valuation of securities

[经] 有价证券估价(计价)

  • When stock market is in the period of slump that is bear market as is generally said the valuation and avoidance of securities investment risk are absolutely important .

    当股票市场处于疲软状态,即通常所说的熊市时, 证券投资风险的 评估和规避就显得尤为重要。

  • In the valuation of mortgage backed securities the prepayment is one of the important factors affecting the price of mortgage backed securities .

    在不动产抵押贷款债权 证券 评价过程中,提前清偿率是影响 评价的重要因素之一。

  • The settlement of the valuation issues of high-new-tech enterprise will provide the technical prerequisite for solving the financing problems of high-new-tech enterprises and for the healthy development of the securities markets in China .

    高新技术企业 价值 评估问题的解决将为我国 证券市场的健康发展和高新技术企业融资问题的妥善解决提供技术支持。

  • Equity basis of valuation of securities

    证券 估价的权益基础

  • The valuation of listed companies is the most important and critical part of Securities Analysis .

    上市公司 估值就是通常所说的上市 公司 价值 评估,它是 证券分析中最重要、最关键的环节。

  • Firstly a brief introduction to the theories of fund valuation analysis was given including an overview of securities investment funds of portfolio management theory and of asset allocation decision and evaluation portfolio performance .

    首先,简单介绍基金投资 价值分析理论,主要包括 证券投资基金概述、证券组合管理理论概述、资产配置管理理论概述、基金绩效衡量概述等。

  • Valuation is an essential part of all investments including direct investments and securities .

    定价是包括实业投资和 金融资产投资在内的所有投资的核心 问题

  • First comes a set of solutions if the problem is one of deep uncertainty over the valuation of asset-backed securities which is causing mistrust among financial companies and a generalised loss of confidence .

    首先是一套解决方案&假定这个问题是资产抵押 证券 价值面临的深层不确定因素之一。这个问题正在造成金融机构之间的互不信任,以及人们普遍丧失信心。

  • Corporate Valuation is not only a major business of the asset evaluation industry but also is concerned about the content of securities analysis investment banking and other related industries .

    企业 价值 评估是资产评估行业的一项主要业务,也是 证券分析、投资银行等相关行业十分关注的内容。