variable space

[ˈvɛriəbəl spes][ˈvɛəriəbl speis]


  • Although users want the look and feel of Windows desktop systems embedded systems are slower with smaller CPUs and constrained for code and variable data space with limited ROM and RAM respectively .

    虽然用户想要Windows桌面系统的外观和感觉,但是嵌入式系统使用 容量小的处理器而运行缓慢,并且代码和数据的 长度受限于ROM和RAM的大小。

  • Though chaotic particle swarm optimization algorithm lets particles search in the whole variable space the search scale in final time is too large and the high precision of solution is hard to achieve .

    本文分析了混沌粒子群算法解的精度难以保证的原因,混沌粒子群算法虽然能使粒子在 自变量的全部 空间中进行搜索,但后期搜索尺度过大,极值精度难以保证。

  • These two equations show that the time rate of change of information entropy density originates together from the drift diffusion and production in coodinate space and state variable space ;

    这两个方程表明:信息熵密度随时间的变化率是由其在坐标空间和态 变量 空间的漂移、扩散和产生三者引起的;

  • At the second level the original optimization problem in the physical variable space is solved and only the global constraints and the constraints on physical variables obtained at the first level are retained .

    第二级在物理 变量 空间求解整体优化问题,这里只有全局性约束和在第一级得到的物理变量约束。

  • A variable space sampling rate adaptive processing method is proposed to lower the computation complexity and its implemented method is deduced in theory . 4 .

    提出了一种 采样率自适应处理方法,并在理论上推导出它的具体实现方式。

  • When mapping from design variable space to quality attribute space in the stage of concept evaluation of product design the combing qualitative and quantitative method Rough Set based mapping method and physical model experimentation based mapping method are studied .

    从设计 变量 空间到质量属性空间的映射角度,提出了定性定量相结合的分析方法;研究了基于粗集理论的映射方法;

  • We proposed to look at the sample similarity and domain of applicability of models through component spectral space and / or measured variable space .

    (第九章)九、我们提出了从组分光谱空间和/或量测 变量 空间来看待样本间的相似度以及分析模型应用域的想法。

  • The nonlinear mapping from the joint variable space to the operation variable space for the platform is accomplished with BP neural network after training and learning .

    探讨了人工神经网络在并联机器人机构位置正解求解中的应用.采用BP网络,利用位置逆解结果,通过训练学习,实现操作手从关节 变量 空间到工作变量空间的非线性映射;

  • Fixed space : The amount of space between letters and words which cannot be varied for justification needs as opposed to Variable space .

    固定间距:不能调整的字间或 单字间的 空位;它不象活 间距w_382的 在齐行时做调整。

  • Safety Analysis of Rail Traffic Dynamic System based on Mixed Variable Space

    基于混合 变量 空间的轨道交通动态系统安全分析

  • Principles are presented for compressing the design variable space of large scale structures and a quick method of evaluating the constraint gradient in the compressed space is derived .

    提出了压缩大型结构设计 变量 空间的原则;推导了在压缩空间求约束梯度的简捷求法;

  • Bifurcation of homoclinic orbits in fast variable space

    变量 空间中的同宿轨道分支

  • The local variable space is used as a general storage area for the function and the register save area is used to save the values of non-volatile registers that the function uses .

    本地 变量 空间用作该函数的通用存储空间,寄存器保存区用于保存函数所使用的非可变寄存器的值。

  • Tracking 3D Hand in Hierarchical Latent Variable Space

    层级潜 变量 空间中的三维人手跟踪方法

  • In this way the c ( c ≥ 2 ) classification problem is taken as c two-class problems and c class rules are expressed by c particle swarms and classfication rules with the continuous variable space is finished by the PSO algorithm .

    这种方法将c(c≥2)类问题看成是c个两类问题,应用c个微粒群表示c类规则,每个微粒群应用PSO算法实现对连续 变量 空间的分类。

  • Implementation of the velocity - lithology analysis and the variable velocity space correction on the landmark workstation

    兰德马克工作站上实现速度-岩性分析和 变速

  • Geographical significance of Gravitation theory is a building of definite relationships on geographical variable and space .

    引力论的地理学意义是建立地理 变量 空间的确定性关系;

  • Based on these new techniques the software with automatically variable irregular space grid and automatically variable time stepsize has been developed which greatly enhances the computational efficiency for the numerical solution of two-dimension three-temperature equations .

    在此基础上,针对欲求解的问题构造了一个自动 改变 空间网格自动改变时间步长的软件,大幅度提高了该问题的计算效率。

  • First the performance function is analyzed by the non-probabilistic set-based reliability model and then the reliability of all regions in the normalized interval variable space is summed up .

    该模型首先通过将功能函数进行非概率可靠性分析,然后将标准化区间 变量 空间所有区域的可靠度进行求和计算,从而给出结构的可靠度。

  • Based on the numerical calculus of soil freezing and the apparent heat capacity method completely and partly implicit difference schemes of the heat transfer equation were deduced by the finite difference method with variable space step .

    针对土壤冻结过程的数值分析,基于显热容法用有限差分法构造出热传导方程 空间步长的半隐格式和全隐格式。

  • Status Variable Space Dynamic Programming and Its Application for Optimal Operation of Cascaded Hydroelectric Systems

    状态 空间动态规划法在水库优化调度中的应用

  • Control of electromagnetic torque is the key of servo system for the disturbance of waves . Sliding mode variable structure space vector modulate direct torque control is selected for electro-servo system and different parts of servo system is modeled .

    由于海浪的随机扰动等因素的影响,对电磁转矩的控制成为了伺服控制的关键,最终确定伺服系统的控制方式采用滑模 结构 空间矢量直接转矩控制,并建立了系统各部分的数学模型。

  • To solve the two problems this paper introduce decomposition method in researching multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm and apply the cooperative co-evolution and the bipolar preferences to decompose the variable space and the Pareto front .

    本文针对这两个难点问题,以分解为切入点,利用合作协同进化和双极偏好来分别对 变量 空间和Pareto前沿进行分解,研究基于分解的多目标粒子群优化算法及其应用。

  • The peculiarities which crossover mutation and selection operators can search the whole variable space in high probability and BP operators can converge accurately and fast near the solution have been adopted sufficiently here .

    充分利用了杂交、变异选择算子在全 变量 空间以较大概率搜索全局解的特点,以及在解点附近BP算子快速、精确地收敛的特点。

  • Multi-Mobile Robot 's Oppositional Strategy System Based on Discrete Variable Action Space

    基于离散 变量动作 空间的多移动机器人对抗策略系统

  • Variable space finite difference method of lines


  • Considered that the Newtonian method is with local convergence and then is often fail a genetic algorithm ( GA ) which can search the solution in the full variable space for nonlinear equations is got .

    本文针对牛顿法的局部收敛性而容易导致求解失败,先讨论在 全局 空间搜索解的非线性方程组遗传算法(GA)。