value judgment

[ˈvælju ˈdʒʌdʒmənt][ˈvælju ˈdʒʌdʒmənt]


  • Economic Theories and Value Judgment : A Perspective of Economic Schools

    经济学理论与 价值 判断:一个经济学流派分析视角

  • One of the basic problems of philosophy is the value judgment of life and death .

    对生与死的 价值 判断是哲学的基本问题之一。

  • That preference went hand in hand with the activation of a part of the brain involved in value judgment .

    而这种偏爱与大脑中的 价值 判断被同步激活。

  • Today 's society clearly has made a value judgment in favor of preserving wilderness .

    当今的社会明显地做出了有利于保护荒野的 价值 判断

  • Whether or not the juridical person has the capacity to act is a issue of value judgment not a fact and therefore it has little relationship with essence of juridical person .

    法人行为能力的具有与否完全是一个 价值 判断,而不是一个事实 判断,与采取何种法人本质理论并无密切的关联。

  • There is always a kind of value judgment hiding behind any subjective action and the publication of opus is no exception .

    任何主观行为背后都隐藏着一种 价值 判断,戏曲刊刻印行自然也不例外。

  • Only upon finishing the first two steps requiring knowledge and value judgment can one proceed to apply the theory developed in this book .

    只有在做完前两步,即了解了关于系统的知识并进行了 数值 判断之后,人们才能运用本书中导出的理论方法。

  • That isn 't a value judgement it 's a fact .

    那不是一个 价值判断,而是一个事实。

  • A few scholars believe that it is not proper to relate the structural looseness with any kind of value judgment .

    当然,不少学者认为,不应将松散结合与某种 价值 偏向关联起来。

  • Although United Nations 's related document has indicated its standpoint on many restorative justice issues the value judgment involved in this worldwide movement is still a question .

    尽管联合国的相关文件对恢复性司法的诸多问题表明了立场,但这场世界性运动的 价值 取向到底是什么?

  • In a perspective of economic schools the paper considers that any economic schools should not be kept away from value judgment .

    本文基于经济学流派的分析视角,认为任何经济学派别都不可能远离 价值 判断

  • Out of question the value judgment of ALL FOR SALE is the scalpel in artist 's hands which will split the skin and present all types of disease in the commercial society .

    无疑,在艺术家手中,“什么都可以卖”的 价值 判断是一把手术刀,它将划开肌肤,剖析出商业社会的种种病灶。

  • This is a complete standard system has great effect onthe value judgment of scientific data .

    这是一个完整的标准体系,对 判断科学数据 价值具有很大作用。

  • The optimal value of Gini coefficient will necessarily be concerned with the value judgment of the social welfare and thus cannot be obtained from the definition of Gini coefficient itself .

    本文认为,最优的基尼系数值不可能从基尼系数的定义本身找到答案,必然牵涉到关于社会福利的 价值 判断

  • Besides it has characters of subjectivity and value judgment .

    此外,它还具有主观性和 价值 判断的特点。

  • It 's not any kind of value judgment .

    这不是任何类型的 价值 取向 判断

  • But subjectivity of value judgment increase difficulty of the regulation .

    价值 判断的主观性则加大我们对其进行规范的难度。

  • These values are regarded by them as purely subjective again their own value judgment so to speak and not strictly speaking a part of the science of politics .

    他们视这些价值观是纯粹主观的,可说是他们自身的 价值 判断,严格来说,并非,政治科学的一部份。

  • Social Equity in China : Value Judgment Unbalanced Interest and Institutional Guarantee

    中国社会公平状况分析& 价值 判断、权益失衡与制度保障

  • To a certain extent this value judgment exaggerates the role of charters and the opposition between commerce and feudalism .

    这种 价值 判断在一定程度上夸大了特许状的作用,也夸大了商业和封建制度的对立性。

  • As is well-observed college students nowadays display a variety of value judgment traits a result of the times they are placed in and of their own characteristics .

    密切关注、研究和引导当代大学生形成符合时代要求的 正确 价值 是当前高校德育工作的首要任务。

  • That makes a negative value judgment .

    这是一个否定的 价值 判断

  • The curriculum assessment studies the process and the activity of the curriculum value judgment .

    课程评估就是进行课程 价值 判断的过程和活动。

  • A value judgment is made based on the systematic induction of the Yicriminal customary law which is believed to be complimentary to the current national criminal law .

    在对彝族刑事习惯法系统归纳的基础上做出 价值 判断。笔者认为彝族刑事习惯法对现行国家刑法也存在着补充作用的一面。

  • Factual judgment and value judgment respectively involve two kinds of domains of educational research .

    事实判断和 价值 判断分别指涉教育研究中两种不同的研究领域。

  • Writing and Propagation Value Judgment of Product Semantics Based on Contemporary Design Environment

    书写与传播&基于当代设计环境下的产品语义学 价值 判断

  • The criticism takes three ways : language comparison value judgment and theory verification .

    翻译批评的主要方式有:文字校对式、 价值 判断 和理论印证式。

  • Social scientists have grown extremely unwilling to make value judgments about cultures

    社会科学家们已经变得十分不愿意对文化作出 价值 判断

  • Sense of community as an emotional feeling or psychological perception is different from value judgment in essence .

    社区意识是一种心理感受,而不是 价值 判断