value separator

[ˈvælju ˈsɛpəˌretɚ][ˈvælju ˈsepəˌreɪtə]

[计] 值分隔符

  • Flow field value inside of cyclone separator in different pressure is compared . The results show that the pressure has little influence on axial velocity and radial velocity of cyclone separator but more influence on tangential velocity .

    将不同压力下的旋风 分离器的内部流场进行对比,结果表明,压力对旋风分离器的轴向速度和径向速度的影响很小,但是对切向速度影响较大。

  • However in this instance you split the value up using the defined separator / then take the second token working right to left and substitute that value in .

    但是,在这个示例中,您使用 分隔 /分隔这个 ,然后从右至左提取第二个标记值并用该值替代。

  • So each time the EDLEVEL column value changes the result table is broken with a break separator and skipped line .

    所以每次当EDLEVEL列 改变时,都会用一个中断 分隔 和跳过行对结果表进行中断。

  • In the practical drilling as long as the density of drilling fluid controled greater than the critical value it can prevent the wall collapsed enhance mechanical separator speed ensure the drilling was operated safety and reduce costs .

    实际钻井中,只要控制钻井液密度大于其临界 ,即可保持井壁不发生坍塌,从而提高机械 速,保证钻井安全运作,降低费用。

  • Numerical Value Analysis about Factors of Affecting Capability of Spiral Cyclone Separator

    螺旋式旋风 分离器 分离性能影响因素的 数值分析

  • This token must have a string value after the separator .

    对于该令牌,必须在 分隔 之后给出串

  • Gets a value indicating whether the checkboxlist control contains a separator between items in the list .

    获取一个 ,该 指示checkboxlist控件是否包含列表项之间的 分隔

  • According to different air supply there is a critical value to separated effect of separator .
