


  • Simulation results of point targets and distributed target validate the effectiveness of the presented imaging approach .

    点目标和分布目标的仿真结果 验证了这种成像方法的有效性。

  • Finally using the related data we validate the model in quickly-drinking .

    最后利用相关数据,对快速饮酒模型进行了 验证

  • This function can be used to validate data integrity .

    这个函数使用来 验证一个整数的有效性的。

  • This discovery seems to validate the claims of popular astrology .

    这个发现似乎能 印证流行占星术的一些说法。

  • Finally an application example is given to validate the feasibility and effectiveness of the model .

    最后通过具体的应用实例 验证了该评价模型的有效性与可行性。

  • Setting this value to true causes the form to validate user inputs based on the validation tags .

    将这个值设置为true会导致对表单根据validation标签对用户输入 进行有效性 验证

  • Checksumming is a common way to validate data integrity .


  • These results validate the monitoring function of study time .

    研究结果 验证了学习时间的监测功能。

  • The Academy Awards appear to validate his career .

    奥斯卡 金像奖似乎是对他事业的 肯定

  • You can validate the message but you lose the operation name .

    您可以 检验消息的 有效 ,但是您失去了操作名。

  • Experimenal test results validate the effectiveness of the tool .

    实验测试结果 验证了该故障注入工具的有效性。

  • Analysis results reflect the practical work properties of pile-soil interaction and validate the correctness of composite pile foundation .

    分析结果基本反映了桩-土-筏的实际工作性状, 验证了复合桩基理论的正确性。

  • Validate the drawings and data of contractors .

    承包商图纸和资料 确认

  • The keystone of this paper was to establish and calibrate and validate these four new modules .

    本文的研究重点是建立和 验证新增的四个模块。

  • To validate and store a submitted order .


  • It 's easy to validate and to translate with XSLT .

    它也很容易使用XSLT 进行 验证和转换。

  • More generally they show that our approach can generate and validate models of excited protein states .

    更普遍的是,他们表明我们的方法可以生成和 验证蛋白激发状态模型。

  • In order to validate the simulation model the corresponding vehicle tests were performed .

    为了 验证仿真模型的 有效 ,进行了相关的整车试验。

  • She is looking for an image that validates her

    她在寻求一种能够 证明自己 价值的形象。

  • In this research a soil column experiment was conducted to validate the model .

    采用土柱实验,对该模型进行了实验 验证

  • And now it 's running smoothly which validate the rightness and feasibility of the theory .

    目前试运行良好, 验证了理论的正确性和可行性。

  • The safety checking validate that the optimized model satisfies the design requirements .

    对优化后的模型进行了安全校核, 验证其完全满足设计要求。

  • This then requires the QA team to validate the integration of all these technologies and data formats .

    这需要QA团队 验证所有技术和数据格式的整合。

  • The objective of this study was to develop and validate a Chinese version of the SAQ .

    本研究的目的是发展中文版SAQ,并 验证其信效度。

  • Simulation results and performance analysis validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach .

    仿真实验和性能分析 验证了所提方法的有效性。

  • This helps validate configurations and expected behavior of the test .

    这有助于 验证测试的配置和预期行为。

  • As an analyst you can also use statechart diagrams to validate your requirement set for consistency and completeness .

    作为一个分析师,你也可以使用状态图 保持你的需求集的一致性和完整性。

  • Simulation results also validate the reasonableness and effectiveness of the proposed method .

    这些结果 表明了所述方法的合理性和有效性。

  • Accelerator irradiation test and fault injection experiments were carried out to validate this approach .

    我们用加速器辐照实验和传统的故障注入方法 验证了这种新方法的 有效