value paper

[ˈvælju ˈpeɪpər][ˈvælju ˈpeipə]


  • So the college income distribution system reformation should analyze human capital value . The paper is made of four chapters .

    因此,改革高校收入分配制度就必然要与人力资本 价值的确定联系起来 进行分析和思考。

  • By analyzing the theoretical basis and social attributes of surplus value the paper states that surplus value also exists in socialist market economy .

    笔者通过考察剩余 价值的理论基础和社会属性, 论证了社会主义市场经济中也存在剩余价值。

  • The quantitative calculation can therefore be made for the academic value of scientific paper in terms of problem presentation disciplinary advancement logic reasoning and experimental proof .

    据此,可从问题性原则、前沿性原则、逻辑性原则、实验性原则对科学论文的学术水平进行定量计算,从而可以 全面 评价科学 论文的学术 价值

  • Based on the analysis of the influencing factors of entrepreneurial human capital value this paper establishes a comprehensive evaluation model of multi-level unascertained measurement .

    在分析了评价企业家人力资本 价值影响因素的基础上,建立 多层次未确知测度综合评价模型。

  • In countries where there is hyperinflation the value of the paper money in your hand decreases by the day or even by the hour .

    在极度通货膨胀的国家内,你手中的 纸币每天、甚至每小时都在 贬值

  • From three aspects of aesthetic value cultural value and environmental value this paper analyzes outstanding value of the Chinese traditional vegetation dyeing art in contemporary society .

    从美学价值、人文价值和环保 价值等三个方面来分析 探讨了中国传统草木染艺术在当代社会中仍然具有的显著价值。

  • The antioxidative effection of the natural Vitamin E in the system of α - linolenic acid and benne oil were studied by examining peroxide value in this paper .

    采用POV 测定的 方法,研究 天然维生素E对胡麻油和α-亚麻酸的抗氧化作用。

  • The test procedure for two types of visual comparison based edible oil test strip acid value rapid paper and peroxide value rapid paper is described herein .

    试验了用于快速检测食用油酸 和过氧化值的目测 试纸

  • High added - value thermosensitive paper

    高附加 型热感记录

  • Methods : From the cognition of drug market value the paper attempts to analyze the blurred cognition of drug market value and discusses the basic target of the market value evaluation of drug .

    方法:从药品上市 价值 评估的内涵 出发结合药品上市审评工作的基本目标, 针对有关药品上市价值评估的一些模糊性认识进行分析和探讨。

  • Secondly after analyzing limitation of traditional asset evaluation methods which are used to evaluate shell resource value the paper adopts the idea of real option to establish the pricing model for the shell resource of listed companies .

    然后,分析了传统资产评估方法在评估壳资源 价值中的局限性后, 运用实物期权思想构建上市公司壳资源的定价模型;

  • On the other hand it leads to using the resources more reasonable and optimal by combining the cost control with realizing the key customer value . This paper will discuss about this proposition .

    另一方面,将成本控制与实现关键客户 价值相结合,能够更加合理地优化配置资源,促进企业核心竞争能力的形成,因此, 本文就基于关键客户 价值的物流成本控制策略这一命题展开探讨。

  • The equation for K value in this paper is derived by means of regression analysis on other scholars'data .

    本文通过对已有资料和数据的统计回归分析,得出了反压 系数K的计算公式。

  • Because of the level system structure of the network influenced by its performance attacks detection on application layer is difficult for currently using security technology such as Firewall 、 IDS but conversely it is the most value of this paper .

    由于网络层次性的体系结构,受其性能影响,应用层的攻击检测是目前防火墙、入侵检测等安全技术的困难所在,反过来也是本 论文 研究 价值 所在

  • Cultural and ecological transformation and sports value of the paper dragon burning custom of people of Tujia nationality & A field investigation report on Ma Jing-ao Town in Xiangxi

    土家族烧 习俗的文化生态变迁与体育 价值&湘西马颈坳镇的田野调查报告

  • On the basis of comparison and analysis of the current faculty and students view of value this paper puts forwards that students view of value is affected by that of teacher 's in a large degree .

