

n.瓣,瓣膜; (昆虫的)产卵瓣

  • Evaluation of Valvula of Superficial Femoral Vein with Contrast-enhanced Ultrasound : an Initial Application

    超声造影评价股浅静脉 瓣膜 功能的初步应用

  • In the diets containing different levels of dextrin the amylase activity in stomach duodenum and valvula intestine reached a maximum level 5 and 3 h after the fish fed the diets containing 20 % 30 % and 10 % of dextrin respectively .

    在摄食含有糊精饲料的各试验组(2-5组)鱼中,胃、十二指肠、 肠淀粉酶活性最高值分别出现在摄食后5、3、3h的20%、30%、10%糊精试验组。

  • From Jun.1985 to Jan. 1995 cases of severe valvula heart diseases were surgically treated .

    自1985年6月~1995年1月共收治重症心脏 瓣膜病308例。重症病例判断标准为:(1)心功能Ⅳ级;

  • The gastric caeca is divided into two parts . cohort vein valvula prothetics 4 limbs ;

    胃盲囊分上、下两叶,上叶又被膜分隔成若干小叶。股浅静脉 瓣膜修复术4条;

  • In the 9 ~ ( th ) day the number of spiral valve in valvula intestine increased the rectum and anus appeared .

    9d 左右 肠内螺旋瓣的数目增多,肛门和直肠形成;

  • The input sense signals of the hairs on the dorsal valvula of the ovipositor have important function in cricket oviposition behaviour .

    蟋蟀产卵器背侧产卵 外侧 感觉毛的感觉信号传入在其产卵过程中有重要的作用。

  • Objective : Cardiac hypertrophy is one of adaptive responses of the heart to a variety of pathological stimuli including hypertension myocardial infarction congenital heart disease heart valvula disease and perturbations in sarcomeric function and is the main reason of the refractory heart failure .

    目的:心肌肥大是高血压、心脏 瓣膜病、急性心肌梗塞及先天性心脏病等负荷性心脏病的并发症,是心肌细胞对多种病理刺激的一种适应性反应,也是导致顽固性心衰的主要原因。

  • Cohort vein valvula prothetics 4 limbs ;

    股浅静脉 瓣膜修复术4条;

  • Results Of the12 cases of congenital prepyloric diaphragm valvula in pyloric antrum could be observed in5 cases inclusive of2 cases of complicating pachyntic stenosis of pyloric muscular layer .

    结果12例先天性幽门前瓣膜患儿中,超声能实时直观显示位于幽门窦部 瓣膜样结构5例,其中合并幽门肌层肥厚性狭窄2例。

  • Evaluation of the Prognosis of the Patients with Severe Valvula Heart Disease Following Heart Valve Replacement

    重症心脏 瓣膜病瓣膜置换的预后评估