On all sides verdant sunset-bathed hills greet the eye .
In the reserve there are perennially snow-topped mountain peaks verdant and lush forests and stretches of serene lakes .
区内有终年积雪的山峰、 翠繁茂的森林、静悠远的湖泊。
This day the verdant field are seen .
今天满眼是 青翠的田野;
They may carry a message of hope for the verdant parts of the earth .
它们可能为地球上 葱绿的地方带来了希望的信息。
The clear green waters and sandy beaches constitute a lingering gentle heavenly seaside resort while the lush verdant forests and spectacular caves mysterious and charming adventure to another .
清澈碧绿的海水和绵长平缓的沙滩构成了天堂般的海滨度假圣地,而 葱郁繁茂的森林与神秘而壮观的岩洞又独具魅力的探险地。
The garden is covered with verdant grass .
花园里长 满了绿草。
The verdant pines remember the first time she wanted to rob a bird 's nest .
那些 苍翠的松树记着查利云第一次想去掏鸟窝。
I saw some cows and ship grazing in the verdant pasture .
我看到一些牛羊在 青翠的牧场上吃草。
It is blessed with strange rock formations verdant trees clear streams lakes and mighty peaks .
这是得天独厚的奇怪岩层, 到处树木 葱茏,明确溪流湖泊和强大的高峰。
The forests outside Moscow were quiet fresh and verdant in June 1971 .
一九七一年的七月,莫斯科郊外的树林安静 怡 人, 空气清新,一 片 青翠。
Under the sparkling sunlight the verdant hills were glorious .
在灿烂的阳光下,山峦 青翠 辉耀。
The verdant mountain forest turns red gradually in the autumn wind .
My wife Debra and I are just back from our third trip to Yunnan a picturesque verdant province in China 's southwest .
我和我太太德布拉(Debra)刚从我们的第三次云南之行归来。云南是位于中国西南部的一个风景如画、 满目 苍翠的省份。
The hills are verdant .
山峦 苍翠。
Be bless and verdant such as the boxwood 's branches when they are fixed on their vine-plant .
愿你们得祝福及 青翠的,就如树上的枝子一样,就是当他们被固定于他们的葡萄树上的时候。
I love your temperament of verdant pines .
我爱你 青松气质。
There is a verdant lawn in front of the dormitory .
宿舍前是 绿 茵茵的草坪。