    通过对当前高等院校师生 价值观现状的比较分析,可以看出当前教师的价值观状况在很大程度上影响 大学生的 价值观状况。

  • It has always been on the layer of sensibility that people recognize the safety value the paper gives a concise analysis on the foundation of it existing from the viewpoint of labor value and avail value theory .

    摘要人们对于安全 价值的认识一直处于感性认识层面,从劳动价值论和效用价值论着手,从理论上简要的分析了安全 价值存在的基础。

  • In the paper human capital is divided in two parts : static value and added value . Paper chooses proper index to evaluate the human capital by principal component analysis .

    将制造业的人力资本价值分为个人人力资本静态价值和人力资本增值 价值选用适当指标,用主成分分析法定量评估出制造业人力资本 价值

  • According to impact of an unnamed variable or object created by C + + Compiler on computer programs when the function of programs is returned with a value this paper presents a series of problems that are neglected easily and their corresponding solutions .

    针对函数以 的形式返回时,C++系统产生的无名临时变量或对象对程序的影响, 文章介绍了一些程序中易被忽视的问题并提出了相应的解决方法。

  • Based on Shapely value this paper also presents the model to allocate the profits resulting from coordination . It is shown from this allocation model that every port profit after coordination is greater than that before coordination and win-win is achieved .

    并运用Shapely 法对港口协调以后的总利润进行合理分配, 得出协调后各港口的利润均大于协调之前各港口的各自利润,从而使港口达到共赢。

  • Based on the explanation of the basic connotation of fair value this paper analyzes the reason why fair value has been incorporated into china 's new accounting standards and explores how fair value influence investment real estate debt restructuring and exchange of non-monetary assets in its application .

    摘要 本文在阐述公允 价值基本内涵的基础上,分析了公允价值被引入新会计准则的原因,探讨了公允价值的应用对投资性房地产、债务重组和非货币资产交换的影响。

  • On analyzing the methodology of customer value segmentation based on CLV ( Customer Lifetime Value ) this paper presents a new methodology of customer value segmentation based on CLV which is simple and easy-operating providing a new pathway for the research of customer value segmentation .

    通过分析基于客户生命周期 价值客户价值细分的各种方法, 给出了一种简单易行的基于AHP(层次分析法)的客户价值细分方案,为客户价值细分提供了一种新的思路。

  • Therefore from the view point of humanistic value this paper discuss on the relation of poetry and humanistic quality as well as the effect to improve humanistic quality about students of science and engineering .

    因此,本 论文从中国新诗人文 价值的角度论述诗歌与人文素养的关系,诗歌对提高学生尤其是理工科学生人文素养的重要作用。

  • There are still plenty of gold bugs who believe it will always outshine especially as the value of paper currencies threatens to plunge and inflation looms .

    仍有许多金甲虫相信,黄金总能大放异彩,尤其是在 纸币或将 贬值、通胀风险迫近的情况下。

  • Analysis of the Value of Mulberry Paper in Xinjiang as the World Oral and Intangible Cultural Heritage

    浅析新疆 桑皮纸的口头与非物质文化遗产的 价值 体现

  • Inflation-protected bonds provide significantly better value than government paper for longer term investment .

    对于长期投资来说,通胀保值债券提供了远超 国债 价值

  • Pullulan has great economic value this paper summarized its properties application in food the mutating and screening of yield strains fermentation and purifying process .

    短梗霉多糖具有巨大的经济 价值本文综述了短梗霉多糖的性质,在食品中的应用,生产菌种的诱变筛选,发酵和提纯工艺。

  • Uncertainty over the value of this paper and the potential knock-on effects on the value of other mortgage securities and US loans if Fannie and Freddie imploded or stagnated was an important contributor to the renewed bout of stress in financial markets in the past few months .

    这些 证券 价值的不确定性,以及“两房”内爆或停滞可能对其它抵押贷款证券及美国贷款价值带来的冲击,是最近数月金融市场重现紧张态势的一个重要因素。

  • Starting from the World Heritage Convention and the Outstanding Universal Value this paper explores the impacts of the changing world to the Outstanding Universal Value of the a World Heritage .

    从世界遗产公约和突出的普遍 价值 观念谈起, 探讨了今日多变性的世界对世界遗产地产生的重大影响。

  • The Future Value of Paper Quality Cultural Heritage in the Library

    纸质文献在未来图书馆中的 价值