valuation at cost

[ˌvæljuˈeʃən æt kɔst][ˌvælju:ˈeɪʃən æt kɔst]

[经] 成本估价(计价)

  • The rule for stock valuation is that it should be taken at cost price or market price whichever is the lower .

    库存 估价的原则是: 成本价或市场价 估算,两数中取其小。

  • It shows that customers with higher valuation will choose threshold strategies to make decision once arriving at websites when the delay cost function of them continuous strict increases with the auction remaining time no matter the delay cost function is in linear or exponential form .

    研究表明:无论延期成本为线性形式还是指数形式,只要高 估价顾客的延期 成本函数为拍卖剩余时间的连续的严格增函数,那么高 估价顾客 到达网站时都会根据阈值战略进行决策。

  • Valuation at cost or market whichever is lower


  • Although cost is the primary basis for valuation of inventories circumstances may arise under which inventory may properly be valued at less than cost .

    虽然成本是存货 计价的主要基础,但是,有时也会出现存货 低于 成本 价格计价的情况。

  • It presented significant ideas for improving the quality of project valuation making a further effort to work at project cost and giving information about proper awareness understanding and application of the two different project valuation patterns .

    以便于正确认识、理解、应用两种不同的计价模式,提高工程 计价的质量, 搞好工程 造价工作。