value date

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  • Default Value : Enter date in M / D / YYYY format

    默认 :按年-月-日格式输入 日期

  • The cost principle is based on the assumption that cost is equal to fair market value at the date of acquisition and subsequent changes are not relevant to it .

    成本原则假设成本等于 资产购置时的公平 市价,因此,取得以后 市价的变动对成本全无影响。

  • Object that contains the value of the date and time of the start of the key agreement protocol by the originator .

    对象,该对象包含发信方开始密钥协议的 日期和时间

  • So if a user updated his or her home city there will be a ProfileUpdateEvent where the field is home_city and the new value and the date / time of the update is stored .

    因此,如果用户更新了他或她所在的城市,那么将会发生ProfileUpdateEvent事件,其中包含字段homecity和新的 ,并存储了更新的 日期/时间。

  • The default value is the system start date and time .

    默认 为系统启动 日期和时间。

  • Combined with the project examples it introduces the temperature control calculation and the value of reference parameter of mass concrete and analyses and compares the design calculation value and the measuring date of construction and gets some shallow knowledge .

    结合工程实例,介绍了大体积混凝土的温控计算及相关参数的取值,并将设计计算 与施工实测 数据进行分析比较,由此得出一些重要的结论。

  • The value of the unadjusted date ( a child node ) is changed to a new date ( May5 ) .

    未调整 日期(一个子节点)的 被更改为一个新日期(2011年5月5日)。

  • Property value must be a date between the years1753and9999 !

    属性 必须是介于1753年和9999之间的 日期值!

  • Filter value is not a valid date .

    筛选 不是有效 日期

  • After the dialog box is dismissed if retval is0 the value of RESULT is the date selected .

    对话框退出后,如果retval是0,RESULT的 就是选定的 日期

  • Its shares have lost more than a quarter in value to date this year and it is the worst performer by far among its Japanese cohorts in the benchmark Topix electrical appliances index .

    截止 目前,夏普股价今年以来已经跌了逾四分之一,它是日本东证指数( topix)电子电器指数中表现最糟糕的一家。

  • However a temporary investment in equity securities must be carried at the lower of its total cost or market value at the balance sheet date .

    然而,权益证券(短期投资中为获得短期收益而持有的证券)方式的临时投资必须在资产负债表 以原成本和市场 价格孰低的方式显示。

  • The default value is the current date .

    默认 是当前 日期

  • A column can have a current date default value for recording the date of transactions with any user or client application action .

    可以使用当前日期作为某一列的缺省 ,来记录任何用户或客户端应用程序操作的事务 日期

  • Value must be a valid date .

    必须是一个有效的 日期

  • Important characteristics of bonds include face value maturity date and coupon rate .

    债券的主要内容包括 面值、兑换 日期和息票率等。

  • However from the people on the left-wing literary value Judgments from the date of birth all the way to go hand in hand .

    然而,人们对左翼文学 价值的褒贬从其诞生 ,就一路相伴相随。

  • Any derived datatype can then restrict the value space of the implementation-defined date by applying the dateSeparator facet .

    然后,任何派生数据类型都可以限制实现定义的 date 空间,方法就是应用dateSeparatorfacet。

  • The value of the date string in the header is invalid .

    标头中 日期字符串的 无效。

  • This date is more commonly known as the value date .

    这个日期更常用的叫法是 到期

  • Date value that indicates the date and time a file was created or last modified .

    ,该 指示文件的创建 日期和时间或上次修改日期和时间。

  • Value containing the current date according to your system .

    ,它包含系统的当前 日期

  • Enterprise bond is issued by enterprises in accordance with legal procedures in the interbank bond market they promise to pay interest according to certain interest rate and repay par value on each payment date .

    银行间企业类债券是企业依照法定程序,在银行间市场发行和交易的约定在债券存续 内还本付息的有 证券。

  • Date value containing the current date and time according to your system .

    ,该 包含与系统对应的当前 日期和时间。

  • Customer delivered value is an up date marketing idea and key factor which leads to customer satisfaction and loyalty .

    让客 价值是一个 全新的营销理念,同时也是导致顾客满意与忠诚的核心要素。

  • Value set to the date specified when this instance was created .

    ,被设置为在创建此实例时指定的 日期