van der Waals forces


  • Static Study of Stiction between Rough Surfaces under van der Waals Forces

    范德华力 作用下粗糙表面静态粘附的研究

  • The Van der waals force and electrostatic interaction between the heterogeneous particles wollastonite and TiO2 and its combining force among particles are all attracting forces . The mechanochemical effect was generated accompanying the granular refinement in the process of wet ultrafine grinding .

    液相体系中,硅灰石和TiO2异质颗粒之间 范德华作用和静电作用及两者综合形成的粒间作用均为吸引。硅灰石在搅拌磨湿法超细研磨中伴随颗粒的细化,产生了机械 化学效应。

  • Swelling effect is due to surface forces including van der Waals attraction electrostatic double layer and solvation repulsion .

    膨胀效应是由于表面 van der waals吸引、双电层排斥及溶剂化排斥)引起的。

  • The general force analysis on moving particles in CFB shows that for common fluidization conditions the dominate forces affecting agglomeration are the impact force and the van der Waals force .

    对循环流化床内运动颗粒的全受力分析表明,一般流化条件下,影响颗粒团聚及破碎最主要的 作用力弹性力和 van der waals力。

  • In non contact imaging on rough surface VSPFM is more stable than conventional non contact mode AFM since polarization forces have a longer range than van der Waals forces .

    在极化力介导的非接触方式中,极化力叠加在 范德华 上,克服了一般的原子力显微镜(AFM)非接触模式中因成像 程太短而不容易稳定的缺点;

  • Its self-assembled process is driven by weak reversible and non-covalent interaction forces such as hydrogen bonds aromatic ring π - π piled up and polarity and van der Waals force .

    其自组装过程由弱的可逆的非共价相互 作用力如氢键,芳环π-π堆积及极性和 van der waals相互作用来驱动。

  • Curvature Effect of Van Der Waals Forces on Buckling of Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes under External Pressure

    考虑 德华 曲率效应的双壁碳纳米管外压屈曲

  • For the 2-1 electrolytes the salting-out order is : BaCl_2 > SrCl_2 > CaCl_2 > MgCl_2 i.e. k increases with the increase of the crystal radius of the cation and gives an order exactly reverse to that according to the theory of van der Waals ' forces .

    对于2&1价盐,k值的次序是BaCl2>SrCl2>CaCl 2>MgCl(20)即盐析效应随离子晶体半径的增加而上升。

  • The curvature effects of interlayer van der Waals ( vdW ) forces on external pressure-induced buckling of a double-walled carbon nanotubes ( DWNTs ) were studied .

    针对双壁碳纳米管外压屈曲问题,研究了层间 德华 的曲率效应对临界外压的影响。

  • Moreover in the compound ( 1 ) the polyanions are connected through Van der Waals forces to generate the soft channels that are filled by the Co ( C4H13N3 ) 2 w_619 2 + cations and water molecule .

    此外,在化合物(1)中,多阴离子之间通过 范德华 相互作用形成一个柔性的孔道结构,Co( C4H13N3)2]2+配位阳离子和水分子填充其中。

  • The mechanisms of interaction between organic matter and pesticide residues as follows : covalent bonding ionic bonding charge transfer complexes ligand exchange sequestration hydrophobic sorption hydrogen bonding and Van der waals forces .

    综述指出,土壤中农药残留与有机质存在以下几种作用机理:共价键结合、离子键结合、电荷转移复合体、配位体交换、疏水性结合、螯合作用以及氢键和 范德华

  • By mimicking the attachment mechanism of the gecko direct adhesion can be obtained under the van der Waals forces between the nano hair array and the contacted surfaces .

    其工作原理是模仿壁虎趾面的粘附机理,利用柔性微纳米阵列与固体表面之间的 范德 瓦尔斯 实现直接粘附。

  • The problem of the van der Waals forces for a system of asymmetric top molecules

    非对称陀螺分子间的 德瓦 引力问题

  • The binding of ligands to proteins occurs mostly through weak non-covalent interactions namely hydrophobic interaction van der Waals forces and hydrogen bonding .

    蛋白和配体间的作用通常是通过弱非共价键力的相互作用而实现的,如疏水作用、 范德华力和氢键。

  • Organic molecular crystals are soft highly compressible solids composed of dispersive molecules hold together by noncovalent interactions such as van der Waals forces charge transfer and hydrogen bonding .

    有机分子晶体是由离散分子通过非共价键合作用力( 范德华 作用力、电荷转移或者氢键作用力等)集合在一起形成的一类软且易压缩的固体。

  • The ligand-ligand interaction such as van der waals forces 、 electrostatic interactions 、 hydrogen bond 、 aromatic stacking and hydrophobic interaction is an important intermolecular interaction to construct the supermolecular architectures .

    配体与配体之间的作用,例如: 范得华 、静电作用、氢键、芳环的堆积和疏水作用是构筑超分子体系的重要的分子间相互作用。

  • The molecules are held together by Van der Waals forces .

    分子是由 德华 约束在一起的。

  • The PL results show that there was no apparent blue shift because the AlQ_3 molecules are bonded by relatively weak Van der Waals forces .

    PL谱没有明显的变化,可能是因为AlQ3分子间结合 是较弱的 范德华

  • The problem of van der Waals forces ⅲ . interaction energies of a system composed of N ions

    范德华 引力问题Ⅲ离子 的相互作用能