value of number

[ˈvælju ʌv ˈnʌmbɚ][ˈvælju ɔv ˈnʌmbə]

[计] 数值

  • The Geometric Mean Value of Product of Non-zero Digits in Base 10 and the Mean Value of Some Number Functions for Square Complements

    关于十进制非零数字之积函数的几何均值及 数论函数对平方补数的 均值

  • In mathematics the absolute value of a number irrespective of sign .

    数学中,与符号无关的量,即一个 的绝对

  • The mean value of number internal diameter blood speed and backflow time of communicating vein in patients group were all larger than those of healthy group . There were significant differences among them ( P0.01 ) . 4 .

    患病组各类型交通静脉的 数目、内径和血流速度 大于健康组,并具有高度显著性差异(P0.01)。

  • The mean value question of the number - theoretic function

    一类 数论函数的 均值问题

  • For the single size bed we get the relationship between wind speed and the friction velocity and Fourier nodes and determine the value of the number of nodes .

    在单一粒径下,得到了风速与摩阻速度和傅里叶节点数之间的关系,进而确定了节点 取值

  • The everything-is-a-node abstraction also loses some value because of the number of node types that exist and because of the lack of uniformity present in their access methods .

    “一切都是节点”的抽象还因为存在 一些节点类型和访问方法一致性的缺乏而丧失了一些 价值

  • He imposed conditions on the value of his number variables to bring about the creation of his magic square .

    他附加条件,就对自己的 价值多少变数带来的创作他的幻方。

  • In addition it also explores into the multi-attribute decision methods with unknown attribute value of ternary interval number and the attribute weight and comes up with the method of weighting coefficients based on deviation method .

    随后,又探讨了属性 为三元区间 ,属性权重未知情况下的多属性决策方法。给出了基于方案总偏差最大原则的离差法的权重系数的求法。

  • Using SPA with different anti-ideological construct the ideal options for the best the worst degree of connection between the program and used in - 1 w_2720 on the value of the connection number to represent .

    利用SPA同、异、反的思想,构造了备选方案与理想最优、最差方案间的联系度,并用在 -1w_2760上 取值的联系 数来表示。

  • In addition an approximate algorithm to compute module value of complex number is introduced .

    此外还介绍了一种计算 复数的近似算法。

  • The total soil erosion can be calculated by using mean value formula of blind number .

    再由盲 均值计算公式,最终得到整个研究区域土壤潜在侵蚀总量。

  • This paper gives the concept of the even value of blind number and introduces the methods to apply it .

    本文定义了盲 均值的概念,介绍了应用方法。

  • For nonisothermal jet its turbulent coefficient increases with the absolute value of the Archimedes number decreasing .

    对于非等温射流,其紊流系数随射流出口阿基米德 的绝对 的增大而减小。

  • The maximum value of swirl number in the flow sections is agreed with the simplified theoretical relation .

    在旋流场截面 最大旋流 符合简化理论的分析关系。

  • The value of number connection test in the diagnosis of subclinical hepatic encephalopathy

    数字连接试验对诊断亚临床肝性脑病的 价值

  • This way we can bind any value of the department number column from the ORG table .

    采用这种方法,就可以对ORG表的部门 编号列的任何 查询位置了。

  • Study on the Value of Prandtl Number in Turbulent Buoyant Jet

    紊动浮射流中的普朗特 取值研究

  • Based on the kenning degree of whiting value of grey number this paper gives a kind of order relations of interval grey number .

    在灰 白化 确认度意义下,本文给出区间灰数的一种序关系。

  • Application of Matlab language in solving function value of elementary number theory

    样条函数在微分方程数值解中的应用Matlab语言在求初等 数论函数 的应用

  • Objective To establish the normal value of motor unit number estimation ( MUNE ) of thenar muscles to study its relationship with age and test the reproducibility of the technique and its use in MND .

    目的建立大鱼际肌运动单位估 (MUNE)正常 并研究与年龄的关系和该技术的重复性及其在运动神经元病(MND)中的应用。

  • On Selecting the Value of Uniform Number in UMA Limits of the Parameter of Discrete Random Variables

    离散变量参数UMA限中均匀 取值 研究

  • West River Bridge Through The check-yang checking variable cross-section of The prestressed concrete continuous - just a bridge system structure of a joint portfolio of value-General seismic checked cross-camber in The pre-set value of a number of issues such as research .

    通过对西阳河桥的验算、校核,对预应力混凝土变截面连续-刚构组合体系桥梁一联总长的取值、抗震验算、跨中预拱 的设置等 几个问题进行了研究。

  • The floor method provides the opposite functionality of ceil : It returns the downward-rounded value of a number .

    floor方法提供与ceil相反的功能:它返回一个 数字的向下舍入

  • If the argument is a negative number then the exponent is the same as the exponent of the absolute value of that number .

    如果参数为负数,则数字的指数与该 数字的绝对 的指数相同。

  • Using the function signal generator characteristics of the sensor amplitude and frequency were studied by changing the coil number and integral resistance value and the optimum value of coil number and integral resistance were obtained .

    利用信号发生器,通过调节线圈匝数和积分电阻试验研究了传感器的幅频特性,得出线圈匝 及积分电阻的最佳

  • Based on the concept and operations of winding and straight gray number this paper gives the concept of the even value of complex blind number and introduces the methods to apply it .

    本文在曲直灰数的概念、运算基础上,定义了复盲 均值概念,并介绍了应用方法。

  • The average accumulation cost is positively proportional to the number of container in a BCT and the sum of arrival containers in the period of time concerned and linearly correlated to the expectation value of the number of arrival containers .

    班列的平均集结消耗与该方向班列的编成箱数和一定时期内总的到达箱数成正比,并且与到达箱 的期望 线性相关。

  • Returns a string representing the octal value of a number

    返回一个表示一个 的八进制 的字符串