value part

[ˈvælju pɑrt][ˈvælju pɑ:t]


  • Obviously this is a lot more work than simply specifying a default value as part of the Parameter annotation .

    很明显,这要比简单 用参数标注指定一个默认的 参数 做更多的工作。

  • WebSphere Portal stores the parameter name and value as part of the URLs on the page so that those URLs are bookmark-able and avoid using a session .

    WebSpherePortal将参数名和参数 作为URL其中 部分存储在页面上,以至于那些URL是可设置标签的(bookmark-able),并避免了使用一个会话。

  • A simple query might search for work items that contain a specific value in one part of the form such as all work items assigned to you .

    简单的查询可以搜索在表单的某 部分包含特定 的工作项,例如,分配给您的所有工作项。

  • Is assessing your project 's value part of your job as a software development professional ?

    作为一名软件开发专家,确定项目的 价值是您工作的 部分么?

  • The HEADER state is used when parsing the value part of a given name / value pair not for parsing the entire message header .

    HEADER声明用来解析给定的名称/值对中的 部分,而不是用来解析整个消息的标题。

  • Part four and five demonstrate the determination of export price or constructed export price and normal value . Part six illustrates the adjustment items and adjustment methods in detail .

    第四、五 部分论述了倾销确定中的两个 核心概念,即出口价格或结构出口价格和正常 价值的认定方法。

  • The clinical value of part of the lipid ratio test on right coronary artery disease in patients

    部分血脂比值检测在冠状动脉硬化性心脏病患者中的临床 价值

  • Research of the Early Qin History and its Value & Part one of Research of the Early Qin History

    秦人早期历史研究及其 价值探讨&秦早期历史研究 之一

  • It is believed that the low stress value part in the compression stress field is favorable for petroleum accumulation because the open faults system and the convergent center of least principle stress which indicating the direction of petroleum migration are located in this part .

    指出挤压应力场中的相对低 是油气聚积的有利区域,因为区内不仅存在开放的断裂系统,而且是最小主应力的汇聚中心,是油气运移的指向。

  • Integrated solutions of ordinary differential equation system and two-point boundary value problems part ⅰ . integrated solution method

    常微分方程组的整体解及两点边 问题& .整体解方法

  • The author has put forward it must raise quality requirement value part and assurance of exercises to heighten womens gymnastics level and must stress on innovation in the same time .

    提出要提高我国女子竞技体操的水平必须狠抓动作质量、规格、 难度和稳定性,同时要 重视创新。

  • Fully coupled forward-backward stochastic differential equations and related partial differential equations system integrated solution of ordinary differential equations system and two-point boundary value problems part ⅱ . stability

    完全耦合的正倒向随机微分方程及相应的偏微分方程系统常微分方程组的整体解及两点边 问题 &Ⅱ.稳定性

  • Bill Gates said people can create the most value is the part above the neck .

    比尔。盖茨说,人最能创造 价值的就是脖子以上的 部分

  • We use the term descriptor for the value part of the symbol table element .

    我们把符号表元素的 部分称作描述信息。

  • To design in features that add value to the part be it aesthetic or functional e.g.logo .

    对那些能够使 制件更美观或提升其使用功能的特征 部位进行细节设计,例如标识。

  • The value of each part can be either a simple XSD type or a user-defined complex type .

    每个 部分 可以为简单XSD类型,也可以为用户定义的复杂类型。

  • Determing energy value of part aquatic animal in Yellow Sea & Bohai Sea

    黄渤海 部分水生动物的能 测定

  • Conversion failed because the data value overflowed the type specified for the value part in the consumer 's buffer

    由于数据值溢出了为使用者缓冲区中的 部分指定的类型,因此转换失败

  • This minimum value shall form part of the information furnished to exporters under the provisions of paragraph 6 .

    此最低 价值应成为根据第6款规定向出口商提供信息的 部分

  • Western modern scientific development began with the method of value part more than the whole in Copernicus period .

    西方近现代科学的发展,始于哥白尼时期 部分轻整体方法的 应用

  • And would you like to see politicians who value by part of the cheap work ?

    你想看到政治家以其,所做作弊 行径受到 评判吗?

  • My text thought the literature value of the History of three kingdoms is high thereinto literature value part is not individual canto but many canto in chronicles and biographies .

    本文认为,《三国史记》的文学价值是比较高的,其中具备文学 部分并不是个别的篇章,而是在本纪和列传中普遍存在的许多篇章。

  • The type code describes what is in the value part of the any .

    类型码描述any的 部分中的内容是什么。

  • In socialist market economy vocational education investment makes up of part of the labour force value and part of the enterprise 's human investment .

    摘要在社会主义市场经济条件下,职业教育投资作为劳动力 价值 部分,成为企业人力资源投资的 部分

  • In effect earnings retention allowed investors to buy at book value part of an enterprise that in the economic environment than existing was worth a great deal more than book value .

    实际上,在当时的经济环境下,存留收益让投资者以账面 价格购买价值远超出账面价格的企业。

  • Typically you use a totals query instead of a total row when you need to use the resulting value in another part of your database such as a report .

    通常,当您需要在数据库中的其他 部分(如报表)中使用查询结果 时,可以使用总计查询,而不使用“总计”行。

  • Value of the part of equipment purchased on which the seller is not required to supply technical knowledge .

    买进不应用卖方技术的 部分设备 价值

  • For a qualifier with a boolean value the value part can be omitted for brevity .

    对于表现逻辑值的限定词, 部分可以忽略以节省字符。