
[vɛˈstɪdʒiəl, -ˈstɪdʒəl][veˈstɪdʒiəl]


  • The book consists of nineteen rather anorexic stories stripped of all but vestigial traces of emotion and often of plot ( Madison Bell )

    这本书包括十九个简短的故事,除了剩下的感情和情节描写外其它一切都 省掉了( 麦迪逊贝尔

  • Nonetheless more often than not unreachable statements and methods are vestigial code that no longer has any purpose and can be cut from the code base with no effect .

    然而,比执行不到的语句和方法更常见的是 残留代码,它不再有任何作用,并且从代码基中去掉这些代码也不会产生任何影响。

  • Vestigial organ an organ that is functionless and generally reduced in size but bears some resemblance to the corresponding fully functioning organs found in related organisms .


  • According to the vestigial side band ( VSB ) modulating principle 8-level VSB modulating principle hardware 's realization data vertical structure and transfer feature are emphatically introduced in the high definition television ( HDTV ) .


  • Snakelike lizard of Europe Asia and North America with vestigial hind limbs and the ability to regenerate its long fragile tail .

    欧洲、亚洲和北美洲象蛇一样的蜥蜴,后肢 退化,长而易断的尾巴有再生能力。

  • Vestigial or imperfectly developed especially in comparison with other individuals or related species ;

    退化的, 发育不完全的 器官 退化或发育不全的,尤指其他相关个体或种属;

  • Or certain computer users might always fully delete and reenter information into a new record rather than just editing the old record & a vestigial behavior associated with older technology .

    或者,某些计算机用户可能总是完全删除并将信息重新输入到新的记录中,而不要仅仅编辑旧记录&一种与老技术相联系的 残留行为。

  • Vestigial Sideband modulation ( VSB ) is used in traditional TV broadcasting .


  • Any of a breed of the domestic cat having short hair usually solid color and an internal vestigial tail .

    任一种长有短毛,通常有纯色 毛皮,体内 退化尾巴的家养猫种。

  • One laboratory stock of Drosophila melanogaster has very reduced or vestigial wings .

    果蝇的一种实验品系,翅膀缩小, 翅。

  • One format combines the vestigial sideband payload and wavelength label .

    一种是利用 残留边带载荷及单边带 载波标签或波长标签的 方案

  • Those ratings he asserts rely on easily – manipulated criteria like acceptance rates ( Stanford has set a new extreme in exclusiveness at 5.1 % ) and favor wealthy institutions with vestigial reputations .

    在他看来,这些排名主要是基于一些极容易受操控的评价标准,比如录取率(斯坦福大学最新的录取率仅有5.1%),更偏爱那些声誉 的有钱院校。

  • Sound surface wave vestigial side-band filter

    声表面波 残留边带滤波器

  • Any of several whales inhabiting all oceans and having beaklike jaws with vestigial teeth in the upper jaw .

    几种完全生活在海洋中的鲸,嘴象鸟嘴,上鳄牙齿 退化

  • Wormlike burrowing snake of warm regions having vestigial eyes .

    温暖地区眼睛 退化的蠕虫样穴居蛇。

  • Vestigial remains of these plays are now seen in the Christmas pantomime .

    在圣诞节演出的哑剧中还能看到这些戏剧 残留 下来 痕迹

  • If Little Red Riding Hood is in close-up and the Wolf in long-shot the emphasis is shifted to the emotional problems of vestigial virginity in a wicked world .

    如果给小红帽一个特写镜头而给大灰狼一个全景镜头,重点就转向了纯洁在一个邪恶的世界上 蜕化的感情问题。

  • The wings of the chicken have become vestigial ; it can no longer fly .

    鸡的翅膀逐渐 退化,不会在空中飞行了。

  • In this paper structure and algorithm of the equalizer used in cable standard of HDTV VSB ( Vestigial Sideband ) system and DVB ( Digital Video Broadcasting ) system are analyzed and similarities and differences are given in algorithm and ASIC implementation in VSB system is given .

    本文探讨了HDTV地面 残留边带调制( VSB)系统和DVB系统的电缆标准中均衡器的结构与算法,讨论了他们的异同点以及给出了芯片实现方案。

  • Studies on Optical Vestigial Sideband Modulation Formats and Key Techniques of OTDM System


  • Solitude is almost a vestigial pleasure now that electronic entertainment can accompany us anywhere .

    孤独差不多是一种 退化的快乐,因为现在电子娱乐可以随时随地陪伴我们。

  • Multilevel vestigial sideband modulation ( VSB ) in HDTV can be implemented by analog or digital method .

    高清晰度电视(HDTV)中的多电平 残留边带调制(VSB)既可用模拟的方法也可用数字的方法实现。

  • A ratite bird order : flightless ground birds having vestigial wings and long bills and small eyes : kiwis .

    一种平胸鸟目;小眼睛长嘴且翅膀已 退化的不会飞的鸟类几维。

  • Built entirely by hand these cars adopted a more Volkswagen-like layout in order to have vestigial back seats : the engine was moved behind the transaxle .

    这些完全用手工制作的汽车采用被大众汽车式设计是为了增加 后座:引擎在驱动桥后移动。

  • Any of several chiefly tropical constrictors with vestigial hind limbs .

    后肢 退化的几种主要是产于热带的蟒蛇。

  • Wisdom teeth are another vestigial remnant .

    智牙是另一种 退化遗留物。

  • An ostrich has vestigial wings .

    鸵鸟长有 退化了的翅膀。