value trace

[ˈvælju tres][ˈvælju treis]

[计] 值追踪,值跟踪

  • Tracing of the exit / return value of a function is possible by applying a trace hook at an exit point and specifying the function prototype .

    通过在出口点应用 跟踪钩子并指定函数原型,可以跟踪函数的退出/返回

  • Effect of Soil pH Value Variation on Effective Content of Trace Elements in Typical Black Soil

    典型黑土pH 变化对 微量元素有效态含量的影响研究

  • A value of Trace significantly degrades the performance of the Web server although it provides the highest level of logging output which is useful during troubleshooting .

    Trace 将大大降低Web服务器的性能,尽管它将提供最高级别的日志输出;该 在故障检修中是很用的。

  • An Analysis of the Normal Value of Trace Elements in the Hair of 50 Infants

    50例婴幼儿头发 微量元素正常 分析

  • The low numerical value distribution of these two types trace elements in the Aeolian sand facies represents erosion and accumulation under wind force during the cold-dry climate .

    这两种类型 元素在风成沙中呈现的含量低 揭示了其时干旱寒冷气候作用下风力的侵蚀搬运与堆积作用;

  • Three types of control can be realized in the controller . They are constant value control servo-motor and stepper motor motion trace control and welding process working procedure control .

    该控制器可以实现的控制类型有:恒 控制,伺服电机和步进电机的运动 轨迹控制,焊接过程的程序控制等。

  • Objective : WT5BZ w_1368 To probe the value of testing 5 trace proteins in urine to the diagnosing of early kidney damage in patients with diabetes nephropathy ( DN ) .

    目的:探讨尿五 微量蛋白测定在糖尿病肾病(DN)早期诊断中的临床 价值

  • Life Value Trace in P.E. Teaching

    体育教学的生命 价值 追溯

  • The value of X-rays dose must be achieved trace to the source in order that the value of X-rays dose is unified X-ray work measuring instruments are ensured accurately consistently and used properly the quality control of X-ray equipment must be ensured .

    为统一X射线剂量量值,保证X射线工作计量器具的准确一致和正确使用,确保人身的安全,必须实现X射线剂量的量 溯源,保证X射线设备的质量控制。

  • The effect of Cu on the resistance to carbon formation of the catalyst will come to an extreme value and the addition of trace or macro quantity of Cu will decrease the carbon forming rate .

    Cu对催化剂抗结碳性能的影响出现 极值,加入 微量或大量Cu都可降低结碳速率。

  • Based on this die study of US military biodegradable greases began . According to the strata about the trace elements in coal of China the different background value of trace elements in different parts of China were d rew out .

    美军可生物降解润滑脂的研究就是在这一背景下进行的。根据现有的资料,得出中国不同地区煤中 微量 元素的背景

  • Objective : To investigate estimation on application value on children of hair trace elements content determination .

    目的:探讨儿童头发和 全血 、铁、钙测定的应用 价值

  • Discussion on Traceability of Property Value for Trace Elements in Geologic Certified Reference Materials

    地质标准物质中 痕量元素量 溯源性探讨

  • The other one is the fracture-undeveloped gas reservoir which AVO property is that the P · G value is close to zero the amplitude on trace assemblage being constant with the increase in the offset .

    另一种是裂缝不发育型气藏,其AVO特征为P·G 近似于零, 集上振幅随炮检距增加几乎没有变化。

  • In order to analyse the deformation solidifying process with heat transfer in the continuous casting rolling we establish the enthalpy finite element control mathematical model and develop the numerical value simulation software which can trace the temperature and solidify time .

    建立了变形体凝固传热 式有限元控制数学模型,并开发了相应的连续铸轧过程 数值仿真软件。

  • We believe that the missing of value and the loss of meaning is a dilemma of survival to the contemporary human beings but this is just an illusion a temporary value of the trace after the plight of the Lost .

    我们认为,价值的缺失、意义的丧失,是当代人类面临的一个生存困境,但这仅仅是一场幻觉,一场暂时性 价值迷失之后的 追寻困境。

  • The paper uses reverse distance weighted method to estimate and calculate the internal dip value in the interpolation region according to the dip value of the boundary trace .

    本文应用逆距离加权法从边界 的倾角 估算插值区的内部倾角值。

  • Cu Co and Se nutritive value of compound trace elements controlled release boluses for grazing ruminants

    复合 微量元素缓释丸对放牧反刍动物Cu、Co、Se营养 价值的研究

  • Various affecting factors such as culture time pH value component of media Zn concentration and trace elements on the sporulation of thermotolerant-yeast ( Scerevisiae ) HU-TY-1 were investigated .

    本文通过对耐高温酿酒酵母(S.cerevisiae)HU-TY-1产孢条件的研究,在菌龄、pH 、培养基组成,Zn~(2+)浓度及 微量元素几个方面进行了实验。

  • Therefore it is possible to use the maximum correlation value between model trace and Common-Receiver-Point ( CRP ) gathers for realizing maximum stack power and further to pick the statics of CRP relative to maximum values .

    因而,可以在共接收点(CRP)叠加剖面上,使模型 与CRP叠加道的相关值达到最大来实现叠加能量最大,进而拾取最大相关 所对应的CRP点的静校正量。

  • Value of four urinary trace proteins in the diagnosis of early renal impairment caused by autoimmune thyroid disease

    4种尿 微量蛋白在儿童自身免疫性甲状腺疾病早期肾损害诊断中的 意义

  • Clinical Value of Determination of Trace Elements in Serum in Breast Cancer

    乳腺癌患者血清 微量元素测定的临床 价值

  • Based on lithology carbon and oxygen isotope value trace element content and diagenetic temperature it can also be classified as penecontemporaneous dolomite shallow buried dolomite and deep hurled dolomite .

    按其岩性特征、碳氧同位素 微量元素的含量和成岩温度可分为准同生白云岩、浅埋藏白云岩和深埋藏白云岩三类。

  • Last proposed correct methods of detecting and deducting margin value and standards of evaluating trace analysis data .

    提出了检测和扣除空白 的正确方法及评价 痕量分析数据的准则。

  • Interval averaged : The trace ( long value String w_1483 name ) and trace ( int value String w_1494 name ) methods issue traces for interval averaged values ( see the Intervals sidebar ) .

    平均时间间隔:trace(long value,String]name)和 trace(intvalue,String]name)方法将发出时间间隔平均值的跟踪(请参阅时间间隔侧栏)。

  • The calculated diffusion coefficients were used to simulate numerically the diffusing and transporting of the tracer in the reach . The maximum of relative errors between the simulated value and the observed value of the tracer from another batch of the trace experiment is 27.2 % .

    用求得的扩散系数值进行示踪剂扩散输移模拟计算,其模拟计算值与实测 相比较的最大相对误差为 27.2%

  • Objective To study the clinical value of three urinary trace proteins and NAG in the diagnosis of earlier diabetic nephropathy ( DN ) of DM whose urinary protein is negtive .

    目的探讨尿蛋白阴性糖尿病患者随机尿中三种 微量蛋白和NAG酶联合检测在临床诊断早期肾损伤的应用 价值

  • Objective : To study the diagnostic value of renal trace protein test on early kidney lesion in aged patients with hypertension .

    目的:探讨尿 微量蛋白水平检测对老年高血压肾损害的早期诊断 价值

  • The uptake coefficient is an important physical and chemical parameter characterized the atmospheric ( heterogeneous ) reaction and a quantitative value determining to the uptake capacity of the trace gas on the atmospheric particles .

    摄取系数是表征大气非均相反应的重要物理化学参数,也是大气颗粒物表面 摄取气体能力的重要量化 指标