



  • Verbose GC usually has relatively little performance impact on an application .


  • Try & verbose to watch rsync in action .

    可以尝试使用 &verbose选项,以便在rsync命令执行的过程中进行观察。

  • Verbose GC is a tool that logs and outputs GC activity to a file or screen .


  • The best way to inspect the heap usage is to analyze the verbose GC output .

    监视heap使用情况的最好的方法是分析这个 verboseGC的输出。

  • Verbose GC helps you determine whether your memory heap is big enough or too big .


  • The prose of his official communications was so laboured pompous and verbose

    他笔下的公文矫揉浮华, 长篇大论

  • Some may use descriptive and verbose conventions while others may use terse and technical formats .

    有些可能采用详尽 冗长的描述习惯,而其他可能采用简洁且技术性的格式风格。

  • VB9 added array initialization ; unfortunately the syntax is rather verbose .

    VB9增加了数组初始化;但不幸的是其语法太 冗长了。

  • Say we wanted to write a more verbose version of the if statement than the one Scheme offers .

    假设我们想编写一个比Scheme提供的版本更 详细的if语句版本。

  • Every location path can be expressed using a straightforward but rather verbose syntax .

    任何定位路径可以用一个直白但 冗长的语法表达。

  • The-nv option an acronym for not verbose provides more concise messages .

    nv选项(not verbose的首字母缩写)则提供更简洁的消息。

  • You must enable verbose GC logging for your application if you want to produce logs for analysis .

    如果想生成用于分析的日志,必须对应用程序启用 详细的GC日志记录。

  • This is straightforward but can lead to some extremely verbose code .

    这虽然很直观,却会导致出现非常 冗长的代码。

  • Verbose garbage collection is not as verbose as the name suggests .


  • As you can see this is rather verbose but it works !

    正如你所见,这是相当 冗长,但它工作!

  • They also do not need verbose mapping files that could become tedious to maintain and debug .

    它们同样不需要 冗长的映射文件,因为对于维护和调试而言,那些映射文件只会让过程变得单调乏味。

  • You can turn on the IBM JVM 's verbose output by using the-verbose command-line option .

    可以用-verbose命令行选项打开IBMJVM的 详细输出。

  • In this example you replace the much more verbose

    在本例中,您使用了一个 表达式替代 冗长

  • Your report is twice as long as it needs to be : it 's too verbose .

    你的报告比实际需要长了一倍, 太罗 了。

  • Qlog is used instead of print and the VERBOSE constant is used instead of $ verbose .

    qlog替代了print,而 VERBOSE常量替代了$verbose。

  • Heavily documented the book is long-winded and verbose .

    此书引证 多,文字 繁芜

  • She is really a verbose companion .

    她真是个 唠叨 的伙伴。

  • A verBose But meaningless explanation ;


  • Code in XAML and C # is really verbose .

    用XAML和C编写的代码非常 啰嗦

  • His writing is difficult and often verbose .

    他的文章很晦涩,而且往往 篇幅 冗长

  • If you have a verbose site never forget to use a good search tool for easy searching .

    如果你拥有一个 详细的网站,那么,千万不要忘了使用一个较好的搜索工具,以方便别人的搜索。

  • There are several reasons why you might want to enable verbose GC and inspect the logs .

    有多种原因使您想要支持 verboseGC和检查日志。

  • You can enable verbose GC using one of two command-line options : either-verbose : gc or-Xverbosegclog : filename .

    可以使用以下两个命令行选项之一来 支持 verbose GC:-verbose:gc -Xverbosegclog:文件名。