value for money

[ˈvælju fɔr ˈmʌni][ˈvælju fɔ: ˈmʌni]

合算, 花钱值得

  • Snyders growth plan for Yale is certainly not to offer the best value for money .

    斯奈德给耶鲁制定的发展计划显然不包括提供 性价比最佳的项目。

  • It offers a lot to the practical minded and is good value for money .

    它提供了大量实用的胸襟,是物 有所

  • Foreign study is not cheap and I wonder if youngsters are getting value for money .

    海外求学开销不小,我想知道这些年轻人是否真的能 金钱 自己镀上一层

  • In one sense they are : they have to pay and they want value for money .

    在某种意义上来说,上学交学费是天经地义,但学生们想让 个。

  • Only a wild optimist would expect a market-style focus on innovation and value for money .

    只有狂热的乐天派才会期待援助机构采取市场式的作风,着重于创新,并 追求有所

  • But he said the United States is not getting value for money .

    但是,他说,美国是没有得到 有所

  • A value for money business tool to any industrial organisation aiming to reduce its purchasing and procurement costs .

    对任何意在减少采购和获取成本的工业机构 来说都是一个非常有 价值的商业工具。

  • We use the design process to get maximum value for money from our technology .

    我们使用设计过程中得到的 从我们的技术最大的 价值

  • It is reasonable to choose a product which offers good value for money .

    理想状态是寻找一个 有所 的产品。

  • At less than £ 200 this smart compact camera is good value for money .

    这款相机价格不到200英镑,但真是物 有所

  • Well because I personally used the product is indeed very good value for money .

    好吧,因为我个人使用该产品确实是很好的 经济 效益

  • According to Judith Bouvard Dean alumni say that is good value for money and a sound investment .

    该学院院长朱迪思博瓦德(judithbouvard)表示,这笔 花得很 ,而且是一项可靠的投资。

  • Factory direct sales of goods are definitely value for money !

    商品一律厂家直销,绝对 物超所值

  • Our prospects are good as long as we offer value for money he says .

    只要我们给予客户 有所 的产品,我们的前景是光明的,他说。

  • It provides value for money and is a worthy competitor for Asus .

    它物 有所 ,是华硕产品的有力竞争对手。

  • It has now included Value for Money studies which will further improve service to the public .

    此外,又会进行多项 研究,以期进一步加强警队对市民的服务。

  • Both countries and development partners want value for money .

    无论是国家还是发展伙伴都希望 有所

  • The main criteria is value for money .

    主要的标准是 划算

  • There has to be a trade-off between quality and value for money .

    对质量和 效益 追求应该协调发展。

  • This wine highlights the quality and value for money of South African wines .

    这种酒突出显示了南非产葡萄酒优异的 性价比

  • But he said he had serious reservations about whether the loan delivered value for money .

    但他说,他 这笔 贷款是否物有所 持严重保留意见。

  • Its elegant environment heart dishes make you feel good value for money a worthwhile trip .

    其优雅的环境,用心的料理,让你觉得 有所 不虚此行

  • We believe this represents good value for money .

    我们相信这个 价钱很好的体现了球票的 价值

  • Customer satisfaction is what people think of us-quality of service value for money .

    客户满意是人们认为我们怎么样&服务质量,是不是物 有所

  • We really feel it 's fantastic value for money .

    事实上我们认为自己的工作 那么多

  • You always get good value for money at that shop .

    你在那个商店总可买到物 有所 的东西。

  • Change has become a way of life for organisations that need to achieve greater efficiency and better value for money and to be more effective or competitive in order to thrive .

    变化已经成为一个组织的生活需要实现更高的效率和更好 货币 价值的方式,并可以更有效或竞争力,茁壮成长。

  • He evaluates charities the same way he looks for stocks : value for money return on invested capital .

    他对待慈善事业的态度犹如对待股票:认真评估投入资本的有 回报

  • Open procurement markets guarantee better competition and better value for money for the taxpayer .

    公开的采购市场可确保更好的竞争,让纳税人的 得更有 价值