variable behavior

[ˈvɛriəbəl bɪˈhevjɚ][ˈvɛəriəbl bɪˈheɪvjə]

[医] 可变性活动

  • Can you teach a chicken to dance ? Amazingly yes because all animals-and humans-have variable behavior .

    你能教一只小鸡跳舞吗?能。让人吃惊吧?因为所有的动物和人多有多姿 多彩 行为举止。

  • Mediating variable is the behavior of participation and commitment . Outcome variable is the continued use of the intention .

    中介 变量为参与 行为以及承诺,结果变量为持续使用意图。

  • Verbal aggression behavior variable : emotion and emotional behavior .

    言语攻击 行为 变量&情绪及其外化。

  • Mental representation is an important variable affecting the behavior .

    心理表征是影响 行为的重要 变量

  • In these manmade systems it is not continuous variable but discrete event to impact the behavior of the system .

    在这类人造系统中,对系统 行为进程起决定作用的是一批离散事件,而不是连续 变量

  • The Effects of Base Pay and Variable Pay on Manager Behavior

    变动报酬与 固定报酬对经理 行为的影响

  • A statistics analysis for variable behavior of homemade auto steels ' properties

    国产汽车钢板材料性能 波动 特性的统计学分析

  • The paper is focused on the differences between the variable axial force and the fixed axial force column in aspects of loading capacity ductility and dissipation of energy and the effects of the range of variable axial force on the sample earthquake-resistant behavior .

    重点讨论了变轴力与定轴力柱在滞回 特性、承载力、延性和耗能等方面的差异,以及轴力 变化幅度对试件抗震 性能的影响。

  • This model adapts to a variety of complex stress path loading and it uses the equivalent plastic strain as an internal variable to describe the stress-strain behavior of concrete under cyclic loading .

    该模型适应各种复杂应力路径下的加载方式,以等效塑性应变作为内 变量,描述了混凝土在循环荷载作用下的应力应变 行为

  • In addition product knowledge of consumers is an important variable on the decision of consumer behavior . However this variable is neglected in the studies of perceived quality .

    另外,消费者的产品知 在决定消费者 为是个重要的变數,但在知觉品质的研究中被忽略。

  • The Impacts of Variable Pricing on Traveler Behavior of Cargo Trucks

    高速公路 可变收费对货车 出行选择影响 研究

  • Sex educational level age urbanization political satisfaction political efficacy the modern nature of the variable are political trust and instability behavior have an effect .

    性别、文化程度、年龄、城市化、政治满意度、政治效能感、现代性 变量则对政治信任与不稳定 行为都有影响。

  • Member variable to store the ' automatic commit ' behavior for the class .

    存储类的自动提交 行为的成员 变量

  • Behavioral measurements were conducted through questionnaire which was developed according to theory of reasoned action which consists of a measurement model that specifies the relation of measured to behavioral variables and a behavioral variable model to show the influence of behavior variables on each other .

    以行为推理理论假设感染的行为危险模式。结构由一个测量行为变量关系的模型和一个反映 行为变量彼此间关系的行为 变量模型构成。

  • The authors also found that P-I Fit is the moderating variable between organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior .

    个体和所在行业的匹配性 变量是组织承诺和组织公民 行为之间关系的调节 变量

  • This allows you to keep all of the benefits of not having an updateable variable while still having repetitive stateful behavior .

    这就使得您可以获得避免使用可更新 变量的所有益处,同时能够进行重复的、有状态的 行为

  • But the revised one fits better . Second each variable has a real influence on visitor behavior intention of a different level .

    但修正后的模型拟合度更好;二、各 变量行为意向具有不同程度的显著影响。

  • Study of Variable Behavior of Soil Index

    土性指标的 变异 特性研究

  • Ultrafast-convert hybrid pulse square-wave variable polarity TIG arc behavior

    超快变换复合脉冲方波 极性TIG电弧 行为

  • Another variable aspect of body language is touch behavior which differs greatly even between such close neighbors as the British and the French .

    另一个形体语言的 不同是触摸方式,这种 行为在像英法这样的近邻之间差异都很大。

  • AIM : To observe the effect of chronic variable stress on the blood pressure and behavior of rats and investigate the participating role of cortisol .

    目的:观察慢性 可变应激对大鼠血压和 行为 的影响,以及皮质醇的参与作用。

  • Combining the gas-liquid-liquid 3-phase flash calculation model and the definition of wellbore storage deriving a formula which can calculate the variable wellbore storage considering complex phase behavior of multi-phase liquid .

    结合气液液三相相平衡热力学闪蒸计算和井筒储存系数定义,推导出了考虑多相流体复杂相 变化的凝析气井 井储系数计算方法。

  • It reveals the cognitive process of internal mechanism and explains variable psychological activities language behavior of human being .

    它揭示了认知过程内部心理机制,并对人的 各种心理活动、言语 行为做出某种解释。

  • On the basis of the continuum fatigue damage theory a new nonlinear fatigue damage cumulative model is proposed by the defined fatigue damage variable by means of the varying behavior of the material ductility in the process of fatigue damage .

    首先在连续疲劳损伤理论的基础上,根据 疲劳损伤过程中金属材料韧性的变化 特点,建立一种新的非线性疲劳损伤累积模型。

  • Moral identity was the intermediary variable of moral sensitivity and moral behavior . 5 .

    道德同一性是道德敏感性与道德 行为的中介 变量