


  • The DSA showed the distinct dilatation and blood silt in venula as well as the depletion in cortex vein . The circulating term from cerebral artery to vein sinus was remarkably prolonged for over 11 seconds .

    但脑DSA表现明显的皮层静脉 缺如 静脉扩张和 淤滞,脑动脉至静脉 的循环时间在静脉期显著延长达11s以上。

  • Conclusion : The main pathologic foundation of thrombus in cerebral vein is related with hemodynamic infarction in venula .

    结论:脑静脉血栓形成 可能是以 静脉内的血流动力学梗塞为主要病理基础,通过脑 DSA 检查 确定 诊断

  • The results showed that blood velocity and diameter of venula and arteriole were not changed in control group during 6h observation .

    实验结果表明,对照组,连续6小时观察微动脉和微 静脉血流速度,血管 口径的变化无明显 差异