valuable documents

[经] 有价证券

  • Revolutionary ballads which well reflect the real situation in the period of the Second Civil War are considered to be most valuable historical documents in the research of the modern revolutionary history .

    红色歌谣,是研究近代革命史极其 珍贵的历史 文献。它反映了第二次国内革命战争这一伟大历史时期的真实情况,具有重要的研究 价值

  • In Qing Dynasty several valuable important and practical documents were compiled and published on the basis of summarizing and inducing tree planting technology adopted by predecessors .

    清朝时期在对前人的树木栽培技术进行系统总结和归纳的基础上,结合树木栽培的生产实践,编纂出版了几部学术 价值 、影响大、实用性强的 文献 资料

  • Based on numerable and valuable historical documents spatial and temporal characteristics of land reclamation in Huo PanDi at the outside of the Great Wall in the North of Shaanxi in the Qing Dynasty were analyzed in this paper .

    根据历史 文献 资料,分析总结清代陕北长城外伙盘地土地 垦殖过程及时空表现特征。

  • You should move valuable or irreplaceable items such as legal documents jewelry photos or home videos yourself .

    您应自己搬迁 贵重 物品或无法弥补的物品(例如法律 文件、珠宝、照片或家庭录像)。

  • How to extract valuable knowledge from the massive potential documents has become a major information-processing goal .

    如何从海量的 文本中提取潜在的、 价值的知识成为信息处理的一大目标。

  • These can serve as valuable documents for the study of the history of Tamsui .

    若是要研究淡水的历史,这些都是相当 价值 文献

  • Consolidated statements is the difficult point and hotspot in research on accounting since the emergence of it foreign scholars have carried on a large amount of research on theirs value-relevance and a lot of valuable conclusions and documents have been produced .

    合并财务报表是当代会计研究的一个难点和热点,自合并财务 报表产生以来,国外学者对其价值相关性进行了大量的研究,并形成了一批 借鉴的研究成果。

  • Meanwhile I wanted to escape to the Europe but she hide away my international passport and other valuable traveling documents .

    与此同时,我想跑到欧洲,但是她躲我的国际护照及其他 价值的旅行 文件

  • They are an incredibly valuable family history resource covering a period in history from which few official documents remain . '

    这些 文件是极为 珍贵的家族史资源。它所涵盖的历史时期在其它官方 文件中很罕有体现。

  • This is the valuable cultural documents of the study on behalf of the Spring and Autumn Period and the former historiographer and some are lacking in other historical records .

    这都是研究春秋时期及其前代史官文化的 珍贵 文献 资料,有些还是其它史籍所缺乏的。

  • They warned the airlines could be forced to give up valuable take-off and landing slots according to documents seen by the financial times .

    英国《金融时报》看到的 文件显示,欧洲监管机构警告称,上述航空公司可能会被迫放弃 价值的起飞和着落配置权。

  • Before you invest your valuable time and energy into installing WordPress there are some documents you need to read .

    在您为安装WordPress而投入 宝贵的时间和精力之前,有一些 文件需要您阅读。

  • Although there are some valuable researches in these documents the research on public policy analysis in China is still very backward either from the perspective of dynamic discipline development or from the academic level of international public policy analysis .

    这些 文献固然不乏有 价值的研究,然而,无论是从动态的学科发展来看,还是静态的与国际上公共政策分析的学术水平比较结果来看,我国公共政策分析的研究仍然非常落后。

  • Mr Mandela appealed to others who had worked for the South African authorities of the time to come forward with any valuable documents and mementoes they might still own .

    曼德拉号召其他为当时的南非政府工作过的人贡献出他们可能拥有的任何 价值 文件和纪念品。

  • These poems reflecting the people 's anti-imperialist and anti-feudal spirit are valuable local historical documents as well as poetry for literary appreciation .

    近代粤西诗歌体现了反帝反封精神, 具有 一定的地方历史 文献和诗歌鉴赏的 价值