value product

[ˈvælju ˈprɑdəkt][ˈvælju ˈprɔdʌkt]


  • The Well-being Generated from Interaction and the Value in Product Design

    由交互产生的幸福感及其在 产品设计中的 价值

  • The value of product integrations is in the productivity improvements that can be realized when developers can work with integrated products from within their development environments .

    产品集成的 价值在于,当开发员在开发环境中处理集成的产品时,可以提高工作效率。

  • Taking criterion of integrate of time and absolute value product of error ( IATE ) as object function and using simplex search adjusted PID parameters the minimized value of the object function can be considered as the optimization of control system .

    若考虑采用时间和误差的绝对 乘积的积分(即IATE准则)作为目标函数,采用单纯形法来进行PID参数寻优,则使目标函数为最小就可以达到控制系统优化的目的。

  • The process of depreciation extraction of enterprise fixed assets is the process of shifting the fixed assets value on product cost and operating cost . The amount of depreciation influences the profit of enterprise and has an indirect tax balance effect .

    企业固定资产折旧提取的过程,就是固定资产 价值产品成本和经营费用转移的过程,折旧的多少,影响了企业利润,进而产生了间接抵税效果,本文就此作用作了初步分析。

  • The gold enterprise is produces and processes the high value product the enterprise its production operation has the relative closeness and the common monopolizing characteristic .

    黄金企业是生产和加工高 价值 产品的企业,其生产经营具有相对封闭性和一般垄断性的特点。

  • The seamless pipe is produced as high additional value product .

    无缝管担当起开发高技术高附加 产品的重任。

  • The high-tech is the means of production of high efficiency high attachment value product and service . In order to safeguard our country economy 's fast development and realize the national economy third step of strategic target we must vigorously develop the high-tech industry .

    高新技术是高效率、高附加 产品和服务的生产手段,为了保障我国经济快速持续发展,实现发展国民经济的第三步战略目标,必须大力发展高新技术产业。

  • Value Driver-The product offered in a package of products that is perceived as the most valuable to the consumer and therefore drives the sale of the entire package .

    价值驱动者-指一系列 产品中最有价值的某个产品,可以推动整个系列产品的销售。

  • Customers value a product 's ease of use so the more logical and less complicated the user flow the higher the percentage of adoption .

    客户特别 看重 产品使用起来是否方便,所以用户流程越具有逻辑性,越不复杂,那么采用的比率就越高。

  • Third export processing is the main trade method and the added value of product is relatively lower .

    出口贸易方式主要以出口加工为主, 产品附加 较低。

  • Influenced by consumer culture people pay more attention to symbolic value ofthe product and the intension meaning .

    受消费文化影响,人们越来越重视对 产品的符号 价值也就是它的内涵意义的追求。

  • In this paper the geometric mean value of product of non zero of base m digits is discussed the exact calculating formula is given .

    物理量的数学平均 算术平均值和几何平均 等多种表达形式,这些数学平均值所表达的物理含义是不同的。

  • This article presents an analysis of the basic theory of BCG and various problems exists in the application of BCG in some enterprises . It points out effective measures to reasonably value product mix of multi-product manufacturing enterprises .

    文中分析了BCG矩阵法的基本理论及在我国企业应用中存在的问题,提出合理 确定多产品生产企业 产品结构的有效方法。

  • Study on Integrated Optimization of High Recovery Value Product Distribution Network and Recovery Network

    高回收 价值 产品分销与回收网络的整合优化研究

  • Customer 's value includes product 's applicability 、 workability and timeliness .

    顾客 价值包括 产品 品牌产品的适应性、 产品的可使用性及 产品的时效性。

  • Discussion on High Additional Value Product Processed by Solid Waste

    用固体废物生产高附加 产品的探讨

  • The Research on Emotional Value of Product Design

    产品设计的情感 价值研究

  • And it is validated that information value product value process value and service value influence loyalty directly .

    服务价值价值对网络顾客忠诚有显著的正向影响作用。顾客价值包括信息 价值产品价值、过程价值和服务价值。

  • The Integrated Study of Customer Value Guiding Product Concept Design

    顾客 价值理论导向 产品概念设计的整合研究

  • Restudy on Present Situation of Application of Attapulgite Clay & Its High Added Value Product Development

    难选凹凸棒石提纯工艺研究再论凹凸棒石黏土应用现状及高附加 产品开发

  • Inorganic gel is a kind of high value product made from bentonite which has a wide application in every walk of life .

    无机凝胶是膨润土的一种高 附加 产品,在各行业都有广泛的应用。

  • Only in case the product was sold out we 'll refund the value of product in the same form of payment originally used for purchase .

    如遇退回的货品已经售完,我们会将 货品的退款以原本付款的方式退回给您。

  • This study results are the important practical value to product in a few productivity deep well in offshore oilfield .

    该研究成果对海上大 量井 采油具有重要的实用 价值

  • Applying the methods of average value of product and reduction of error the reestablished equation is tested .

    运用 乘积平均 、误差缩减 等方法对重建方程进行了检验,证明重建序列可信。

  • The way of identifying the ability equipment are fixed unit load and guarantee value of product catalog .

    确定设备能力的方法有单位负荷定额、 产品目录保证 等。

  • Comparative Study on Value of Product Development

    产品开发 价值比较研究

  • Propylene is a high-demand high value product .

    丙烯是一种高需求、高 价值 产品

  • The development of special wax is the crossover path that the paraffin wax is changed to the high added value product from the primary product in Fushun Petrochemical Company .

    发展特种蜡是抚顺公司石油蜡由初级产品向高附加 产品跨越的必由之路。

  • In the digital age designers use various advantages of internet to communicate with customers to achieve the commercial value human value and ecological value of product design .

    在数字化时代,设计师利用网络的各种优势与顾客沟通,能有效地实现 产品设计的商业价值、人性价值和生态 价值

  • May measure Value ( Product ) or Process

    度量 价值产品)或者流程