vapour pressure

[ˈvepɚ ˈprɛʃɚ][ˈveipə ˈpreʃə]


  • Full utilization of chemical reaction heat and increment of vapour pressure of industrial and waste boilers ;

    充分利用化学反应热,提高自备工业锅炉和废锅 压力

  • Relationship Between Saturated Water Vapour Pressure and Characteristics of Porous Medium in PEMFC

    PEMFC中水的饱和 蒸汽 压力与其中多孔介质特征关系研究

  • A concise physical picture is furnished by chemical potential curve about the law of phase equilibrium saturated vapour pressure of curved liquid surface evaporation and condensation etc.

    通过曲线描述,提供了关于相平衡、弯曲液面饱和 气压以及蒸发、凝结等规律比较直观的物理图像。

  • The coagulating water of soil can not occur a lot in the extreme dry regions due to the very low vapour pressure on the air .

    在极端干旱地区,空气中的 汽压很低,不可能发生大量土壤凝结水。

  • The saturated vapour pressure experimental apparatus of CF ? 200 type has been improved .

    对CF200型饱和 蒸汽 实验装置进行了改进。

  • There is a different value of saturated vapour pressure between the plane liquid surface and the curved one namely an additional value ( positive or negative ) .

    按照这一模型,液体的某些表面现象,如表面张力、弯曲表面的饱和 汽压等都能得到满意的说明。

  • IR output energy and the threshold of SERS as a function of the pumping energy and vapour pressure are measured and analysed .

    实验测量了红外辐射强度及受激电子喇曼散射的阈值对 蒸汽 、泵浦光强度的依赖关系,并进行了分析和讨论。

  • Ice possesses a lower equilibrium vapour pressure than water .

    冰具有比水低的平衡 蒸汽

  • Vapour pressure is an important product specification .


  • In this article we discussed concepts about vapour pressurs and the problem vapour pressure of small drop of liquid and small crystal .

    讨论了关于蒸汽压的概念以及小液滴和小晶粒的 蒸汽 问题。

  • On measurement of vapour pressure and calculation of activities by Langmuir method

    关于用朗格谬尔法测定 气压及计算活度的讨论

  • At the temperature of liquid nitrogen the N 2 adsorption process and adsorptive volume of coal samples are measured under the gas saturated vapour pressure . Using BET and BJH theoretical models the pore volume and area of coal are calculated .

    在液氮温度下,通过测试煤样在气体饱和 蒸气 压力范围内对N2的吸附过程及吸附量,用BET和BJH理论模型计算出煤的孔体积和孔表面积。

  • It is practically immiscible with water has a high boiling point and low vapour pressure .

    它特别不溶于水,沸点更高, 蒸汽 更低。

  • The relations between soil surface resistance and evaporating time and difference of vapour pressure between evaporating plane and atmosphere were simulated . Simulating result of the latter was better than that of the former .

    同时,还对土壤表面阻力与蒸发时间的关系、与蒸发时间及土壤蒸发面和大气间 水汽 差的关系进行了模拟,结果后一种比前一种模拟更符合实际。

  • Discussion about saturated vapour pressure of curved liquid surface

    弯曲液面饱和 气压的研究

  • These three parameters determined by fitting vapour pressure vapour volume and liquid volume are all function of temperature .

    由同时拟合 蒸汽 、汽相体积和液相体积确定的三个参数都是温度的函数。

  • The Effect of Saturated Vapour Pressure Equation on Sublimation in a Strong Electric Field

    强电场下 蒸汽 方程对凝华的影响

  • The temperature range of 77-40 K is acquired by reducing the saturation vapour pressure with liquid nitrogen as the cold resource .

    本文叙述了以液氮作为冷源,用降低饱和 蒸汽 (减压)的方法,获得77&40K温区。

  • Experimental Method for Measuring Pure Liquid Saturation Vapour Pressure

    纯液体饱和 气压测量的实验方法

  • The saturated vapour pressure values are calculated based on 23 hydrocarbon compounds total deviation is 0.84 % .

    计算了23个烃类化合物的饱和 气压,总误差为0.84%。

  • The Application of the Concept of Saturation Vapour Pressure to the Process of Chemical Engineering

    液体饱和 气压概念在化工过程中的应用

  • Analysis and Research on Fuzzy Control System of Vapour Pressure of Chain Type Boiler

    链条式锅炉 蒸汽 压力模糊控制系统的分析和研究

  • When temperature is below 948 K the vapour pressure of rare earth bromides is immeasurably small .

    溴化稀土在948K以下时 气压极小,以至于无法测出。

  • The four properties vapour pressure lowering freezing point depression boiling elevation and osmotic pressure are known as the colligative properties of solutions .

    溶液的这四个特性: 蒸汽 下降、凝固点降低,沸点升高和渗透压,称为溶液的依数性。

  • The spatial distributive features of water content and vapour pressure are analysed .

    分析了 平均水汽含量和 水汽 的空间变化特征。

  • Hydrophilicity hydrophobicity and the diameter of the pore in the porous medium have great effect on the saturation water vapour pressure ;

    材料亲、憎水性和孔径对饱和 蒸汽 压力有巨大的影响。

  • Liquified petroleum gases & Calculation of vapour pressure and relative density and octane number

    GB/T12576-1997液化石油气 气压和相对密度及辛烷值计算法

  • Calculation of Vapour Pressure of Metals by Statistical-Mechanical Method With the Debye Model

    应用德拜模型的统计力学方法计算金属的 气压

  • Study on Cu-Ag-Si-Ga Series Brazing Filler Alloys with Low Vapour Pressure

    Cu-Ag-Si-Ga系低 气压钎料合金研究

  • The most accurate observations are made when we observe the light emitted when the vapour pressure is low .
