


  • This paper reports that 30 strains Candida in vaginae were detected in 163 gynecologic outpatients .

    本文报道从163例妇科门诊病人 阴道 分泌物中检出了30株 4 不同 致病性念珠菌。

  • Methods : 102 cases of gestational candidal vaginosis who were in early or late pregnancy were respectively treated with single dose of canesten in posterior fornix vaginae .


  • Objective : To observe the therapeutic effect of recalcitrant condyloma acuminatum in urethral orifice ostium vaginae anus and crissum treated with Nd : YAG laser .

    目的:观察Nd:YAG激光治疗位于尿道口、 阴道口、肛门及肛周的难治性尖锐湿疣的疗效。

  • The sex cycle bacterium vaginae fungus of animals were examined from vaginal smear and plasma estrogen ( E_2 ) was determined as well .

    观察阴道涂片的性周期、 阴道杆菌、真菌 改变及血浆E2水平。

  • The experiment of irritation to vaginae was conducted within normal and acceptable range .


  • Methods 30 cases of missed abortion whose intermenstrual periods 10 ~ 20 weeks and wombs less than 12 weeks were treated with mifepristone orally and misoprostol in vaginae .

    方法对30例停经10~20周,妇检子宫<12周以下的稽留流产患者,采用口服米非司酮配伍米索前列醇 阴道给药的方法治疗。

  • The complication were mainly infections . They are very common in the urinary system next came the infection of abdominal incision infection of ostium vaginae and bleeding etc.

    并发症主要是感染,以泌尿系最多 ,其次腹部切口感染、 阴道 感染及出血等。

  • It introduced the influence of specification of vaginae vasorum the hemostasis methods after sheath removal the indwelling time and the choosing of intervention paths on the time of bedrest for coronary artery disease patients after underwent diagnostic and therapeutic heart intervention .

    介绍了血管 规格、血管鞘拔除后止血方法、血管鞘滞留时间、介入路径的选择对冠心病心脏介入诊疗病人术后卧床时间的影响,并提出了缩短卧床时间的策略。

  • It is suited for expanding vaginae to examine uteri or douche vaginae in the department of obstetrics and gynecology .

    适用于妇产科扩张 阴道对子宫进行检查或冲洗阴道用。