


  • By examination 56 patients were found congestion and tumefaction in epiglottis lingual surface 26 patients were found high ball-like swelling in epiglottis 6 patients had epiglottic vallecula mucosa aryepiglottic plicae arytenoid cartilage swelling 14 patients had epiglottic tumefaction 1 case had laryngeal abscess .

    检查见会厌舌面明显充血肿胀56例,会厌高度肿胀似球形26例;伴有 会厌 黏膜、杓会厌皱襞、杓状软骨红肿6例;

  • By the the VFSS efficacy evaluation of swallowing disorders caused by electro-acupuncture treatment of true paralysis can shorten the food through the pharynx of the time reduce the vallecula pyriform sinus retention and aspiration .

    通过VFSS疗效评价,电针治疗真性 延髓麻痹引起的吞咽障碍能够缩短食物通过咽 的时间,减少 会厌 、梨状窝滞留和误吸。

  • Cases ; cystic dilation of the fourth ventricle with connection to small cyst of posterior fossa through the vallecula . 4 cases and to large cyst .

    第四脑室囊状扩大通过 小脑 与后颅窝 小囊 相通4例,或大囊 相连 3例;