The value of this contract clause is calculated and assessed by applying binary tree model in order to efficiently control the risks of Mergers and Acquisitions .
并利用二 叉树 期权定价方法,计算该支持担保的 价值,以有效的控制并购风险。
Then the article describes how Collection value statistics among the analytic method of interval weight determine the methods of weight besides fuzzy expansion of having clause in SQL in details .
接下来我们详细描述了以区间权重分析法中的集 值统计确定权重的方法。此外还让SQL语句中 having 子句中也进行模糊扩展。
If a VALUE clause is not specified the initial value of the item is undefined .
如果没有指定 VALUE 子句,则表示没有定义该项的初始值。
We can mix variables passed by value and by reference easily within the use clause and they will be handled without any problem .
我们可以将按 值和按引用传递的变量轻松地混合到use 子句中,并且可以顺利地处理这些变量。
SeenGuardClauseAt : the value of the program counter when the logging guard clause is discovered in the analyzed code
seenGuardClauseAt:在所分析的代码中发现日志监护 子句时,程序计数器的 值
This can accrue a large performance gain for the program as compared to issuing a completely new SQL statement every time a new value is required in a WHERE clause .
与每次 WHERE 子句中需要一个新 值就发出一条全新的SQL语句相比,这可以给程序增加很大的性能收益。
PARAMETER MARKER : An application may wish to call the same query multiple times only changing specific values each time ( ex : parameters sent to a stored procedure or a value in a WHERE clause ) .
参数标志(PARAMETERMARKER):应用程序可能希望多次调用同一个查询,每次调用时只改变特定的值(例如,发送给存储过程的参数,或者 WHERE 子句 中 的 值)。
Gets a value indicating whether this exception-handling clause is a finally clause a type-filtered clause or a user-filtered clause .
获取一个 值,该 值指示此异常处理 子句是finally子句、类型筛选的子句还是用户筛选的子句。
You can use a scalar subquery to select a specific value that will be used in the expression of the WHERE clause .
可以使用标量子查询选择将用于 WHERE 子句的表达式中的特定 值。
You already know that EMPNO will be equal to the value '000010'because that is what the WHERE clause tells DB2 to do .
您已经知道了EMPNO将等于 值“000010”,因为那就是 WHERE 子句要DB2做的事。
The return value of any function is the result of the last expression in that clause ( in our examples there is only one line ) .
任何函数的返回 值都是 子句(在我们的示例中只有一行)中最后一个表达式的结果。
There is one value for each clause and a final value that specifies the length of the full string .
每个 子 串对应一个 值,最后一个值确定整个字母组合字符串的长度。
The default value in the drop-down list is based on the type of the data column to use in the where clause search condition .
下拉列表中的默认 值基于要在 where 子句搜索条件中使用的数据列的类型。
When using the CREATE FIELD statement make sure to specify each clause in the correct order ( TYPE NAMESPACE NAME VALUE ) .
Here the enumerated value is passed into the switch statement ( remember getGrade () returns an instance of Grade ) and each case clause deals with a specific value .
在这里,枚举 值被传递到switch语句中(请记住,getGrade()是作为Grade的实例返回的),而每个case 子句将处理一个特定的值。
It generally involves two levels of content : Inner layer for performance for the value orientation method reflecting the value choice of legislation and the legislative ; Outer layer for the purpose by the legislative . Usually expressed in the purpose clause of the Act .
它一般包含两层内容:内层表现为该法的价值取向,反映的是立法者的立法态度及 价值选择;外层表现为该法的立法目的,通常在该法的目的 条款中明示出来。
If the statement is not successful the value of SQLERRNUM is captured and returned to the caller using the RETURN statement and the RETURNS clause .
如果语句不成功,将使用RETURN语句和RETURNS 子句捕捉SQLERRNUM的 值并返回给调用者。
The wizard displays a dialog box that prompts you for a value to use in the where clause .
向导将显示一个对话框,提示您输入一个要在 where 子句中使用的 值。
The first part analyzes theoretical value of the system from intension constitutive requirements and consequences of divesting accusatorial right to prove escape clause rationality .
第一部分从程序违法责问失权的内涵及构成要件着手,从实践中总结责问权丧失所产生的后果,分析该制度的理论 价值,以此证明失权 例外存在的合理性。
This lets you pass in a map of name / value pairs to form a WHERE clause in an SQL query .
它允许您传入一个名称/ 值对映射,以在SQL查询中构造一个WHERE 子句。
美[ˈvælju klɔz]英[ˈvælju klɔ:z]
[计] 赋值子句