vibration sieve

[vaɪˈbreʃən sɪv][vaɪˈbreɪʃən siv]


  • From sieve machine body vibration to track the performance to see the vibration sieve is a nonlinear ( three times ) inertial vibrating screen vibration .

    从筛机振动体的运行轨迹来看, 是一种非线性(三次元振动)惯性振动筛。

  • The defects in the use of coke vibration screen and the feasibility study of slide sieve are ex-pounded .

    阐述了焦炭 振动筛在使用过程中存在的一些弊端,以及溜 的可行性研制过程。

  • Rational Selection of Dynamic Parameters of Vibration Sieve with Elastic Coupling Excitation

    弹性耦合激励 振动 动力学参数的合理选择

  • The vibration sieve for well-drilling liquid is a key equipment in the solide phase control system and the screen is the main structural part of the sieve .

    钻井液 振动 是油田钻井固控系统中的关键设备,而筛网又是振动筛的主要结构部分。

  • Finite Element Analysis and Dynamic Analysis for the Structure of SJ Self-synchronizing Vibration Sieve

    SJ型自同步直线 振动 结构有限元及振动特性分析

  • This paper analyzes the development of the vibration sieve and the theory related to discrete element method ( DEM ) and the research status at home and abroad about them .

    本文分析了关于 振动 研究的发展情况、离散元法的相关理论以及它们的国内外的研究情况。

  • Experimental Study on Electrostatic Electrification for Powders in Vibration Sieve

    粉体 静电起电的试验研究

  • A virtual design approach to the vibration sieve of cole combine harvester was put forward based on ADAMS . Realization of process of virtual design were detailed . Model of mechanism of sieve was builded and dynamic simulation and analysis were done with ADAMS .

    基于ADAMS软件提出了一种对联合收割机 振动 进行虚拟设计的方法,在ADAMS中建立了振动筛运动的仿真模型,并进行了动态仿真分析,考察了筛面加速度及其方向角的变化规律。

  • The paper discusses the structure principle and characteristics of a new elliptica vibration elastic sieve with shunting function .

    阐述了一种新型椭圆 振动分流 的结构、原理和工作特点。

  • The trial production proves the scheme of changing vibration into slide sieve is feasible with social benefit and economic benefit .

    通过试生产证明 振动 改为溜 方案切实可行,可产生社会效益和经济效益。

  • Analysis on Efficiency of the Dimensional Vibration Sieve Based on the Movements of Grains

    基于籽粒运动的多维 振动 筛分效率分析

  • Use mechanical vibration sieve to improve urea product quality

    利用机械 振动 提高成品尿素质量

  • Shunting Screen of An Elliptical Vibration Elastic Sieve

    椭圆 振动弹性 筛网分流筛

  • Therefore by means of modern test technology the Paper does some research on the vibration of the separating sieve and its influence on dynamic load of the main beam under the condition of laboratory .

    为此,本文提出在实验室条件下,利用现代测试技术,就分离 振动及其对主梁的动载作用作研究。

  • According to the contrast of the vibration data of sieve body in experiments and the displacement response from FEA the finite element model was modified .

    根据 有限元分析结果与 实验数据的对比,对有限元模型及 边界条件进行了修正。

  • According to the vibration theories of the single free degree system the calculation formula on vibration sieve versus foundation 's moving load was deduced in detail .

    根据单自由度系统的振动理论,详细推导了 振动 对基础动负荷的计算公式;

  • This paper introduces the influence of vibration sieve plate slope angle on substances screening efficiency and describes the effective ways for solving screening efficiency by means of increasing equipment slope angle .

    介绍了分级 振动 筛板倾角大小对物料筛分效率的影响,阐述了增加设备倾角也是解决筛分效率的有效途径。

  • Analyzing on Motion of Low-frequency Vibration Sieve

    低频 振动 的运动分析

  • The Technique Reformation of QLS Punchy Vibration Sieve

    对QLS型强力 振动 的技术改造

  • ZS series vibration sieve is suitable for in line production . It is an ideal device for granule that has uneven size to sieve continuously .

    ZS系列分层 适应于流水作业,是大小颗粒比例不等过筛连续出料的理想设备。

  • Determination of particle size of aluminium powder & Mechanical vibration sieve method

    GB/T3170.1-1982铝粉粒度的测定机械 振动 筛分

  • This machine is composed of the vertical vibration motor a sieve bottom a mesh frame sieve room rubber vibrating bowl and all fastening pieces etc.

    该机由立式 电机、 底、网架、筛粉室、橡胶振荡碗等各紧固件组成一体。

  • Optimize on Working Parameters Crank Rolling Velocity and Radius of the Vibration Sieve about Cereal Cleaning Windmill

    谷物清选风车中 振动 的曲柄转速和半径优选