validity of law

[法] 法律效力

  • The facts indicate that schools accept the validity of the law administration and society when facing the change of surroundings and enhance the social capital of the schools and trust between the schools and the donators by using of relations and laws .

    事实说明高校在面临外部环境的变化遵循了 法律、政府和社会的 合法 ,并运用关系运作和法制手段建立与加强了与社会捐赠主体之间的信任,增强了学校的社会资本。

  • The Validity of Law as a System of Rules : An Explanation of Hart 's View of Legal Validity

    作为规则体系的 法律 效力&对哈特法律效力观的解读

  • Validity of law is the inner basis of law transferring from static existence as rules to dynamic existence as praxis .

    法律 效力是法律从规范的静态存在走向实践的动态存在的内在根据。

  • Ancient Chinese society realized judicial justice by emphasizing that judicial officers should strictly enforce the law the ministers try cases in the spirit of Confucian classics and the emperor deny the validity of law in some specific cases for ethics .

    中国古代社会强调司法官吏严格 执法、大臣经义决狱、皇帝屈 法伸情以实现司法公正。

  • The studies on jurisdiction and applicable law should be continued particularly in the context of validity of intellectual property law rights .

    关于管辖权和适用法律的研究还要继续,特别是知识产权 法律权利的 有效 的内容。

  • The Public Interest Term in Law On Impractical Law Validity of Law On National Interest

    论我 现行 法律中的公共利益条款

  • The command theory is about what is law and it gives a new interpretation on the question of the validity of the law .

    法律命令说是关于法律是什么的理论,对 法律 效力问题做了新的阐释。

  • The scholars in our country also form three opinions on the validity of Law Evasion . They are concrete analysis of concrete conditions invalid theory of evading foreign law and valid theory of evading foreign law .

    我国学者在规避外国 效力问题上也形成了三派观点:具体问题具体分析说,规避外国法无效说,规避外国法有效说。

  • Validity of Law Re-discussion of Presumption

    法律 效力再论推定

  • The study of influence of legislative factor on the validity of financial law has established a theoretical analyzing model on the basis of experimental study of the validity of financial law in judicial reality .

    立法因素对金融 实效的影响在对司法现实中金融法实效的实证研究的基础上,建立理论模型分析。

  • Based on the argumentation mentioned above I refine in the sense of jurisprudence a core proposition for the whole dissertation which concerns the law that regulates the validity of private law system during the process of interaction between outer discourse and itself .

    笔者在前文论述的基础上,从法理学的层面,对与外来话语的互动过程中制约 私法制度 有效 的话语定律进行了提炼。

  • On the Supreme Efficacy of the Constitution Validity of Law

    宪法的最高 法律 效力

  • An Empirical Study on the Validity of Wagner 's Law in China Based on the Gibbs Sampling

    Gibbs抽样条件下瓦格纳 法则的中国 有效 研究

  • On Self-recognition and Its Force Adeffect in Civil Lawsuits Validity of Law

    民事诉讼中的自认及其 法律 效力

  • Therefore through three sentences of Constitutional Court from 1990 I try to find out the validity of The law of Adultery .

    因此,我通过分析1990年以来的3个宪法裁判所的判决,探讨通奸 规定的 有效

  • Different from the logical inquiry of validity of law this discovery of source of effect is a kind of experimental proof which is genuine software of rule by law .

    法律 效力的逻辑探寻不同,这种效力力源的发现乃是一种经验求证,而在现代社会,它才是真正的法治软件。

  • Along the approach of self-understanding in law Dworkin makes a great achievement to explore the moral validity of law the testifying nature of the legal rights from his ethic individualism .

    沿着哈特开辟的法律的自我理解这个认识进路,德沃金从他的伦理个人主义出发,为探索 法律的道德 有效 、论证法律权利的证立性本质作出了卓越贡献。

  • Study proves that perfection of legislative factor is the necessary means to improve the validity of financial law .

    研究表明,立法因素的改善是提高金融 实效的必要途径。

  • The validity of the law is a core concept of the legal theory different genres ' argument on the sources of legal ' validity resort to different theories .

    法律 有效 是法学理论的一个核心概念,不同的流派对法律的有效性来源问题的论证有不同的理论诉求。

  • The first chapter introduces firstly the concept of validity of law classifying forms in which law takes effect ;

    第二章首先介绍了 生效的概念,并对法的生效形式进行了分类;

  • Even so the State adjusts labor market by tax law should imply with public interest principle and proportion principle to insure rationality and validity of tax law .

    即便如此,国家以税法调整劳动力市场,也应当符合公共利益原则和比例原则,以保证 税法的合理性和 合法

  • But how to treat the relations between validity of law and morality is an eternal difficult problem to the analytical jurisprudence .

    但是该如何处理 法律 效力与道德的关系又是分析实证主义法学的法律 效力理论永远需要面对的难题。

  • In this case it enlarges criminal area and lets Criminal Law interfere in other law field easily and then reduces other law 's validity of law .

    这不仅扩大了其打击面,而且刑法轻易介入其它法律可以很好解决的领域,不利于其它法律 效用 应有 发挥

  • The first part is the two aspects of the validity of law .

    第一部分, 法律 有效 的两个向度。

  • The custom of family division including some fixed contents and procedures had the force or validity of law in ancient China for two thousand years .

    分家 习惯在中国已延续两千余年,在这一习惯内部,已形成较为稳固的内容和程序,其 效力一直受到 国家 承认

  • The history of our ten years of war has proved the validity of this law .

    我们的十年战争史证明了这个 规律 正确

  • Query the validity of equivalent law of shearing stress applied to the mechanics .

    对力学中广泛应用的剪应力互等 定理提出了 质疑,认为该 定理并不能广泛 成立

  • With the signature 's validity of law electronic signature especially digital signature also holds the authenticity stability and specialty of the traditional signature after being registered and certified by CA.

    在签名的 法律 效力上,电子签名特别是数字签名经过认证机构的注册、证明,从而也具备了传统签名的真实性、耐久性和独特性;

  • He thought validity of law was the power of enforcement in essence ; the validity of law rooted in the sovereign who possessed paramount authority .

    他认为 效力实质上就是强制力;法的效力来源于具有至高无上权威的主权者。

  • From the perspective of judicial practice New Law Merchant gets more applicable in the international commercial practice especially in the international arbitration . At the same time the legal validity of New Law Merchant is strengthening .

    就司法实践领域而言,新商人 在司法实践中尤其是国际仲裁领域的适用越来广泛,同时其法律 效力也不在不断增强。