valuation reserve

[ˌvæljuˈeʃən rɪˈzɚv][ˌvælju:ˈeɪʃən riˈzə:v]


  • Influence of Property Right on Valuation of Human Capital Establishment of the Methods on Natural Capital Evaluations of Chinese Natural Reserve

    产权在人力资本 评估中的影响分析我国自然 保护 自然资本评估方法体系建立

  • Namely RMB can truly perform all functions of international currency i.e.assume valuation settlement trade investment and reserve functions in international financial market .

    即人民币真正履行国际货币的全部功能,即在国际金融市场上承担了 计价、结算、交易、投资、 储备职能。

  • Risk assessment for insurance companies from the valuation of the reserve to the solvency standards have been in continuous development .

    对于保险公司的风险评估,从 准备金 计算 方法到偿付能力的标准都一直处于不断发展变化之中。

  • For the private sector this challenge affects their choices of currency for valuation of international trade payment and reserve .

    对私人部门来说,这一挑战涉及国际交易 计价货币、国际支付手段、国际 储藏手段的选择。