

v.检查调查审查(某人过去的记录、资格等)( vet的现在分词 )诊疗

  • It would also mark a contrast with the actions that the Obama administration has taken as a condition of providing further support to troubled automakers Chrysler and general motors such as the vetting of business plans .

    这也将与奥巴马政府对克莱斯勒( chrysler)和通用汽车(generalmotors)所采取的行动形成反差,这些行动是向这两家困境中的汽车制造商提供进一步支持的条件。

  • He had introduced a bill to tighten the security vetting of civil servants .

    他提出了一个议案要求加强对公职人员的保安 审查

  • Even a low-key vetting process would however be resistedby the British government .

    然而,即便是低调的 审查程序也会受到英国政府的抵制。

  • Vetting the Intel he 's given us .


  • The vetting process by Kenya 's Anti-Corruption and Public Service Commission s w_845 has started in the north and west of the country and will take place in the capital Nairobi next week .

    肯尼亚反腐与公共服务委员会的 审查程序将从北部和西部开始,下周将在首都内罗毕进行。

  • In response the government said that there are ' security risks inherent to any sophisticated telecommunications network and system ' but insisted that the vetting process had been improved and updated since 2005 .

    作为回应,英国政府说,任何复杂的电信网络和系统都不可避免存在安全风险,但政府坚持说, 审查程序自2005年以来已经被改进和升级。

  • Ms. Sample said that her focus when vetting buyers was this : They have to have the money .

    桑普尔表示,在 审核买家时她关注的重点是:他们必须要有买房的钱。

  • Ms Merkel has called for Europe to adopt a common approach to vetting corporate acquisitions by foreign state-controlled investors .

    此前,默克尔曾呼吁欧洲采取相同的方式,来 审查外国政府控制的投资机构在欧洲的企业收购行为。

  • The Royal Household 's security chief Brig Jeffrey Cook and Scotland Yard have been negotiating a set of new police / royal vetting protocols .

    英国王室安检负责人杰弗里·库克与苏格兰场就一系列警方和王室 即将实施的安检行动草案进行了协商。

  • The city of Nanjing will carry out drastic and comprehensive reforms to its administrative vetting and approval system ; a system which has lasted for several decades .

    南京市将大刀阔斧地对延续几十年的行政 审批制度进行全面改革。

  • Congress passed a law designed to instill more confidence in the vetting process for sensitive transactions and the administration of President George W. Bush stated unequivocally that it supported an open investment policy .

    美国国会通过了一项旨在逐步增强对敏感交易 审查程序信心的法案,布什政府也明确声明支持开放的投资政策。

  • Most Rela members receive little training or vetting .

    多数Rela成员基本没接受国训练或者 审查

  • Invoice security is responsible for vetting orders invoices time Invoice and carried forward .

    防伪开票,负责 审核订单,发货单,及时开票并结转。

  • Hong Kong 's main exchange recently changed its rules to provide more vigorous vetting of company prospectuses said Ms. Chan .

    陈世芝说,最近香港交易所主板调整了规定,将对企业招股说明书提供更严格的 审查

  • Businesses and consumers alike benefit greatly from the vetting and standards compliance testing performed by certification organizations such as the widely recognized and trusted UL ( Underwriters Laboratories ) .

    企业和消费者都会从认证机构 比如被广泛认可和信任的UL(美国保险商实验室)】实施的 审查和标准符合性测试获益匪浅。

  • Foreign investors seeking to buy into sensitive US assets will be required to submit personal information about previous military and government service under new rules for vetting acquisitions .

    根据有关收购 审查的新规定,打算收购美国敏感资产的外国投资者将被要求呈交关于以往在军队及政府部门服务的个人信息。

  • The notice warns fund managers of 20 risks to be avoided in handling the release of information about the market from protecting data security online to vetting promotional material carefully to monitoring public commentary .

    中国证券会在通知中警告基金经理,在处理市场信息发布时要注意避免“20个风险”,其中包括保护网上数据安全,审慎 检查宣传材料,及监控公开评论。

  • The vetting process can now go on longer and be more invasive than in the past .

    现在这 程序可以比过去持续更长时间,调查也更深入。

  • Work with account function to ensure timely vetting of supplier invoices and payment authorisation .

    与财务部门合作,确保供应商发票的时间及时 更改和付款授权。

  • Leadership means having informal control over others without submitting to formal vetting by them .

    领导权意味着,对他人拥有非正式的控制权,而事先无需得到他们的正式 认可

  • Are Bill and Melinda Gates heavily involved in the vetting and ideas process ?

    比尔和美琳达•盖茨深入参与了 审查和构想过程吗?

  • In a statement Judd Gregg said it had become apparent during the vetting process that his appointment would not work .

    贾德·格雷格在声明中称在 审批程序中可以很明显的看出他不会得到任命。

  • Both questions underpin the dilemma facing companies when vetting job candidates .

    这两个问题使公司在 调查应聘者时面临两难。

  • YC 's vetting process plays a big role in attracting investors .

    YC的 评估过程,对吸引投资者起到很大作用。

  • Some even have emerged from the private vetting process and filed public papers ( e.g. legalzoom ) .

    有些公司甚至已经结束了闭门 审核流程,提交了“公开”文件(如LegalZoom)。

  • Paris has made a contentious proposal to set up vetting committees to decide whether secret documents can be seized by investigating magistrates on raids at arms company offices .

    法国已经起草了一份有争议的提案,目的是设立 审查委员会,来决定突击搜查军火公司办公室的预审法官是否可以没收机密文件。

  • The draft prospectus that the bank submits on behalf of the company would be made public similar to the practice in the US pushing more of the vetting process on to deal sponsors .

    投行代表企业提交的招股章程草案将得到公布,类似于美国的做法,从而把 审核过程中的 责任更多地 分摊到交易保荐人身上。