veto power

[ˈvito ˈpaʊɚ][ˈvi:təu ˈpauə]


  • Most governors have veto power over state legislation analogous to the veto power of the President .

    多数地方长官都有对州立法的 否决 ,类似于总统的否决权。

  • China claims veto power over Hong Kong reform .

    中国宣称有 否决香港改革方案。

  • The veto power is an important weapon with which the American presidents can direct the legislative process .

    否决 是美国总统发挥立法指导作用的一项重要武器。

  • The Establishment and Operation of American Presidential Veto Power

    美国总统 否决 的确立及其运作探析

  • It has threatened to use its veto power to block sanctions against Sudan at the United Nations .

    这一点已经威胁到了美国用 否决 来封锁制裁苏丹政府的目的。

  • He holds roughly a 1.4 % stake but has veto power over important decisions which has not yet needed to use .

    任正非的持股比例为1.4%,但他对重要决定拥有 否决 ,只是还没有用到过。

  • Gorge Washington was the first president in the history of America to use his veto power .

    乔治华盛顿是美国历史上第一个动用 否决 的总统。

  • However any European-backed loan package requires the unanimous approval of European Union members meaning any euro zone country would have effective veto power .

    尽管援助计划数额巨大,但需要欧盟所有成员国的一致同意,也就是说,每个欧元区的成员国在此事件中都有 决定

  • Huawei concedes that Mr Ren retains veto power over major decisions .

    华为承认,任正非对于公司重大决策仍保有 一票 否决

  • There are reports that China has forsworn its veto power .

    有报道称,中国承诺放弃 否决

  • Under the plan the existing management of the company will be replaced and new executives will be appointed . It also gives the US government veto power over major decisions at the company .

    根据计划,AIG现有管理层将被撤换,将任命新的高层管理人员。另外,美国政府还将对该公司的重大决策 拥有 否决

  • Even the relatively mild language on Syria faces stiff opposition from Russia a Syria ally which has veto power as a permanent Security Council member .

    针对叙利亚事件,虽然俄罗斯在语言上相对温和,但仍在立场上坚决持反对态度。作为叙利亚的盟友,俄罗斯在安理会享有永久的 否决

  • Neither Mr. Ballmer nor Mr. Gates has ' veto power ' over the selection of the company 's next leader this person said .

    这位人士说,鲍尔默和盖茨对微软新领导人的选择都没有 否决

  • But Fidel is still likely to exercise a veto power behind the scenes .

    但是,老卡斯特罗仍可能在幕后拥有 否决

  • Mr McAuliffe holds veto power but is widely expected to sign the measure given his previous comments during his election campaign in favour of the Korean perspective .

    麦考利夫拥有 否决 ,但从他此前在竞选期间发表的赞同韩国观点的言论看,普遍预计他将签署该法案。

  • The United States which has veto power ( 3 ) in the Security Council ( 4 ) is expected to oppose a move viewed in Washington as unhelpful to its Middle East diplomacy .

    在安理会拥有 否决 的美国预料将会反对,华府认为这对其中东外交政策无益。

  • It showed that I respected their time and authority and also led them to put serious thought into the details I had veto power over .

    这表明我尊重他们的时间和权威,也让他们对我有 一票 否决的细节进行认真思考。

  • McConnell said since President Obama has veto power the Republican-controlled House should also seek to withhold funding from implementation of the health-care legislation .

    麦康奈尔说,因为奥巴马总统仍然 拥有 否决 ,共和党控制的众议院还应当寻求阻止实施健保法案所需的资金。

  • The only areas that we are dominating and expanding out lead are in creative litigation and allowing every activists or stakeholder veto power over any proposed project .

    我们唯一占主导地位且不断扩大优势的领域就是扯皮打官司,颇具创新性。让所有的活沃分子或者说“利益悠关者”对任何拟定的项目都 拥有 投票

  • It also gives the US government veto power over major decisions at the company .

    另外,美国政府还将对该公司的重大决策 拥有 否决

  • But I reserved veto power over the color scheme graphical style and fonts & yes I have a small design obsession .

    但在配色方案、图形风格和字体方面,我保留了 一票 否决 &没错,我对设计有一点热衷。

  • If China were to become the I.M.F. 's major financier it should have veto power on terms equivalent to those of the United States .

    如果中国成为了国际货币基金组织的主要注资者,它应该要拥有和美国同等的 投票

  • Behind that push by Washington has also been a desire to protect the Bretton Woods institutions over which the US and Europe now wield veto power .

    美方努力背后的另一个愿望是捍卫美国和欧洲现在拥有 否决 的布雷顿森林机构。

  • At issue is the makeup of the Security Council 's membership who gets veto power regional representation .

    最关键的问题是安理会的组成,哪些 国家 享有 否决 ,地区代表性。