value of trade

[ˈvælju ʌv treid][ˈvælju ɔv treid]

[经] 贸易额(值)

  • For the commercial value of academic controversy refers to whether practical utility should be included in commercial value of trade secret or should separate these two concepts .

    学术界对于价值性的争议主要体现在 商业秘密的实用性是否包含于 价值 之中,还是应该将实用性与价值性区分开来。

  • With the knowledge economy and the advent of economic globalization the economic value of trade secrets become more and more prominent .

    伴随着知识经济和经济全球化浪潮的到来, 商业秘密的经济 价值日益凸显。

  • Among the trade theories gravity models are those that can quantitatively determine the value of trade between two economies .

    在贸易理论中能够定量 应用于两个经济之间 贸易 计算的,目前只有引力模型。

  • Despite several exceptional episodes like the surplus productions of1999 and2004 the financial value of international trade has also seen a notable increase over the period .

    在这段时间,尽管也出现过像1999年和2004年的生产过剩等特殊事件,但国际 贸易 也同时出现显着增加。

  • Overall renminbi-denominated trade accounts for less than 1 per cent of the total value of trade between Japan and China say analysts .

    分析师们表示,总体而言,以人民币计价的 贸易在日中贸易 总额 的比重不到1%。

  • And the significantly loses may be the obligee 's loss may be the value of trade secret or both of them .

    而重大损失的计算,可以是权利人的损失额,也可以是 商业秘密的 价值 ,也可以是兼而有之。

  • According to the World Bank the dollar value of trade is about a third lower than it was a year ago .

    按世界银行的数据, 贸易的美元 价值相比一年前已下降了1/3。

  • In1998 Hong Kong was the world 's ninth largest trading entity in terms of value of merchandise trade .

    一九九八年内,按商品 贸易 价值计算,香港在全球贸易列强中排行第九位。

  • MFN clauses is the core value of trade of investment of the world today .

    最惠国条款是当今世界 贸易与投资的核心 所在

  • On the Value of Trade Association and System Guarantee under Multi Dimension Competitive Mode COMPETITION

    多维竞争模式下的 行业协会 价值及制度保障

  • Part I mainly explains the basic content of trade facilitation relationship between trade facilitation and trade liberalization and analyzes the value of trade facilitation .

    第一章阐述贸易便利化的基本内容,比较贸易便利化与贸易自由化之间的关系,分析 贸易便利化的 价值

  • Nowadays it is not enough in China to provide owners of trade secret with relevant law provision with more and more important is the property value of trade secret .

    随着 商业 秘密财产 价值之凸显,我国现行法律所提供的保护规范已明显不足。

  • Part I studies the basic theory of the legal system of trade name . Beginning with the definition of trade name it analyses the value of trade name the principles of controlling trade name and the historical legal system of trade name in the word .

    第一部分研究商业名称法律制度的基本理论,该部分从界定商业名称的涵义开始,主要研究商业名称的 价值商业名称规制的原则以及国内外商业名称法律制度的历史沿革。

  • China will be given time to comply with the latest ruling but if it fails to do so it could be liable for us trade sanctions equivalent to the estimated value of trade lost .

    中国将获得一段时间来遵守最新裁决,但如果它拒不执行,就可能导致美国行使相关权利,按照 估算 贸易损失,实施贸易制裁。

  • Changes in the Chinese diet have already boosted demand for grains and livestock feed and the index suggests that the same phenomenon is now under way in the seafood industry where the total value of fish trade is expected to reach $ 130bn this year .

    中国人饮食习惯的变化,已然推高了对谷物和牲畜饲料的需求,而现在全球鱼价指数似乎表明,同样的现象正在水产行业出现&今年该 行业的销售 总额预计将达1300亿美元。

  • Recognizing the important value of trade secrets enterprises which take trade secret infringement litigation weapon for protection is also increasing in order to safeguard the interests of their own competition for survival .

    为了维护自身的生存竞争利益,认识到 商业秘密的重大 价值的企业,因商业秘密受到侵犯而运用诉讼武器寻求保护的也越来越多。

  • According to the statistics of the Customs the value of trade mounted to 126.3 billion dollars in 2003 which was 50 times more than that of 25 years ago ;

    据中国海关统计,到2003年,两国的双边 贸易 已达到1262.6亿美元,在25年间增长了50多倍;

  • The total value of our trade in goods and services in a year is equal to well over 250 % of our GDP .

    香港每年的货品 贸易和服务 贸易 总额,远超过本地生产总值的250%。

  • Chinese officials point to a 7 per cent decline in the dollar value of the trade surplus last year and the steep drop in the current account surplus from 11 per cent of GDP in 2007 to just short of 6 per cent last year .

    中国官员提到,去年,以美元 计算 贸易顺差减少了7%,经常账户盈余占GDP的比例,从2007年的11%大幅降至略低于6%。

  • Sino-Korea agricultural value of trade is growing gradually but the agricultural value of trade in the share of Sino-Korea import and export trade is low and declines year by year .

    中韩农产品 贸易 在逐渐增长,然而其在中韩进出口贸易总额中所占比例却较低,并且在逐年下降。

  • China 's Value of Trade for 1995 by Countries

    1995年中国对主要国家的 进出 贸易 总额

  • The second part analyzes the political and social value of Trade Union in non-public enterprise .

    第二部分,从本 专业角度阐述了工会尤其是非公企业 工会维权的政治学、社会学 价值

  • In view of this character we analyze the function and value of trade competitive intelligence by the method of value engineering .

    针对这一特点,结合价值工程的功能分析与功能评价等方法,对 贸易竞争情报的功能和 价值进行 研究

  • In 2000 Hong Kong 's total services trade amounted to US $ 65.1 billion making it the world 's 11th largest trading entity in terms of value of services trade .

    二零零零年,香港的整体服务 贸易额达651亿美元,以 价值计算在世界排名第11位。

  • World trade in goods and services though growing significantly since the early1970s was dwarfed by international financial transactions of more than five times the value of world trade .

    世界商品和服务贸易虽然从70年代初以来有很大增长,但与国际金融交易额相比则相形见拙,后者是世界 贸易 的五倍多。

  • Combined with special features of chemical product we illustrated the strategic value of trade loyalty in chemical product market ;

    结合化工产品的特点,论述 品牌忠诚在化工产品营销中的战略 价值

  • Speculators can trade with almost no money down allowing them to influence prices via large bets while often risking only 5 to 10 per cent of the overall value of the trade .

    投机者几乎不用投入什么资金便可进行交易,使得他们得以通过大额押注影响价格,同时往往仅有 交易 总价的5%到10%面临风险。

  • With the value of trade secrets has become increasingly prominent trade secret infringement litigation continues to grow .

    随着 商业秘密 价值的日益凸显,商业秘密侵权诉讼不断增多。