vapor pressure

[ˈvepɚ ˈprɛʃɚ][ˈveipə ˈpreʃə]


  • Water molecules adhere to the gels surface because it exhibits a lower vapor pressure than the surrounding air .

    坚持以水分子凝胶表面,因为它表现出了周围的空气低 气压比。

  • Saturated Vapor Pressure of Refrigerant Mixed with Refrigeration Oil

    含有冷冻机油制冷剂的饱和 气压 实验研究

  • The bowling Point of adsorptive materials vapor pressure and active are the main factor affecting the initial efficiency .

    被吸附物质的沸点、 气压及活性是影响初效率的主要因素。

  • The presence of a nonvolatile solute in a liquid always lowers the vapor pressure of the solution .

    溶液中存在的非挥发性溶质,总是使溶液的 气压降低。

  • You want to find the vapor pressure .

    你需要找出 蒸汽

  • It 's the usual it 's pretty close to the usual vapor pressure .

    这很正常, 蒸汽 非常接近通常的 蒸汽

  • Once the cold water enters the flack the vapor pressure falls quickly .

    一旦冷水进入长颈瓶, 气压就迅速下降。

  • Experimental data processing program for measuring saturated vapor pressure of liquid ;

    本文对“液体饱和 气压的测定”实验的改进进行了全面的研究。

  • The vapor pressure changes with the temperature the pressure and the kind of liquid .

    蒸气 压力随温度,压力和液体类型这三种因素的变化而变化。

  • That the vapor pressure of the solute is related to the mole fraction in the solution .

    溶质的 蒸汽 ,和溶液中溶质的摩尔分数成正比。

  • When the total vapor pressure reaches the pressure surrounding the liquid boiling occurs and liquid turns to gas throughout the bulk of the liquid .

    当总 气压与周围液体的压力相等时,沸腾就发生了,液体变成了气体,遍及液体中的气泡。

  • Liquefied compressed gases in a cylinder or any container exist in liquid and gaseous form at a pressure equal to the vapor pressure of the particular gas .

    钢瓶或任何容器内的液化压缩气体以液态和气态形式存在,压力等于特定气体的 气压

  • Meaning that the Henry 's law constant is greater than the vapor pressure of the pure CS2 .

    意味着亨利定律常数,比纯CS2的 蒸汽 大。

  • The vapor pressure and heat of vaporization have been shown to be significant properties in nonsteady droplet vaporization . The taxi 's metre was ticking away .

    在非稳态的液滴汽化中, 气压和汽化热是重要的性质。出租汽车的计程表在滴答滴答地走着。

  • And we want to know what is the vapor pressure of H2O in this system here .

    我们想知道,这个系统中水的 蒸汽 是多少。

  • The vapor pressure of water increases as the temperature is raised .

    温度升高,水的 气压也增高。

  • The normal boiling point of a liquid is the special case at which the vapor pressure of the liquid equals the ambient atmospheric pressure .

    常压沸点是一个特例,其中,液体的 蒸汽 与环境大气压相等。

  • You expect the vapor pressure to go down .

    可以预计 蒸汽 会下降。

  • However if the steam is very pure then even if the outside pressure over its saturation vapor pressure the steam will not automatically condensation which has become over-saturated gas .

    但是如果蒸气很纯净,这时即使外界压强超过了它的饱和 蒸汽 ,蒸汽却不会自动凝结,这就成了过饱和气体。

  • But instead of having the vapor pressure of the pure solute you have another number .

    但比例常数不是,纯溶质的 蒸汽 ,而是另一个数值。

  • Then I want to ask the question what is the vapor pressure of the water ?

    现在我想问的是,水的 蒸汽 是多少?

  • The phase equilibrium is a function of the system temperature . As the temperature of the liquid phase increases so will the vapor pressure ; the converse is also true .

    相平衡使系统温度的一个功能。当液相温度上升时, 气压也会上升;反过来也是如此。

  • The differences in relative humidity temperature and vapor pressure deficit between inside and outside the screen-house decreased with the wind velocity increasing .

    网室内外小气候要素(相对湿度、温度和 饱和 水汽 差)的差异随着风速的增加而减小;

  • We know there 's vapor pressure there right ?

    我们知道这里有 蒸汽

  • But the water is vapor pressure is very slow very small .

    但是水的 蒸汽 很小。

  • So for mercury at100 degrees C 27bar for pure mercury the vapor pressure is0.27 bar .

    对于水银,在100摄氏度下,纯水银的 蒸汽 为0。

  • Where you measure the pressure the vapor pressure as a function of temperature .

    在实验中你可以测量 蒸汽 ,作为温度的函数。

  • As the temperature of a liquid is raised its vapor pressure increases very rapidly .

    液体 蒸汽 随着其温度的升高而十分迅速的增加。

  • The higher the vapor pressure the stronger the volatility the greater the hazard .


  • Water vapor pressure which is also called humidity one of the standard environment parameters should equal to1 .

    高精度测量几何量,如角度、长度等的测量结果都是标准环境参数条件下的值,其中的水 气压(湿度)要求是1。