value in use

[ˈvælju ɪn juz][ˈvælju in ju:z]


  • But at this stage there are only a few minerals of the value in use mainly rutile and ilmenite followed by the leucoxene anatase .

    但现阶段具有 利用 价值的只有少数几种矿物,主要是金红石和钛铁矿,其次是白钛石、锐钛矿。

  • The biochemical components in tea fresh leaf decide the quality of tea and the tea type for tea fresh leaf and also determine the value in use of tea germplasm resources and economic benefit .

    茶树鲜叶中的生化成分决定了茶叶品质的优次以及茶叶的适制性,从而决定了茶树品种资源的 利用 价值和茶叶的经济效益。

  • Also it can reduce the exploitation cost of culture resources in rural areas and increased value in use through integrating regional culture resource of rural areas and developing community courses of synthesis practice .

    通过对农村区域文化资源的整合,开发综合实践活动的社区课程,使文化资源在区域内降低了开发成本,提高了 利用 价值

  • The balance of natural value means the dynamic course that embodies corresponding accelerating developing one another between natural value in use and in system or in all the natural values in u.

    以两种不同的主体和向度为标准,自然价值可划分 使用 价值和系统价值。

  • The result shows that the new functional material prepared has great value in use and infinite prospect of development potential .

    结果表明,该新型固态相变材料相变焓较大,具有很好的 应用 价值和发展前途。

  • By analysis of features of the magnetic field of an underwater ferrous object and comparing it with the results in a magnetic detection test the article finds that there around a ferrous object exists a characteristic magnetic field plane which may have potential value in use .

    分析了水下铁磁体磁场特点,并通过与实际试验数据的比对,发现在铁磁体周围磁场 存在一个具有实际 利用 价值的特征平面。

  • The value in use of fly ash is correlative with remained carbon content in it .

    粉煤灰的 利用 价值与其残余炭含量密切有关。

  • The present research included its biological characters value in use planting technique and tissue culture and so on but the research on sitology pharmacology breeding and process was very poor .

    近年来的研究多集中 土人参的生物学特性、 利用 价值、栽培技术以及组织培养等方面,但在营养学、药理学、育种学及加工利用方面等方面的研究较少,甚至还存在空白。

  • As one can now see it is possible for a parcel of real estate to have a value in use greater than its market value .

    现在你就明白了,为什么一项房地产 使用 价值完全有可能大于其市场价值的原因了。

  • Even though reed and wild rice have good assimilating ability of N and P they have low value in use .

    虽然野生芦苇和菱草对N、P有很好的吸收能力,但它们 利用 价值低。

  • The results indicate that the system have great value in use in real-time data collection of Ganoderma cultivation environmental monitoring .

    结果表明该系统在灵芝栽培环境监测数据的实时采集上具有较强的 使用 价值

  • The view is that the inspection technique of binocular indirect ophthalmoscope is the most convenient and predominant in fundus examination ophthalmology operation and treatment until now and is of value in use .

    作者认为到目前为止,双目间接检眼镜检查法是最方便、优越的眼底检查方法,在眼底检查、眼科手术、治疗 ,具有很高的 应用 价值

  • Therefore the future physical education teaching especially in the the Sanda teaching organization and implementation process enhance the popularity of attribution training theories and methods and use with better prospects and value in use .

    因此,今后体育教学中尤其是散打教学的组织实施过程中,加强归因训练理论和方法的普及与使用,有着较好的前景和 使用 价值

  • Study on the Value in use and the Development Strategy of the High Oil Corn

    高油玉米的 利用 价值研究现状及发展对策

  • The results show that the receiver designed meets the requirements and has a certain value in use .

    结果表明所设计的接收机满足要求,具有一定的 使用 价值

  • It is a easy-to-handle and high stability method that easy to intensive promotion and factory production with a very important value in use .

    该方法具有工序简单、稳定性高、易于推广和工厂化集约生产、具有很重要 使用 价值

  • According to the taxonomical method of Simmonds and Shepherd it belonged to AA group ; and finally the value in use was preliminarily analyzed .

    同时,根据Simmonds和Shepherd的分类方法,确认福州野生蕉属于AA类群,并初步分析了 福州野生蕉的 利用 价值

  • Many problems occur during processing and utilizing due to poplar 's characteristic properties and defects which affect its value in use .

    但是,杨木由于其固有的性质和缺陷给加工利用带来了诸多困难,影响其 利用 价值

  • The value in use of water is determined by its natural property the necessity of water pricing is determined by its competitive and exclusive consumption .

    水的自然属性决定了水具有 使用 价值,水资源消费的竞争性和排他性决定了水定价的必要性。

  • Consumption-utility based pricing of payments following mean reversion The recoverable amount is the higher of an asset 's net selling price and value in use .

    均值回复收益的消费效用无差别定价可收回金额按净售价与 使用 价值两者较高确认。

  • Fiat money has not only no particular value in use it doesn 't even really hxdye a value in exchange except that which is decreed that it would hxdye .

    名义货币不仅仅没有什么特别的 价值,而且在商品的交换中它本身根本没有价值。它拥有的只是法律所赋予它的价值。

  • The right of dwelling reflects the status of house property in the property system will be propitious to exert the avail of the house property balance the interest of value in use of the house property and meet the requirement of Chinese families .

    居住权是房屋这一财产在财产体系中的地位提高的必要反映,有利于房屋效用的发挥,它是发挥我国家庭职能的要求,有 利于房屋 利用的利益平衡。

  • Finally draw some meaningful conclusions . I hope these conclusions have important significance and reference value in use for bridge design train speed control dynamic performance assessment of the bridge the train speed and bridge reinforcement .

    希望这些结论对桥梁设计、列车速度控制、桥梁动力性能评估、列车提速及桥梁加固等方面具有重要的指导意义和参考 使用 价值

  • In the subject system of Chinese language its position is minority variety of Chinese language which has an important value in use .

    从汉语的学科体系来看,其地位是汉语的民族变体,有着重要的 使用 价值

  • The value in use of this article is to make the governments and the scientific research institution to recognize the benefit of stock enhancement on prevention and cure of water area desertification provide the advice for government to establish the policy and measure by the numbers .

    本文 实际 利用 价值,就是使相关政府、科研部门进一步了解增殖放流在水域荒漠化各项措施的成效,为政府部门制定整体、系统的保护政策和治理措施提供参考。

  • Green oil components in the propane distillate oil can be removed thus improving the effect and value in use of the propane distillate oil .

    该工艺可脱出丙烷馏分油中的绿油组分,从而提高了丙烷馏分油的 使用效果和 价值

  • The recoverable amount is the higher of an asset 's net selling price and value in use .

    可收回金额 净售价与 使用 价值两者较高确认。

  • The sugar content of sweet sorghum is the major norm to measure the value in use of sweet sorghum stem .

    甜高粱糖分高低是衡量甜高粱茎秆 利用 价值的主要指标,提高甜高粱的含糖量具有重大 意义

  • The integrative utilize of modern biotechnology information technology and scientific management could enhance the value in use resource keep ecosystem right and also could make durative development in agriculture of west China .

    因此,西部绿色农业发展要进一步利用现代生物技术、信息技术和科学管理技术装备农业,提高农业资源 利用和生态环境保护 水平,实现农业生产与环境的和谐统一。

  • The old tree of Chinese fir possess the upper value in use .

    老杉木具有较高的 利用 价值