value in account

[ˈvælju ɪn əˈkaʊnt][ˈvælju in əˈkaunt]


  • Although the real options approach takes into account the value of flexibility in decision-making it does not take into account the reflection of other competitors .

    实物期权方法虽然考虑了企业决策灵活性的 价值,但是却没有 考虑 竞争对手的反映。

  • They are paying a death benefit to you no matter what happens to the cash value in the account .

    他们付出了死亡抚恤金给你,不管发生什么事情, 帐户现金 价值

  • The total market value in Shanghai and Shenzhen securities market is 23.57 trillion Yuan account for the GDP in 2008 approximately 95.4 % .

    沪深股市总 市值23.57万亿元, 2008年GDP比例约95.4%。

  • There is no significant correlation between diversification and the value of company ( Tobin Q ) . The imperfectness of capital market in our country may account for it .

    多元化与公司的 价值(Tobin-Q)不存在显著的相关关系,其原因可能是( Tobin-Q)不适应我国的证券市场环境。

  • We enclose a cheque value $ 100000 in payment of the account for goods delivered on may2nd .

    偿付5月2日 贷的 款项,兹同函奉上 面额100000元支票一张。

  • This paper starts from defining the direct and indirect industries and products with tourism brings forwards the way of calculating additional value of tourism industry applied in Guangxi with setting satellitic account .

    本文从界定旅游直接和间接相关产业以及对应的产品入手,通过建立旅游卫星 账户,提出了计算旅游业增加 的方法并应用 广西旅游增加 的测算。

  • The pressure of increasing value of RMB mainly comes from substantive surplus in balance of payments especially the one in capital account .

    人民币升值的压力主要来自资本 项目顺差, 因此,应采取“交易平衡法”和“改革平衡法”来缓解与日俱增的人民币 升值压力。

  • Owing to the flexible system value of floating charge and its advantages to financing the collective mortgage system of special personal properties is designed in the Property Law of China based on Anglo-American floating charge taking account of the practical needs in China .

    由于浮动抵押灵活的制度 价值和对融资金融的益处,我 《物权法》 借鉴英美浮动抵押基础上, 结合我国实践需要而创设了特别动产集合抵押制度。

  • Chinese officials point to a 7 per cent decline in the dollar value of the trade surplus last year and the steep drop in the current account surplus from 11 per cent of GDP in 2007 to just short of 6 per cent last year .

    中国官员提到,去年,以美元 计算的贸易顺差减少了7%,经常 账户盈余占GDP的比例,从2007年的11%大幅降至略低于6%。

  • Only the value of architecture design in intelligent building environment must be taken into account the total target should be attached with the development of technology .

    只有重视建筑设计 保证智能建筑环境方面的 重要性,并随着科技的发展不断赋予其新的内容和功能,才能实现智能建筑的整体目标。

  • Herewith I hand you a cheque value $ 25 In payment of my account .

    为结清本人 帐款,同函奉上 面额25000元支票一张。

  • The value of Bear 's head office in a prime location on Madison Avenue near JPMorgan 's offices may account for a large portion of the eventual sale price .

    贝尔斯登总部距摩根大通办公楼不远,位于麦迪逊大道(MadisonAvenue)显要位置,其 价值可能将在最终售价中 占据相当大比例。

  • As a sunrise industry cultural industry has been prosperously developed in China . During the 12th Five-year Plan period the added value of cultural industry in China is expected to account for4 % of the GDP in the same period .

    文化产业作为朝阳产业在中国日益地蓬勃发展,在十二五期间,中国文化产业增加 预期 同年国内生产总值的4%。

  • Notice that I didn 't mention the value of the renminbi at all in this account .

    我想大家注意到了我 这一部分 没有提到人民币的 价值 问题

  • The cost management experience on the basis of value chain in AYIS is concluded . While other enterprises want to implement this management model a comprehensive strategic cost management should be set up as well as the account system management .

    本文总结安阳钢铁实施基于 价值链的成本管理经验,如果其他企业要实行这种管理模式时,首先要树立全面的战略成本管理观念,其次为完善管理模式需建立一个 客户管理体系。

  • Different treatment of time value in management of receivable account

    时间 价值 收账款管理 的不同处理方法

  • What if you wanted to ensure that the second Class element 's name value in the document was com . acme . web . Account ?

    若想确保文档 第二个Class元素的name com.acme.web.Account又该如何呢?

  • 1 in ascertaining whether the vessel is a constructive total loss the insured value shall be taken as the repaired value and nothing in respect of the damaged or break-up value of the vessel or wreck shall be taken into account .

    在确定船舶是否构成推定全损时,船舶的保险价值应以船舶修理后的 价值为准,不应 考虑船舶或残骸的受损或解体价值。

  • The remaining score after exchange has negative influence on the customer lifetime value who not participates in the loyalty programs . In these customers who not participate in the loyalty programs the more saving account kinds they have the lower transaction frequency they will .

    在未 参与回报计划客户中,积分余额和储蓄类 业务种类数对客户终身 价值和交易频率有显著的负向影响。

  • This paper expounds the technology of oil liquid monitoring and its practical value in the industry friction wear and gives an account of its applications at home and around the world .

    阐述了工业摩擦磨损油液监测的 意义及油液监测分析技术, 介绍了国内外的应用情况。

  • The situation has changed by principles of admissibility of which criminal evidence system to detect cases of true as the only good value in process for pursuing of justice but also taking the care of other moral values into account .

    可采性原则改变了刑事证据制度过去以发现案件真实为唯一善的局面, 全面追求正义 价值的同时,还 兼顾关怀其它道德价值。

  • Looking forward value retailers must meet aggressive Wall Street expectations for growth that are already embedded in their stock price and account for up to70 percent of current stock values .

    展望未来, 价值零售商必须要达到华尔街对他们强劲增长的预期。这个预期以及体现 他们的股票价格和 他们高达70%的股票价值。

  • It measures the profitability of a project by comparing the value of a dollar today to the value of that same dollar in the future taking inflation and returns into account .

    它通过比较一美元在今天的价值与其 未来的 价值 考虑 通货膨胀和收益来度量项目的盈利性。