Suddenly a little vampire bat flew from outside of the woods with fresh blood full of his mouth .
突然,一只小 吸血 蝙蝠从树林外飞回来,满嘴鲜血。
Indian False Vampire Bat Feeding on Myotis
印度假 吸血 蝠捕食鼠耳蝠
But I haven 't seen it ! The little vampire bat said .
“但我却没看见!”小 吸血 蝙蝠说。
When a vampire bat latches onto say a steer it needs to keep the blood flowing from the puncture made by its teeth .
当 吸血 蝙蝠缠在,比如一直公牛身上时,必须保持血液从牙齿咬开的孔流过。
Wizard Vampire Zombie Bat * all kinds of ghosts and phantom will swarm into the party .
巫师、 吸血、僵尸、 蝙蝠等等,各路妖魔鬼怪将云集整场晚会。
Operations guide : mouse control point and click shooting the vampire bat .
操作指南:鼠标控制,左键点击 吸血 蝙蝠射击。
美[ˈvæmˌpaɪr bæt]英[ˈvæmˌpaɪə bæt]