value added tax


  • Analysis of Sales Incomes and Sales Volume Value Added Tax ; Our products are expensive and distributors and retailers always want a large markup .

    销售商品收入与 增值 应税销售额的差异分析我们的产品很贵,经销商和零售商总是要求高额利差。

  • The pilot program of VAT ( value Added Tax ) conversion was launched in the northeast industrial base .

    启动了东北老工业基地 增值 转型试点。

  • Ushuaia has a100 % tax exemption for income tax and value added tax .

    乌斯怀亚市收入税和 增值 可以100%减免。

  • All our prices are inclusive of value added tax .

    我们所有的价格都包括 增值

  • In addition new taxes such as a value added tax and / or a carbon tax would be needed to bridge the remaining fiscal gap .

    此外,有必要以 增值 和/或碳排放税等新税种来填补余下的财政缺口。

  • Problems on Reform of Value Added Tax in Some Region in China

    区域性 增值 转型改革中若干问题研究

  • Because of coal industry particularity after improving taxation value added tax has added to enterprise tax burden .

    由于煤炭行业的特殊性,税改后 现行 增值 加重了煤炭企业税负。

  • Consider the problem of computing the net price of a specific Book item taking into account the shop discount and any governmental taxes such as a value added tax .

    在考虑计算特定Book条目净值的问题时,请考虑商店的折扣和政府的税金(例如 增值 )。

  • Most countries apply a reduced rate of value added tax to food .

    大多数国家对食品征收较低的 增值

  • But why not temporarily reduce indirect taxes such as value added tax to offset any adverse effect on inflationary expectations ?

    但为何不暂时削减 增值 之类的间接税,来抵消对通胀预期的任何不利影响呢?

  • On the Influence of Value Added Tax Transformation upon Enterprise Balance Sheet Project

    增值 转型对企业资产负债表项目的影响

  • The Influence of Value Added Tax Transition on Entrepreneurial Finance and Tax Payment Tactics

    增值 转型对企业财务的影响及纳税筹划

  • Sample also should pay tax import value added tax follows custom duty .

    样品也要交税啊,进口 增值 跟关税。

  • Consult what distinction does the value added tax of a company business tax income tax have ?

    请教,一个公司的 增值 、营业税、所得税有什么区别?

  • Fourth it could introduce a temporary cut in value added tax .

    第四,可以暂时降低 增值

  • The Greek finance ministry is under pressure to accelerate fiscal and structural reforms including a further increase in value added tax in order to meet the budget deficit reduction targets for 2011 and 2012 .

    希腊财政部正面临加快财政和结构改革的压力,包括进一步提高 增值 税率,以满足2011年和2012年减少预算赤字的目标。

  • All charges for service are exclusive of value added tax

    所有服务费都不包括 增值

  • The two taxes least susceptible to such distortions are value added tax and national insurance .

    最不易因这类干扰而失真的两大税种是 增值 和国民保险。

  • The export tax and value added tax on the products processed and exported orientated .

    加工复出口的产品免征关税和 增值

  • However the enterprise can decrease the value added tax by setting up several small scale tax payment enterprises and making the deposit flow timely .

    企业一般可以通过分区设立多家小规模纳税人企业和及时盘活存量资产来降低 增值 税负

  • Value added tax shares duty for country and place execute cent to become .

    增值 为国家和地方共享税,实行分成。

  • Cannot be the bill of value added tax of fixed assets touched buckle ?

    固定资产的 增值 发票不能抵扣吧?

  • Only changes in value added tax various excise taxes or taxes on earned and capital income can make a real difference .

    只有调整 增值 、各种特许权税或劳动所得税或资本收益税,才会真正起作用。

  • Discussion on Several Difficult Problems in Accounting Teaching of Value Added Tax

    增值 会计教学中的几个难点问题探讨

  • Should be income gains specified amount takes the tax rate with value added tax 17 % .

    应该是收入所得额乘以 增值 的税率17%。

  • If they do not have method to open fixed assets value added tax still have other way to us ?

    假如他们没有办法开固定资产 增值 给我们还有其他途径吗?

  • Analysis of the Effects of Value Added Tax Reform on Economic Development

    增值 转型改革对经济发展若干影响分析