value axis

[ˈvælju ˈæksɪs][ˈvælju ˈæksis]

[计] 数值轴

  • According to the position of extreme value point of laser intensity on the axis the formula used to divide the propagation space of output beam from unstable resonator into near field middle field and far field is derived .

    上光强的 极值点位置给出了划分非稳腔传输空间的近场、中场和远场区域公式。

  • Statistical analysis the energy absorption value in a direction parallel to the axis of the bone is significant higher than that in a direction transverse ( P < 0.05 ) .

    经统计学分析,沿 纵向骨的能量吸收 也明显高于横向(P<0.0001)。

  • With the flow decays along the tunnel or the upstream water level reducing axial and tangent velocity reduces and becomes to even along radius the position of maximum value of tangent velocity moves towards axis .

    随着旋流的衰减和上游水位的降低,轴向和切向速度沿程减小而且沿径向的分布趋于均匀,切向流速的 峰值有向 轴心运动的趋势。

  • Also the strength of concrete chimney wall the concrete crack stress and concrete stress permissible value can be analysed with the multi axis strength theory . All the past experiment results prove it more practicable to analyze the RC chimney wall with concrete multi axis strength standard .

    对钢筋混凝土烟囱筒壁的强度,混凝土开裂应力和混凝土应力允许 ,通过算例分析,证明用混凝土多试验 强度准则分析钢筋混凝土烟囱更合理。

  • Using the value of elliptical long axis and short axis determined by minimum enclosing rectangle based on cocoon edge image the cocoon superficial area at discretional vertiginous angle can be measured .

    根据蚕茧的边缘图像,利用最小矩形法确定椭圆 长轴和短轴的 ,可以测量任意旋转角度的蚕茧表面积。

  • Based on SPA theory and approach this paper studies the indetermination of the radial vibration distribution by calculating analysing and comparing the determination value of axis radial vibration in the taper bore of the spindle on a lathe .

    通过对机床主轴锥孔 轴线径向跳动测定 的计算,分析和对比,运用集时分析(SPA)的理论和方法,来研究径向跳动分布的不确定性。

  • The former one has been the displacement of a relative value while the axis is changing . The latter one transforms into the posture angle through three-dimensional space .

    前者得到的位移是一个相对 坐标 是不断变化的;后者通过空间三维 坐标 的变换转换成需要的姿态角。

  • To sum up Immigration Minister Kenney attaches importance to both quality and quantity in immigration matter and accepts that the common nation and value cannot be omitted integration is the axis ;

    综上所述,移民部长康尼,对移民问题采用了质量和数量同时重视,认同同一国家和 价值 不可忽视,融合是 转轴

  • Each series is associated with either the primary or the secondary value axis .

    每一个系列都关联了一个主要的或次要的 数值

  • Analysis of the cooperation with Cork Drum Shaft Bearing housing and Ball Bearing on the Changcheng Cigarette | machine Assigns value series to left or right vertical axis .

    长城机水松纸鼓轮轴和轴承座孔与轴承之间配合关系的分析给左或右垂直 坐标 配值系列。

  • Obtaining Value Method for Axis Deviation of Bridge and Culvert

    公路桥涵构造体 轴线偏差的 取值方法

  • Adds or deletes major value axis gridlines

    添加或删除水平(主要 数值 )网格线

  • If your chart has at least two series-and it 's not a3-D chart you can create a secondary value axis .

    如果你的图表有两个轴,并且是非3-D图表,你可以建立多个 数值

  • Through interpolation operation the feed value of X and Y axis in every interpolation period was calculated to control the movement of relative axis .

    通过插补运算,计算出每个插补周期内X、Y 的进给 以控制相应轴的运动。

  • The working status and the bearing capacity of fissure section are judged synthetically by strain distribution the relation between field test strain and the applied moment size of strain value and the stability of section neutral axis .

    从开裂截面的应变分布、实测应变与加载弯矩关系、应变 大小以及截面中性 的稳定性综合判断开裂截面的工作状态和承载能力。

  • When the black point luminance was as small as possible the white point luminance met the requirement of the application while the TRC did not cross the discrete integer value axis or luminance axis the display achieved the best settings with respect to brightness and contrast .

    通过亮度、对比度设置使黑点亮度尽可能小,白场亮度达到使用要求,同时 TRC不出现横剪切和纵剪切现象,则显示器达到了最优化设置。

  • As the defects produced in its manufacture process the jumping value of the mean axis was out of the standard during its running so it gave rise to great vibration of the equipment and stopping .

    由于制造缺陷,在设备运行中 中间轴跳动 超标,从而引起设备振动大而停机。

  • The power density could reduce to 1 / 5 value below public exposure after the distance field axis toward 3400m ;

    远场 轴向3400m后,功率密度降到GB8702-88规定的公众照射导出限 的1/5以下;

  • Method of Measuring Practical Retardance Value and Judging the Fast or Slow Axis of Quarter-Wave Plate

    四分之一波片快慢 的判定测量λ/4波片实际相移 并判定快慢 的方法

  • The farther down the value axis the more restricted the saturation range ( the radius of the disk ) is and therefore the smaller the disk .

    在后面还有 数值 ,越限制饱和度范围(磁盘的半径)的,因此,较小的磁盘。

  • Assigns value series to left or right vertical axis .

    给左或右垂直 坐标 配值系列。

  • The method for determining extreme value of principal axis of quadratic surface

    确定二次有心曲面 主轴 极值方法

  • Objective : To discuss the value of vast domain axis MSCT scanning and the image reconstruction in the clinical diagnosis .

    目的:探讨寰 枢椎螺旋CT扫描及图像后重建在临床诊断中的 价值

  • The numbers you specified for the axis values can 't be used because the maximum axis value must be greater than the minimum axis value .

    为坐标轴指定的 数值范围无效,因为坐标轴的最大刻度必须大于最小 刻度

  • Objective To research the clinical value of measurement of pituitary-thyroid axis hormones in patients with hyperthyroidism .

    目的探讨甲亢患者垂体-甲状腺 激素测定的意义和临床应用 价值

  • As an alternative to value comparisons you can use the self axis ( denoted by a dot . ) to express a between predicate .

    除了 比较,还可以使用self (由点“.”表示)来表达“between”谓词。

  • During the encoding stage we use the high correlation of the adjacent image blocks and the projection value of the input vector on the principal axis to determine the searching range .

    在编码过程中,利用邻近图像块的高度相关性和当前输入矢量在 主轴上的投影 共同确定相应的码字搜索范围。

  • Value of Longiludinal Axis Endoscopic Ultrasonography in the Diagnosis of Advanced Gastric Carcinoma

    纵轴超声内镜对进展期胃癌的诊断 价值