variable address

[ˈvɛriəbəl əˈdrɛs][ˈvɛəriəbl əˈdres]


  • The variable 's address in memory is0x2FF22938 and its current value is10 .

    变量在内存中的 地址是0x2FF22938,而它当前的值则是10。

  • It is the most difficult problem to recover complex data type in the process of decompilation . This paper introduces data flow analysis by various features collecting various defined and used information about variable and then recovering array data type by calculating address expression and merging address range .

    逆编译中,复合数据类型恢复是最困难的问题.文中介绍按特征进行数据流分析,收集 变量的各种定义和引用信息,然后通过计算 地址表达式和合并地址区间的方法恢复数组类型。

  • Two methods of communication among the users who access the network is introduced in the paper . It is discussed the design and implementation of variable IP address user communication support system .

    本文介绍了接入内部网的用户间通信的两种方法,着重介绍了 可变IP 地址用户间通信支持系统的设计与实现。

  • Power and solidarity relation being all variable quantity as time going on the deepening associating or change of emotion the use of address will change too .

    由于权势和同等关系都是 可变的量,随着时间的推移、交往的深入或者情感的变化, 称呼 的使用也会发生变化。

  • If it 's not prefixed with $ the actual bytes represented by the memory variable are pushed onto the stack instead of the address .

    如果不加前缀$,那么会将内存 变量代表的实际字节压入堆栈,而不是 地址

  • Next change the ip variable to be to an open IP address on your local network .

    接下来,将ip 变量更改为本地网络上一个开放的IP 地址

  • Aim When using moderate dimension of apparatus to realize combined logic function the instance which function variable numbers is less than the address of data selector is discussed .

    目的讨论用中规模器件实现组合逻辑函数时,函数 变量数小于数据选择器的 地址变量数的情况。

  • In this case there 's a single variable named people and the value is the array containing three items each of which is a person record with a first name a last name and an e-mail address .

    在这个示例中,只有一个名为people的 变量,值是包含三个条目的数组,每个条目是一个人的记录,其中包含名、姓和电子邮件 地址

  • When a long string variable is assigned a string constant the string pointer is assigned the address of the memory block generated for the string constant .

    当一个串 变量被赋予一个串常量时,串指针被赋予串常量内存块的 地址

  • Pointer is a special variable that stores the value which is interpreted as a memory address .

    指针是一个特殊的 变量,它里面存储的数值被解释成为内存里的一个 地址

  • Overwriting a local variable that is near the buffer in memory of a given process 's virtual address space to change the behavior of the application .

    重写靠近缓冲区(保存给定进??的虚拟 地址空间)的局部 变量以更改应用程序的行为。

  • In GAS on the other hand the variable usort_str must be prefixed with $ so that it is treated as an immediate address .

    但是在GAS中, 变量usortstr必须加上前缀$,这样它才会被当作 地址

  • It plays a key role in real-time efficiency of PLC online debug that the address of monitored variable is invariant . A method of automatic generation of address dynamically to map is proposed .

    该文针对可编程控制器在线调试中静态 地址可变的 问题,分析了监控 变量的地址分布是影响实时性效率的关键因素,提出一种 地址自动生成方法。