assign only the value to the cell tag .

    您需要将惟一的 分配给该 单元格标签。

  • The results showed that the regression coefficient between cell density derived from otsu algorithm and sense scores of bread crumb grain were 0.93 . The value of cell density of the image is a characteristic parameter of distinguishing the breadcrumb structure difference .

    实验结果表明,面包纹理结构感官得分与类间方差阈值分割算法所得分割图像的 密度 之间的相关系数为 093.图像孔密度 是区分面包纹理结构差异的一个特征参量。

  • First they created a reference value for each cell . This was its average temperature over those three months from 1951-80 .

    首先,他们计算出了1951年至1980年每一个区块夏季三个月的平均温度,并将这些数据作为每个 区块的参考

  • The highest value of cell abundance appeared at section B and station A5 and the lowest value at sections D and E.

    细胞数量的高 区出现在B断面和A5站周围的水域,低值区出现D断面和E断面。

  • Every column value ( cell ) either is timestamped implicitly by the system or can be set explicitly by the user .

    每个列 单元)既可由系统暗中加上时间戳,也可由用户显式设置。

  • Objective To study ultrasonographic imagine feature and diagnosis value of plasma cell mastitis .

    目的研究浆 细胞性乳腺炎的超声图特点及诊断 价值

  • Gets the type of the formatted value of the cell .

    获取 单元格的格式化 的类型。

  • The major applications of plant cell and tissue culture are micropropagation the production of high value products by cell cultures and as part of the genetic manipulation of plants .

    植物细胞和组织培养的主要应用包括微繁殖技术、通过 细胞培养生产高 价值的产品以及作为植物基因操作的一部分。

  • In human somatic cells telomeres shorten by 30 to 200 bp with each cell division . When telomeres were shortened to some threshold value cell senescence or apoptosis was triggered .

    随着细胞分裂端粒每次缩短30~200bp,当端粒缩短到某临界 长度时, 细胞则发生衰老或凋亡。

  • Auxiliary Diagnosis Value of Squamous Cell Carcinoma Antigen in Malignant and Benign Diseases

    鳞癌相关抗原升高在良恶性疾病中的辅助诊断 价值

  • Expression of survivin in PGC tissues was significantly higher than that in adenoma of gallbladder and chronic cholecystitis . However survivin expressions had no specificity and positive predictive value for cell differentiation and grade as well as clinic stage of PGC by using statistical analyses .

    胆囊癌组织中survivin阳性表达率明显高于胆囊腺瘤和慢性胆囊炎组织,但survivin的阳性表达与胆囊 细胞分化程度、病理分级和转移无关(P>0.05)。

  • The cellStyle function determines the border style ( class = x ) and the getResults function determines the value of the cell .

    cellStyle函数确定了边界样式(class=“x”),而getResults函数确定了 单元格

  • Nano-hydroxyapatite cells had no effect on osteoblast on the value cell toxicity rating from 0 to 1.3 .

    纳米羟基磷灰石对成骨细胞 增殖无影响, 细胞毒性评级为0~1级。

  • The value in this cell is invalid or missing . Click on ' Display Type Information ' for specific details .

    单元格 无效或丢失。请单击显示类型信息以了解详细信息。

  • Gets the value of the cell as formatted for display .

    获取为显示进行格式化的 单元格

  • A study on the value of cell image quantitatively photometry in FNAC diagnosis for small cell breast carcinoma

    细胞图像光度学计量对鉴别诊断小细胞型乳腺癌的 价值研究

  • Corynebacterium affecting BV diagnosis by nugent and value of clue cell

    棒状杆菌对 Nugent法诊断BV的影响及线索 细胞在BV诊断中应用

  • Prognostic value of cell proliferation and apoptosis in uterine cervical cancer treated with radiation

    细胞增殖和凋亡在宫颈癌放疗中的预后 价值

  • The maximum crop water stress index ( CWSI ) and canopy-air temperature difference ( Tc-Ta ) under different soil moisture occurred at 13:00 pm and the peak value of cell sap concentration ( CSC ) appeared at 14:00-15:00 pm .

    不同土壤水分条件下水分胁迫指数(CWSI)和冠气温差的 峰值均在13:00左右出现,而 细胞液浓度(CSC)的最大 出现在14:00~15:00。

  • So the value of this cell will be3 .

    所以,这个 单元格 为3。

  • Display a value in a cell .


  • Objective Study on the diagnostic accuracy and value of cell block and tissue fragment preparations collected from lung fine needle aspiration ( FNA ) .

    目的探讨经皮细针肺肿块吸取 细胞块和微小碎片组织学(简称微小切片)与涂片细胞学的诊断 价值

  • The formula and final value for each cell are also included in the nested array .

    每个 单元格的公式和最终 也包含在嵌套数组中。

  • For each of the properties in the table below click on the Value cell in the property tab and enter the relevant information .

    对于下面表格中的属性,点击属性项中的 Value 单元并输入相关的信息。