


  • The US economy has already shown a vibrancy that European governments would die for .

    美国经济已经展现出欧洲各国政府可望 可即的 活力

  • Striking the right balance between systemic safety and economic vibrancy should be our goal .

    寻求系统安全性与经济 活力间的恰当平衡,应该成为我们的目标。

  • Visitors will experience the vibrancy of culture and business when walking on the streets of Shanghai .

    漫步上海街头,参观者们 无不将感受到 的文化与商业 气息

  • If I have to identify what I like or dislike I would say that I like the energy and vibrancy and I dislike the quality of the air most .

    如果必须要指出什么是最喜欢或最不喜欢的,我想我喜欢中国的活力和 活跃,最不喜欢空气质量。

  • Di Modica says his new bronze bull is styled to appear younger representing the vibrancy of China but is otherwise identical in size and weight to Manhattan 's version .

    莫迪卡说,新铜牛的设计显得更年轻,代表着中国的 活力,但其尺寸和重量均与曼哈顿的铜牛完全相同。

  • The colurs in these paintings have a rich vibrancy .

    这些画的色彩具有丰富的 动感

  • E Ink is working on solutions to improve the vibrancy of color screens Mr.

    佩鲁文巴 ,EInk正在研究提升彩色屏幕色彩 逼真 程度的解决方案。

  • Shirley was a terrific actor whose vibrancy and brilliance set audiences on fire at a crucial time in our nation 's history .

    秀兰用她 活力 四射和才华横溢的表演在我们国家历史关键时期将 人们的心绪点燃,是一个伟大的演员。

  • Without an inflow over time our economy and society will lose vibrancy our citizens will enjoy fewer opportunities and our shining red dot will grow dimmer .

    少了 人才的流入,新加坡的经济和社会将逐渐失去 蓬勃 朝气,能够 人民 施展才华的机会也将越来越少,而我们这个小红点也会失去 不少光彩。

  • They increased revenue because of the vibrancy of these tax cuts in the economy .

    因为这些政策使经济增加了 活力,财政收入反而有所增加。

  • You can also present her a gift certificate and a bunch of tiger lilies which certainly match the energy and vibrancy of the Aries mothers .

    如果送张礼券外加一束 纯洁的卷丹(百合的一种),那就更配 活力 四射的白羊妈妈了。

  • When they went to Washington they were impressed by the wealth of the think-tanks and the vibrancy of the conservative movement .

    当他们来到华盛顿后,智库的富有和保守党运动的 活跃 他们印象深刻。

  • Ultrasonic vibrancy honing has many advantages such as small honing force long oilstone life .

    超声 珩磨具有珩磨力小、油石不易堵塞等普通珩磨所没有的优点。

  • I enjoy the vibrancy of the city its food and culture .

    我喜欢这座城市的 活力还有它的美食与文化。

  • The vibrancy of real life is the source of inspiration for my creativity .

    现实生活的 那种 活力是我的创作灵感来源。

  • For example not all communities benefit from large numbers ; some are quite small and maintain their vibrancy through efficiency .

    例如,并不是所有社区都得益于拥有大量的成员;一些小的社区通过效率来保持它的 活力

  • Whether it is sustained weight loss renewed energy happier moods less overwhelm or increased vibrancy * women who have broken through to a new level radiate a different quality .

    对于女人来说无论减肥成功与否,新的活力,快乐的心情,缓解掉的压力或是增添的 活力,这都可以达到一种新的生活状态和心态,散发出高质量的生活 气息

  • Over the past week we have seen the glory of China 's past in Xi'an the vibrancy of its present in Beijing the promise of its future in Shanghai and Hong Kong .

    在过去的一星期,我们在西安看到了过去的中国 灿烂辉煌,在北京看到了今日的中国 生气勃勃,在上海和香港看到了未来的中国前途无量。

  • All this has created vibrancy and buzz but also dislocation and often a sense of grievance .

    这些虽然营造了 活力 氛围,但也引发了混乱, 人民怨声载道。

  • A mixed-use land development model will focus on comprehensively planned neighbourhoods maximizing vibrancy and identity in layout and design .

    混合用地发展模式聚焦于邻里 空间最佳化和有个性的平面设计。

  • They experience and contribute to the vibrancy of our downtown .

    他们体验 我们 当地商业区的 活力并为之作出贡献。

  • No one can fail to be struck by the vibrancy of new york .

    没有人不被纽约的 生气 盎然所打动。

  • The city might be grim at first but there is a vibrancy and excitement .

    这座城市最初可能 并不吸引人,但是它有一种 生机和活力。

  • She has a vibrancy about her that draws people to her .

    她身上有一 朝气,很吸引人。

  • The mosaics are joined into a harmonious whole but each piece that is each community retains its own unique colour and vibrancy .

    这些镶嵌砖都组合成一个和谐的整体,但每一个社群都有如每一块镶嵌砖,保留着它们本身独特的颜色和 活力

  • US military power is loathed ; its culture vibrancy and openness admired .

    美国的军事力量虽令人憎恶,但美国的文化、 活力和开放性则令人称赞。

  • Each community retains its own unique colour and vibrancy .

    每一个社群保留着它们本身独特的色彩和 活力