variable exchange

[ˈvɛriəbəl ɪksˈtʃendʒ][ˈvɛəriəbl iksˈtʃeindʒ]

[经] 可变汇率

  • And this paper uses error correction model ( ECM ) with four variables which are separately stock price index of commercial banks as explained variable and Renminbi exchange rate interest rate and market index as the explanatory variable .

    本部分选取的实证模型为四变量的误差修正模型,四个变量分别是,一个被解释变量:银行业股价指数;三个解释 变量汇率、利率和市场指数。

  • As a very important variable of the financial market exchange rate not only affects the operation of the macro economy but also has effect on the resources distribution of micro economy .

    汇率作为金融市场的重要 变量,不仅影响宏观经济的运行,同时也会对微观经济层次上的资源配置产生重要作用。

  • In the model we set turnover intention as the intervening variable exchange perceived organizational support as the moderator variable between job burnout and turnover intention .

    该模型以离职念头为工作倦怠与 离职倾向之间的中介 变量、组织支持为工作倦怠与离职倾向之间的调节变量来探讨工作倦怠对离职倾向的影响。

  • As a economic variable exchange rate has always been studied by economists .

    作为一个重要的经济 变量汇率一直是经济学者研究的重点。

  • As an important macroeconomic environment variable Exchange rate has a profound impact on the national economy .

    汇率是宏观经济环境中的一个重要 变量,其变动对国民经济有着深远的影响。

  • Prices are variable according to the rate of exchange .

    物价会随 汇率变动

  • When the international capital adopts the synopsis the way to enter the stock market The international capital may influence stock market indirectly through the macroeconomic variable such as the exchange rate the interest rate the foreign exchange reserve the capital formation and so on .

    当国际资本不能直接进入证券市场时,国际资本可以通过对 汇率、利率、外汇储备、资本形成等宏观 经济环境的影响,来间接影响证券市场。

  • Sector one analyzes the economic variable influencing the RMB exchange rate at the basis of Chapter two and establishes the theoretic model of RMB equilibrium exchange rate .

    第一节在第二章分析的基础上,分析了各种与人民币 汇率变动相关的经济 变量,并建立了人民币均衡汇率理论模型。

  • This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions for how to use the Rational Performance Tester test variable functionality to exchange data between tests at run time without using a user-generated data pool .

    这一教程提供了具体的指南,指导您怎样使用RationalPerformanceTester测试 变量功能,来在运行时 交换数据,而不必使用用户生成的数据池。

  • The Central bank exchange rate intervention has a long history in western countries . It has been a important way to adjust the macro-economy and a important variable to affect the foreign exchange market .

    中央银行的汇率干预在西方国家已有数十年的历史,它已成为政府调节宏观经济活动的重要手段和影响 外汇市场的重要 变量

  • As a core economic relative variable in an open economy exchange rate acts a very important role in the realization of macro-economic and external balance .

    作为开放经济中的相对价格, 汇率是衡量一国或地区对外经济活动最重要的综合性 指标,对于宏观经济内外均衡的实现具有重要意义。

  • As a chief macroeconomic variable the real exchange rate ( rer ) has a tight connection with the growth and fluctuation of the economy .

    实际 汇率作为重要的宏观经济 变量,与经济运行的两大基本范畴&经济增长和经济波动,存在着紧密的联系。

  • This paper gives the application tips of C language in bit operations by enumerating its operations such as variable exchange number conversion between decimal and binary system bit detecting and bit rewriting . Furthermore C language status in the high-level computer languages is emphasized .

    文章从普通的 两数之间的 交换到十进制数与二进制数的转换以及位检测与位改写出发,列举了C语言位运算功能的一些妙用,从而进一步突出了C语言在计算机高级语言中的重要地位。

  • The networks are drove by events and may use networks variable exchange information .

    网络是事件驱动的,可以以网络 变量的形式 传递网络消息。

  • The test variable functionality is used to exchange data between the Create and Delete order test module .

    测试 变量功能用于 交换Create与Deleteorder测试模块之间的数据。

  • Linking various test modules together by using the Test Variable functionality so that they can exchange data

    使用Test Variable功能来联系各种测试模块,这样它们彼此之间就可以 交换数据了

  • The paper introduces the system function method and the time region new variable method two exchange methods designed for system analysis and exchange between system differential equation and system chart .

    为实现系统微分方程与系统框图的互换,介绍了系统函数法和时域中间 变量法两种 互换方法。

  • As an important price variable the changes in RMB exchange rate will act on Chinese internal economy through the trade structure export prices and capital flows .

    人民币 汇率作为重要的价格 变量,其变动会通过对贸易结构、出口产品价格、资本流动的影响而作用于我国内部经济。

  • As one of the most important economic variable in an open economy exchange rate is an important factor which impact economy home and aboard .

    作为开放经济条件下的重要经济 变量汇率是影响一国内部和外部经济的关键因素。

  • As a core variable in open economy exchange rate has direct and close relations not only with the current accounts and capital accounts but also with other macroeconomic variables .

    作为开放经济中的核心经济 变量汇率不仅与经常项目和资本项目直接相关,也与其他宏观经济变量密切相关。

  • Then stationarity of time series for the data has been examined by adopting AD method followed by cointegration test and Granger causal relation test against each macroeconomic variable and Shanghai Stock Exchange index respectively .

    然后,运用AD方法检验数据时间序列的平稳性,接着对各宏观经济 变量上证指数进行协整检验和Granger因果关系检验。

  • The test variable functionality facilitates the exchange of data between the test modules .

    测试 变量功能会促进测试模块之间数据的 交换

  • This variable the full path of the exchange scripts directory .

    变量显示 exchange脚本目录的完整路径。

  • In an open economy as a key variable of the economic systerm exchange rate not only adjust and associate with various macro-and micro-economic factors but also impact the balance of internal and external economies .

    在开放经济中, 汇率作为核心经济 变量,调整并联系着各种宏观和微观经济因素,同时也影响着各经济体的内外均衡。

  • In order to solve the flaws the thesis provide a Variable Key Exchange Protocol ( VKEP ) the protocol achieves the mutual authentication and key distribution between the Supplicant and AP .

    提出了 可变密钥 交换协议(简称VKEP)来实现请求者和无线接入点AP之间的相互认证和密钥分配。

  • The test variable is also used to exchange data between regular tests that have not been modularized .

    测试 变量还用于在没有模块化的规范测试之间 交换数据。

  • The second variable in the costliness of the exchange posses is the size of the market which determines whether personal or impersonal exchange occurs .

    交易费用所拥有的第二项 变量是市场规模,这决定了所发生的是人格化交换还是非人格化 交换

  • As the key variable in the dynamics of macro-economy exchange rate plays a significant role .

    作为宏观经济的核心 变量汇率对一国的内外经济起着重要的调节作用。

  • As an important variable of open economy real exchange rate can affect and explain economic growth in wide way .

    实际 汇率作为开放经济条件下一项重要的经济 变量,对一国经济发展具有广泛的影响力与解释力。