vibrating line


  • This paper deals with building of the corresponding dynamic model of frequently used vibrating conveyer on production line of cigarette factories . Furthermore it bases on model and does motion analysis by giving some examples .

    本文对卷烟厂制丝生产 线上常用的 振动输送机建立了相应的力学模型,并以该模型为基础,通过实例进行了 振动输送机的运动分析。

  • This technical study was made on treating vibrating liquefied foundation by dry crushed stone pile based on the project of Shengyang-Qinghuangdao Passenger Dedicated Railway Line .

    结合秦沈客运 专线工程实际进行了干振碎石桩处理 震动液化地基技术研究。

  • But the agitated movements of the players and the weaving patterns of form and sound are superbly translated into vibrating line .

    但是演奏者激情的动作和编织出的形式图像和声音图像极巧妙地转变为 颤动 线条

  • A vibrating oil line is added to a hydraulic system of a hydraulic static pile-driver achieving vibration pile-driving operation .

    在液压静力沉桩机的液压系统中添加一 振动 油路,得以实现振动压桩。

  • Construction technique for treating vibrating liquefied foundation of high-speed railway line by dry vibrating crushed stone pile

    干振碎石桩处理高速 铁路 震动液化地基施工技术